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synced 2025-02-23 09:38:27 +00:00
To extend the current solution to support even larger ranges of numbers beyond 1,000,000, we can enhance the Roman numeral system to use additional notation for larger values. In Roman numerals, there is no native representation for numbers greater than 1,000,000.
57 lines
2.4 KiB
57 lines
2.4 KiB
(1000000, "M_"), (900000, "C_M_"), (500000, "D_"), (400000, "C_D_"),
(100000, "C_"), (90000, "X_C_"), (50000, "L_"), (40000, "X_L_"),
(10000, "X_"), (9000, "I_X_"), (5000, "V_"), (4000, "I_V_"),
(1000, "M"), (900, "CM"), (500, "D"), (400, "CD"),
(100, "C"), (90, "XC"), (50, "L"), (40, "XL"),
(10, "X"), (9, "IX"), (5, "V"), (4, "IV"), (1, "I")
def roman_to_int(roman: str) -> int:
Convert a Roman numeral to an integer, supporting Vinculum notation (underscore _ represents 1000 times).
LeetCode No. 13 Roman to Integer
Given a roman numeral, convert it to an integer.
Input is guaranteed to be within the range from 1 to 3999.
>>> all(roman_to_int(key) == value for key, value in tests.items())
>>> tests = {"III": 3, "CLIV": 154, "MIX": 1009, "MMD": 2500, "MMMCMXCIX": 3999, "I_V_": 4000, "X_": 10000, "M_": 1000000}
>>> all(roman_to_int(key) == value for key, value in tests.items())
vals = {
"I": 1, "V": 5, "X": 10, "L": 50, "C": 100, "D": 500, "M": 1000,
"I_": 1000, "V_": 5000, "X_": 10000, "L_": 50000, "C_": 100000, "D_": 500000, "M_": 1000000
i, total = 0, 0
while i < len(roman):
if i + 1 < len(roman) and (roman[i:i+2] in vals): # 处理 `_` 记法
total += vals[roman[i:i+2]]
i += 2
total += vals[roman[i]]
i += 1
return total
def int_to_roman(number: int) -> str:
Convert an integer to a Roman numeral, supporting Vinculum notation (underscore _ represents 1000 times).
Given a integer, convert it to an roman numeral.
>>> tests = {"III": 3, "CLIV": 154, "MIX": 1009, "MMD": 2500, "MMMCMXCIX": 3999, "I_V_": 4000, "X_": 10000, "M_": 1000000}
>>> all(int_to_roman(value) == key for key, value in tests.items())
if not isinstance(number, int) or number < 1:
raise ValueError("Input must be a positive integer greater than 0")
result = []
for arabic, roman in ROMAN:
factor, number = divmod(number, arabic)
result.append(roman * factor)
if number == 0:
return "".join(result)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest