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synced 2025-03-03 21:38:40 +00:00
* Added doctest and more explanation about Dijkstra execution. * tests were not passing with python2 due to missing __init__.py file at number_theory folder * Removed the dot at the beginning of the imported modules names because 'python3 -m doctest -v data_structures/hashing/*.py' and 'python3 -m doctest -v data_structures/stacks/*.py' were failing not finding hash_table.py and stack.py modules. * Moved global code to main scope and added doctest for project euler problems 1 to 14. * Added test case for negative input. * Changed N variable to do not use end of line scape because in case there is a space after it the script will break making it much more error prone. * Added problems description and doctests to the ones that were missing. Limited line length to 79 and executed python black over all scripts. * Changed the way files are loaded to support pytest call. * Added __init__.py to problems to make them modules and allow pytest execution. * Added project_euler folder to test units execution * Changed 'os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))' to 'os.path.dirname()' * Added Burrows-Wheeler transform algorithm. * Added changes suggested by cclauss
177 lines
6.8 KiB
177 lines
6.8 KiB
The Burrows–Wheeler transform (BWT, also called block-sorting compression)
rearranges a character string into runs of similar characters. This is useful
for compression, since it tends to be easy to compress a string that has runs
of repeated characters by techniques such as move-to-front transform and
run-length encoding. More importantly, the transformation is reversible,
without needing to store any additional data except the position of the first
original character. The BWT is thus a "free" method of improving the efficiency
of text compression algorithms, costing only some extra computation.
from typing import List, Dict
def all_rotations(s: str) -> List[str]:
:param s: The string that will be rotated len(s) times.
:return: A list with the rotations.
:raises TypeError: If s is not an instance of str.
>>> all_rotations("^BANANA|") # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
['^BANANA|', 'BANANA|^', 'ANANA|^B', 'NANA|^BA', 'ANA|^BAN', 'NA|^BANA',
>>> all_rotations("a_asa_da_casa") # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
['a_asa_da_casa', '_asa_da_casaa', 'asa_da_casaa_', 'sa_da_casaa_a',
'a_da_casaa_as', '_da_casaa_asa', 'da_casaa_asa_', 'a_casaa_asa_d',
'_casaa_asa_da', 'casaa_asa_da_', 'asaa_asa_da_c', 'saa_asa_da_ca',
>>> all_rotations("panamabanana") # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
['panamabanana', 'anamabananap', 'namabananapa', 'amabananapan',
'mabananapana', 'abananapanam', 'bananapanama', 'ananapanamab',
'nanapanamaba', 'anapanamaban', 'napanamabana', 'apanamabanan']
>>> all_rotations(5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: The parameter s type must be str.
if not isinstance(s, str):
raise TypeError("The parameter s type must be str.")
return [s[i:] + s[:i] for i in range(len(s))]
def bwt_transform(s: str) -> Dict:
:param s: The string that will be used at bwt algorithm
:return: the string composed of the last char of each row of the ordered
rotations and the index of the original string at ordered rotations list
:raises TypeError: If the s parameter type is not str
:raises ValueError: If the s parameter is empty
>>> bwt_transform("^BANANA")
{'bwt_string': 'BNN^AAA', 'idx_original_string': 6}
>>> bwt_transform("a_asa_da_casa")
{'bwt_string': 'aaaadss_c__aa', 'idx_original_string': 3}
>>> bwt_transform("panamabanana")
{'bwt_string': 'mnpbnnaaaaaa', 'idx_original_string': 11}
>>> bwt_transform(4)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: The parameter s type must be str.
>>> bwt_transform('')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The parameter s must not be empty.
if not isinstance(s, str):
raise TypeError("The parameter s type must be str.")
if not s:
raise ValueError("The parameter s must not be empty.")
rotations = all_rotations(s)
rotations.sort() # sort the list of rotations in alphabetically order
# make a string composed of the last char of each rotation
return {
"bwt_string": "".join([word[-1] for word in rotations]),
"idx_original_string": rotations.index(s),
def reverse_bwt(bwt_string: str, idx_original_string: int) -> str:
:param bwt_string: The string returned from bwt algorithm execution
:param idx_original_string: A 0-based index of the string that was used to
generate bwt_string at ordered rotations list
:return: The string used to generate bwt_string when bwt was executed
:raises TypeError: If the bwt_string parameter type is not str
:raises ValueError: If the bwt_string parameter is empty
:raises TypeError: If the idx_original_string type is not int or if not
possible to cast it to int
:raises ValueError: If the idx_original_string value is lower than 0 or
greater than len(bwt_string) - 1
>>> reverse_bwt("BNN^AAA", 6)
>>> reverse_bwt("aaaadss_c__aa", 3)
>>> reverse_bwt("mnpbnnaaaaaa", 11)
>>> reverse_bwt(4, 11)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: The parameter bwt_string type must be str.
>>> reverse_bwt("", 11)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The parameter bwt_string must not be empty.
>>> reverse_bwt("mnpbnnaaaaaa", "asd") # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: The parameter idx_original_string type must be int or passive
of cast to int.
>>> reverse_bwt("mnpbnnaaaaaa", -1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The parameter idx_original_string must not be lower than 0.
>>> reverse_bwt("mnpbnnaaaaaa", 12) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The parameter idx_original_string must be lower than
>>> reverse_bwt("mnpbnnaaaaaa", 11.0)
>>> reverse_bwt("mnpbnnaaaaaa", 11.4)
if not isinstance(bwt_string, str):
raise TypeError("The parameter bwt_string type must be str.")
if not bwt_string:
raise ValueError("The parameter bwt_string must not be empty.")
idx_original_string = int(idx_original_string)
except ValueError:
raise TypeError(
"The parameter idx_original_string type must be int or passive"
" of cast to int."
if idx_original_string < 0:
raise ValueError(
"The parameter idx_original_string must not be lower than 0."
if idx_original_string >= len(bwt_string):
raise ValueError(
"The parameter idx_original_string must be lower than"
" len(bwt_string)."
ordered_rotations = [""] * len(bwt_string)
for x in range(len(bwt_string)):
for i in range(len(bwt_string)):
ordered_rotations[i] = bwt_string[i] + ordered_rotations[i]
return ordered_rotations[idx_original_string]
if __name__ == "__main__":
entry_msg = "Provide a string that I will generate its BWT transform: "
s = input(entry_msg).strip()
result = bwt_transform(s)
bwt_output_msg = "Burrows Wheeler tranform for string '{}' results in '{}'"
print(bwt_output_msg.format(s, result["bwt_string"]))
original_string = reverse_bwt(
result["bwt_string"], result["idx_original_string"]
fmt = (
"Reversing Burrows Wheeler tranform for entry '{}' we get original"
" string '{}'"
print(fmt.format(result["bwt_string"], original_string))