2018-10-19 17:38:11 -05:00

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!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT 2 /extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/
!_TAG_FILE_SORTED 1 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/
!_TAG_OUTPUT_MODE u-ctags /u-ctags or e-ctags/
!_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR Universal Ctags Team //
!_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME Universal Ctags /Derived from Exuberant Ctags/
!_TAG_PROGRAM_URL /official site/
!_TAG_PROGRAM_VERSION 0.0.0 /619a6fac/
- returns a random matrix WxH with integer components between 'a' and 'b' linear_algebra_python/ /^ - returns a random matrix WxH with integer components between 'a' and 'b' $/;" s
A data_structures/binary tree/ /^ A = [1,2,-4,7,3,-5,6,11,-20,9,14,15,5,2,-8]$/;" v
AVL data_structures/ /^class AVL:$/;" c
AdjacencyList data_structures/graph/ /^class AdjacencyList(object):$/;" c
All algorithms implemented in Python (for education) /^### All algorithms implemented in Python (for education)$/;" S
Array Elements sorts/ /^## Array Elements$/;" s
BFS data_structures/graph/ /^ def BFS(self, startVertex):$/;" m class:Graph
BFS networking_flow/ /^def BFS(graph, s, t, parent):$/;" f
BFS networking_flow/ /^def BFS(graph, s, t, parent):$/;" f
BLOCK_FILENAME_FORMAT sorts/ /^ BLOCK_FILENAME_FORMAT = 'block_{0}.dat'$/;" v class:FileSplitter
BPNN neural_network/ /^class BPNN():$/;" c
BYTE_SIZE ciphers/ /^BYTE_SIZE = 256$/;" v
BellmanFord data_structures/graph/ /^def BellmanFord(graph, V, E, src):$/;" f
Binary /^### Binary$/;" S
BinarySearchTree data_structures/binary tree/ /^class BinarySearchTree:$/;" c
Bubble /^### Bubble$/;" S
Bucket /^### Bucket$/;" S
CNN neural_network/ /^class CNN():$/;" c
Caesar /^### Caesar$/;" S
CeilIndex dynamic_programming/longest_increasing_subsequence_O(nlogn).py /^def CeilIndex(v,l,r,key):$/;" f
Ciphers /^## Ciphers$/;" s
Cocktail shaker /^### Cocktail shaker$/;" S
DFS data_structures/graph/ /^ def DFS(self):$/;" m class:Graph
DFSRec data_structures/graph/ /^ def DFSRec(self, startVertex, visited):$/;" m class:Graph
DISTANCE searches/ /^DISTANCE = 105$/;" v
Decision_Tree machine_learning/ /^class Decision_Tree:$/;" c
DenseLayer neural_network/ /^class DenseLayer():$/;" c
Dijkstra data_structures/graph/ /^def Dijkstra(graph, V, src):$/;" f
Documentation linear_algebra_python/ /^## Documentation $/;" s
DoubleHash data_structures/hashing/ /^class DoubleHash(HashTable):$/;" c
E data_structures/graph/ /^E = int(raw_input("Enter number of edges: "))$/;" v
E data_structures/graph/ /^E = int(raw_input("Enter number of edges: "))$/;" v
E data_structures/graph/ /^E = int(raw_input("Enter number of edges: "))$/;" v
ENGLISH_WORDS other/ /^ENGLISH_WORDS = loadDictionary()$/;" v
EditDistance dynamic_programming/ /^class EditDistance:$/;" c
ExternalSort sorts/ /^class ExternalSort(object):$/;" c
F dynamic_programming/ /^ F = [[0]*(w + 1)] + [[0] + [-1 for i in range(w + 1)] for j in range(n + 1)]$/;" v
FIRST_SOLUTION searches/ /^FIRST_SOLUTION = ['a', 'c', 'b', 'd', 'e', 'a']$/;" v
FYshuffle other/ /^def FYshuffle(LIST):$/;" f
FenwickTree data_structures/binary tree/ /^class FenwickTree:$/;" c
Fibonacci dynamic_programming/ /^class Fibonacci:$/;" c
FileMerger sorts/ /^class FileMerger(object):$/;" c
