""" Recaptcha is a free captcha service offered by Google in order to secure websites and forms. At https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/create you can create new recaptcha keys and see the keys that your have already created. * Keep in mind that recaptcha doesn't work with localhost When you create a recaptcha key, your will get two separate keys: ClientKey & SecretKey. ClientKey should be kept in your site's front end SecretKey should be kept in your site's back end # An example HTML login form with recaptcha tag is shown below

Log in

{% csrf_token %}
Below a Django function for the views.py file contains a login form for demonstrating recaptcha verification. """ import requests try: from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login from django.shortcuts import redirect, render except ImportError: authenticate = login = render = redirect = print def login_using_recaptcha(request): # Enter your recaptcha secret key here secret_key = "secretKey" url = "https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify" # when method is not POST, direct user to login page if request.method != "POST": return render(request, "login.html") # from the frontend, get username, password, and client_key username = request.POST.get("username") password = request.POST.get("password") client_key = request.POST.get("g-recaptcha-response") # post recaptcha response to Google's recaptcha api response = requests.post(url, data={"secret": secret_key, "response": client_key}) # if the recaptcha api verified our keys if response.json().get("success", False): # authenticate the user user_in_database = authenticate(request, username=username, password=password) if user_in_database: login(request, user_in_database) return redirect("/your-webpage") return render(request, "login.html")