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synced 2025-02-26 02:48:40 +00:00
Also merged evaluate_postfix_notations.py and postfix_evaluation.py into postfix_evaluation.py Signed-off-by: Arijit De <arijitde2050@gmail.com>
194 lines
6.0 KiB
194 lines
6.0 KiB
The Reverse Polish Nation also known as Polish postfix notation
or simply postfix notation.
Classic examples of simple stack implementations
Valid operators are +, -, *, /.
Each operand may be an integer or another expression.
Enter a Postfix Equation (space separated) = 5 6 9 * +
Symbol | Action | Stack
5 | push(5) | 5
6 | push(6) | 5,6
9 | push(9) | 5,6,9
| pop(9) | 5,6
| pop(6) | 5
* | push(6*9) | 5,54
| pop(54) | 5
| pop(5) |
+ | push(5+54) | 59
Result = 59
import operator as op
def get_number(data: str) -> [bool, int, float, str]:
Converts the given data to appropriate number if it is indeed a number, else returns the data as it is with a False
flag. This function also serves as a check of whether the input is a number or not.
data : str
The data which needs to be converted to the appropriate number
bool, int or float
Returns a tuple of (a, b) where a is True if data is indeed a number (integer or numeric) and b is either an
integer of a floating point number. If a is False, then b is 'data'
val = int(data)
return True, val
except ValueError:
val = float(data)
return True, val
except ValueError:
return False, data
def is_operator(data: str) -> bool:
Checks whether a given input is one of the valid operators or not. Valid operators being '-', '+', '*', '^' and '/'.
data : str
The value that needs to be checked for operator
True if data is an operator else False.
if data in ['-', '+', '*', '^', '/']:
return True
return False
def evaluate(post_fix: list, verbose: bool = False) -> int:
Function that evaluates postfix expression using a stack.
>>> evaluate(["2", "1", "+", "3", "*"])
>>> evaluate(["4", "13", "5", "/", "+"])
>>> evaluate(["2", "-", "3", "+"])
>>> evaluate([])
post_fix : list
The postfix expression tokenized into operators and operands and stored as a python list
verbose : bool
Display stack contents while evaluating the expression if verbose is True
The evaluated value
stack = []
opr = {
"^": lambda p, q: p ** q,
"*": lambda p, q: p * q,
"/": lambda p, q: p / q,
"+": lambda p, q: p + q,
"-": lambda p, q: p - q,
} # operators & their respective operation
if verbose:
# print table header
print("Symbol".center(8), "Action".center(12), "Stack", sep=" | ")
print("-" * (30 + len(post_fix)))
for x in post_fix:
is_number, x = get_number(x)
if is_number: # if x is a number (integer, float)
stack.append(x) # append x to stack
if verbose:
# output in tabular format
print(str(x).rjust(8), ("push(" + str(x) + ")").ljust(12), stack, sep=" | ")
elif is_operator(x):
# If only 1 value is inside stack and + or - is encountered, then this is unary + or - case
if x in ['-', '+'] and len(stack) < 2:
b = stack.pop() # pop stack
if x == '-':
stack.append(-b) # negate b and push again into stack
else: # when x is unary +
if verbose:
# output in tabular format
print("".rjust(8), ("pop(" + str(b) + ")").ljust(12), stack, sep=" | ")
print(str(x).rjust(8), ("push(" + str(x) + str(b) + ")").ljust(12), stack, sep=" | ")
b = stack.pop() # pop stack
if verbose:
# output in tabular format
print("".rjust(8), ("pop(" + str(b) + ")").ljust(12), stack, sep=" | ")
a = stack.pop() # pop stack
if verbose:
# output in tabular format
print("".rjust(8), ("pop(" + str(a) + ")").ljust(12), stack, sep=" | ")
stack.append(opr[x](a, b)) # evaluate the 2 values popped from stack & push result to stack
if verbose:
# output in tabular format
print(str(x).rjust(8), ("push(" + str(a) + str(x) + str(b) + ")").ljust(12), stack, sep=" | ")
print(f"{x} is neither a number, nor a valid operator")
if len(stack) == 1: # If everything executed correctly, the stack will contain only one element which is the result
_, result = get_number(stack[0])
result = None
return result
def is_yes(val: str) -> bool:
Function that checks whether a user has entered any representation of a Yes (y, Y).
Any other input is considered as a No.
val : str
The value entered by user
True if Yes, otherwise False
if val in ['Y', 'y']:
return True
return False
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = True
while loop: # Creating a loop so that user can evaluate postfix expression multiple times
expression = input("Enter a Postfix Equation (space separated) For Example: 5 6 9 * +\n: ").split(" ")
choice = input("Do you want to see stack contents while evaluating? [y/N]: ")
display = is_yes(choice)
output = evaluate(expression, display)
if output is not None:
print("Result = ", output)
choice = input("Do you want to enter another expression? [y/N]: ")
loop = is_yes(choice)