FileSplitter sorts/ /^class FileSplitter(object):$/;" c
FilesArray sorts/ /^class FilesArray(object):$/;" c
FloydWarshall data_structures/graph/ /^def FloydWarshall(graph, V):$/;" f
FordFulkerson networking_flow/ /^def FordFulkerson(graph, source, sink):$/;" f
Graph data_structures/graph/ /^class Graph():$/;" c
Graph data_structures/graph/ /^class Graph():$/;" c
Graph data_structures/graph/ /^class Graph:$/;" c
Graph data_structures/graph/ /^class Graph:$/;" c
Graph data_structures/graph/ /^class Graph:$/;" c
Graph dynamic_programming/ /^class Graph:$/;" c
HOST simple_client_server/ /^HOST, PORT = '', 1400$/;" v
HOST simple_client_server/ /^HOST, PORT = '', 1400$/;" v
HashTable data_structures/hashing/ /^class HashTable:$/;" c
HashTableWithLinkedList data_structures/hashing/ /^class HashTableWithLinkedList(HashTable):$/;" c
Heap /^### Heap$/;" S
Heap data_structures/heap/ /^class Heap:$/;" c
InPreOrder data_structures/binary tree/ /^def InPreOrder(curr_node):$/;" f
Insertion /^### Insertion$/;" S
Interpolation /^## Interpolation$/;" s
Jump Search /^## Jump Search$/;" s
K hashes/ /^K = [0.33, 0.44, 0.55, 0.44, 0.33]; t = 3; m = 5$/;" v
L arithmetic_analysis/ /^L,U = LUDecompose(matrix)$/;" v
LEARNING_RATE machine_learning/ /^LEARNING_RATE = 0.009$/;" v
LUDecompose arithmetic_analysis/ /^def LUDecompose (table):$/;" f
Linear /^### Linear$/;" S
Linear algebra library for Python linear_algebra_python/ /^# Linear algebra library for Python $/;" c
LinearCongruentialGenerator other/ /^class LinearCongruentialGenerator(object):$/;" c
Link data_structures/linked_list/ /^class Link:$/;" c
LinkedList data_structures/linked_list/ /^class LinkedList:$/;" c
LinkedList data_structures/linked_list/ /^class LinkedList:$/;" c
Linked_List data_structures/linked_list/ /^class Linked_List:$/;" c
LongestIncreasingSubsequenceLength dynamic_programming/longest_increasing_subsequence_O(nlogn).py /^def LongestIncreasingSubsequenceLength(v):$/;" f
M sorts/ /^M = np.load(outfile)$/;" v
MF_knapsack dynamic_programming/ /^def MF_knapsack(i,wt,val,j):$/;" f
Matrix linear_algebra_python/src/ /^class Matrix(object):$/;" c
MatrixChainOrder dynamic_programming/ /^def MatrixChainOrder(array):$/;" f
Merge /^### Merge$/;" S
N data_structures/binary tree/ /^ N = 15$/;" v
N project_euler/problem_09/ /^N = int(raw_input())$/;" v
NEIGHBOURHOOD_OF_SOLUTIONS searches/ /^NEIGHBOURHOOD_OF_SOLUTIONS = [['a', 'e', 'b', 'd', 'c', 'a', 90],$/;" v
NEIGHBOURS_DICT searches/ /^NEIGHBOURS_DICT = {'a': [['b', '20'], ['c', '18'], ['d', '22'], ['e', '26']],$/;" v
NWayMerge sorts/ /^class NWayMerge(object):$/;" c
NewtonRaphson arithmetic_analysis/ /^def NewtonRaphson(func, a):$/;" f
Node data_structures/ /^class Node:$/;" c
Node data_structures/binary tree/ /^class Node:$/;" c
Node data_structures/linked_list/ /^class Node:$/;" c
Node data_structures/linked_list/ /^class Node: # create a Node$/;" c
Normal Distribution QuickSort sorts/ /^# Normal Distribution QuickSort$/;" c
Note: simple_client_server/ /^#### Note:$/;" t
Onepad ciphers/ /^class Onepad:$/;" c
Overview linear_algebra_python/ /^## Overview $/;" s
PORT simple_client_server/ /^HOST, PORT = '', 1400$/;" v
PORT simple_client_server/ /^HOST, PORT = '', 1400$/;" v
PROGNAME other/ /^PROGNAME = 'Sierpinski Triangle'$/;" v
Perceptron machine_learning/ /^class Perceptron:$/;" c
