import numpy as np import requests def collect_dataset(): """Collect dataset of CSGO The dataset contains ADR vs Rating of a Player :return : dataset obtained from the link, as matrix """ response = requests.get( "" "master/Week1/ADRvsRating.csv", timeout=10, ) lines = response.text.splitlines() data = [] for item in lines: item = item.split(",") data.append(item) data.pop(0) # This is for removing the labels from the list dataset = np.matrix(data) return dataset def run_steep_gradient_descent(data_x, data_y, len_data, alpha, theta, lambda_reg): """Run steep gradient descent and updates the Feature vector accordingly :param data_x : contains the dataset :param data_y : contains the output associated with each data-entry :param len_data : length of the data :param alpha : Learning rate of the model :param theta : Feature vector (weights for our model) :param lambda_reg: Regularization parameter :return : Updated Features using curr_features - alpha_ * gradient(w.r.t. feature) """ n = len_data prod =, data_x.transpose()) prod -= data_y.transpose() sum_grad =, data_x) # Add regularization to the gradient theta_regularized = np.copy(theta) theta_regularized[0, 0] = 0 # Don't regularize the bias term sum_grad += lambda_reg * theta_regularized # Add regularization to gradient theta = theta - (alpha / n) * sum_grad return theta def sum_of_square_error(data_x, data_y, len_data, theta, lambda_reg): """Return sum of square error for error calculation :param data_x : contains our dataset :param data_y : contains the output (result vector) :param len_data : len of the dataset :param theta : contains the feature vector :param lambda_reg: Regularization parameter :return : sum of square error computed from given features """ prod =, data_x.transpose()) prod -= data_y.transpose() sum_elem = np.sum(np.square(prod)) # Add regularization to the cost function regularization_term = lambda_reg * np.sum( np.square(theta[:, 1:]) ) # Don't regularize the bias term error = (sum_elem / (2 * len_data)) + (regularization_term / (2 * len_data)) return error def run_ridge_regression(data_x, data_y, lambda_reg=1.0): """Implement Ridge Regression over the dataset :param data_x : contains our dataset :param data_y : contains the output (result vector) :param lambda_reg: Regularization parameter :return : feature for line of best fit (Feature vector) """ iterations = 100000 alpha = 0.0001550 no_features = data_x.shape[1] len_data = data_x.shape[0] theta = np.zeros((1, no_features)) for i in range(iterations): theta = run_steep_gradient_descent( data_x, data_y, len_data, alpha, theta, lambda_reg ) error = sum_of_square_error(data_x, data_y, len_data, theta, lambda_reg) print(f"At Iteration {i + 1} - Error is {error:.5f}") return theta def mean_absolute_error(predicted_y, original_y): """Return mean absolute error for error calculation :param predicted_y : contains the output of prediction (result vector) :param original_y : contains values of expected outcome :return : mean absolute error computed from given features """ total = sum(abs(y - predicted_y[i]) for i, y in enumerate(original_y)) return total / len(original_y) def main(): """Driver function""" data = collect_dataset() len_data = data.shape[0] data_x = np.c_[np.ones(len_data), data[:, :-1]].astype(float) data_y = data[:, -1].astype(float) lambda_reg = 1.0 # Set your desired regularization parameter theta = run_ridge_regression(data_x, data_y, lambda_reg) len_result = theta.shape[1] print("Resultant Feature vector : ") for i in range(len_result): print(f"{theta[0, i]:.5f}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()