def octal_to_hex(octal: str) -> str: """ Convert an Octal number to Hexadecimal number. For more information: >>> octal_to_hex("100") '0x40' >>> octal_to_hex("235") '0x9D' >>> octal_to_hex(17) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: Expected a string as input >>> octal_to_hex("Av") Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Not a Valid Octal Number >>> octal_to_hex("") Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Empty string was passed to the function """ if not isinstance(octal, str): raise TypeError("Expected a string as input") if octal.startswith("0o"): octal = octal[2:] if octal == "": raise ValueError("Empty string was passed to the function") if any(char not in "01234567" for char in octal): raise ValueError("Not a Valid Octal Number") decimal = 0 for char in octal: decimal <<= 3 decimal |= int(char) hex_char = "0123456789ABCDEF" revhex = "" while decimal: revhex += hex_char[decimal & 15] decimal >>= 4 return "0x" + revhex[::-1] if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod() nums = ["030", "100", "247", "235", "007"] ## Main Tests for num in nums: hexadecimal = octal_to_hex(num) expected = "0x" + hex(int(num, 8))[2:].upper() assert hexadecimal == expected print(f"Hex of '0o{num}' is: {hexadecimal}") print(f"Expected was: {expected}") print("---")