Perceptron neural_network/ /^class Perceptron:$/;" c
Plotting the function for Checking 'The Number of Comparisons' taking place between Normal Distribution QuickSort and Ordinary QuickSort sorts/ /^## Plotting the function for Checking 'The Number of Comparisons' taking place between Normal Di/;" s
PrimsAlgorithm graphs/ /^def PrimsAlgorithm(l):$/;" f
PrintOptimalSolution dynamic_programming/ /^def PrintOptimalSolution(OptimalSolution,i,j):$/;" f
PriorityQueue data_structures/graph/ /^class PriorityQueue:$/;" c
PriorityQueue graphs/ /^class PriorityQueue:$/;" c
ProjectEuler project_euler/ /^# ProjectEuler$/;" c
QuadraticProbing data_structures/hashing/ /^class QuadraticProbing(HashTable):$/;" c
QuadraticProbing data_structures/hashing/ /^class QuadraticProbing(HashTable):$/;" c
Queue data_structures/queue/ /^class Queue():$/;" c
Queue data_structures/queue/ /^class Queue():$/;" c
Quick /^### Quick$/;" S
Quick Select /^## Quick Select$/;" s
ROT13 /^## ROT13$/;" s
RSA (RivestShamirAdleman) /^### RSA (RivestShamirAdleman)$/;" S
Radix /^### Radix$/;" S
ReadModel neural_network/ /^ def ReadModel(cls,model_path):$/;" m class:CNN
ReceiveFile file_transfer_protocol/ /^def ReceiveFile():$/;" f
Representational analysis/compression_analysis/ /^def Representational(r,g,b):$/;" f
S data_structures/stacks/ /^S = [0 for i in range(len(price)+1)] $/;" v
S1 dynamic_programming/ /^ S1 = raw_input().strip()$/;" v
S2 dynamic_programming/ /^ S2 = raw_input().strip()$/;" v
SHA1Hash hashes/ /^class SHA1Hash:$/;" c
SHA1HashTest hashes/ /^class SHA1HashTest(unittest.TestCase):$/;" c
SOE other/ /^def SOE(n):$/;" f
SYMBOLS ciphers/ /^SYMBOLS = """ !"#$%&'()*+,-.\/0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnop/;" v
Search Algorithms /^## Search Algorithms$/;" s
SegmentTree data_structures/binary tree/ /^class SegmentTree:$/;" c
Selection /^### Selection$/;" S
SendFile file_transfer_protocol/ /^def SendFile():$/;" f
Shell /^### Shell$/;" S
Sort Algorithms /^## Sort Algorithms$/;" s
Source: [Wikipedia]( /^###### Source: [Wikipedia](https:\/\/\/wiki\/Caesar_cipher)$/;" u
Source: [Wikipedia]( /^###### Source: [Wikipedia](https:\/\/\/wiki\/Interpolation_search)$/;" u
Source: [Wikipedia]( /^###### Source: [Wikipedia](https:\/\/\/wiki\/Jump_search)$/;" u
Source: [Wikipedia]( /^###### Source: [Wikipedia](https:\/\/\/wiki\/Quickselect)$/;" u
Source: [Wikipedia]( /^###### Source: [Wikipedia](https:\/\/\/wiki\/ROT13)$/;" u
Source: [Wikipedia]( /^###### Source: [Wikipedia](https:\/\/\/wiki\/RSA_(cryptosystem))$/;" u
Source: [Wikipedia]( /^###### Source: [Wikipedia](https:\/\/\/wiki\/Tabu_search)$/;" u
Source: [Wikipedia]( /^###### Source: [Wikipedia](https:\/\/\/wiki\/Transposition_cipher)$/;" u
Source: [Wikipedia]( /^###### Source: [Wikipedia](https:\/\/\/wiki\/Vigen%C3%A8re_cipher)$/;" u
Source: [Wikipedia]( /^###### Source: [Wikipedia](https:\/\/\/wiki\/XOR_cipher)$/;" u
Stack data_structures/stacks/ /^class Stack:$/;" c
Stack data_structures/stacks/ /^class Stack(object):$/;" c
StackOverflowError data_structures/stacks/ /^class StackOverflowError(BaseException):$/;" c
SubArray dynamic_programming/ /^class SubArray:$/;" c
T project_euler/problem_02/ /^T = int(input().strip())$/;" v
TAG machine_learning/ /^TAG = 'K-MEANS-CLUST\/ '$/;" v
TEST_FILE searches/ /^TEST_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '.\/tabuTestData.txt')$/;" v
TFKMeansCluster dynamic_programming/ /^def TFKMeansCluster(vectors, noofclusters):$/;" f
Tabu /^## Tabu$/;" s
Test linear_algebra_python/src/ /^class Test(unittest.TestCase):$/;" c
TestClass searches/ /^class TestClass(unittest.TestCase):$/;" c
TestUnionFind data_structures/union_find/ /^class TestUnionFind(unittest.TestCase):$/;" c
Tests linear_algebra_python/ /^## Tests $/;" s
The Algorithms - Python <!-- [![Build Status](]( --> /^# The Algorithms - Python <!-- [![Build Status](https:\/\/\/TheAlgorithms\/Python.s/;" c
The Distribution of the Array elements. sorts/ /^#### The Distribution of the Array elements.$/;" t
The code sorts/ /^#### The code$/;" t
Time-Complexity Graphs /^### Time-Complexity Graphs$/;" S
Topological /^### Topological$/;" S
Transposition /^### Transposition$/;" S
TreeNode traversals/ /^class TreeNode:$/;" c
TrieNode data_structures/trie/ /^class TrieNode:$/;" c
U arithmetic_analysis/ /^L,U = LUDecompose(matrix)$/;" v
UnionFind data_structures/union_find/ /^class UnionFind():$/;" c
Usage linear_algebra_python/ /^## Usage $/;" s
V data_structures/graph/ /^V = int(raw_input("Enter number of vertices: "))$/;" v
V data_structures/graph/ /^V = int(raw_input("Enter number of vertices: "))$/;" v
V data_structures/graph/ /^V = int(raw_input("Enter number of vertices: "))$/;" v
Vector linear_algebra_python/src/ /^class Vector(object):$/;" c
View the algorithm in [action]( /^###### View the algorithm in [action](https:\/\/\/developers\/sorting-algorithms\//;" u
View the algorithm in [action][bubble-toptal] /^###### View the algorithm in [action][bubble-toptal]$/;" u
View the algorithm in [action][insertion-toptal] /^###### View the algorithm in [action][insertion-toptal]$/;" u
View the algorithm in [action][merge-toptal] /^###### View the algorithm in [action][merge-toptal]$/;" u
View the algorithm in [action][quick-toptal] /^###### View the algorithm in [action][quick-toptal]$/;" u
View the algorithm in [action][selection-toptal] /^###### View the algorithm in [action][selection-toptal]$/;" u
View the algorithm in [action][shell-toptal] /^###### View the algorithm in [action][shell-toptal]$/;" u
Vigenère /^### Vigenère$/;" S
W1 graphs/ /^W1 = 1$/;" v
W2 graphs/ /^W2 = 1$/;" v
X sorts/ /^X = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, p)$/;" v
XOR /^## XOR$/;" s
XORCipher ciphers/ /^class XORCipher(object):$/;" c
_ strings/ /^ _, operations = compute_transform_tables('Python', 'Algorithms', -1, 1, 2, 2)$/;" v
__InOrderTraversal data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def __InOrderTraversal(self, curr_node):$/;" m class:BinarySearchTree file:
__add__ linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def __add__(self,other):$/;" m class:Matrix
__add__ linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def __add__(self,other):$/;" m class:Vector
__assert_sorted searches/ /^def __assert_sorted(collection):$/;" f
__assert_sorted searches/ /^def __assert_sorted(collection):$/;" f
__assert_sorted searches/ /^def __assert_sorted(collection):$/;" f
__author__ data_structures/stacks/ /^__author__ = 'Omkar Pathak'$/;" v
__author__ data_structures/stacks/ /^__author__ = 'Omkar Pathak'$/;" v
__author__ data_structures/stacks/ /^__author__ = 'Omkar Pathak'$/;" v
__author__ other/ /^__author__ = "Tobias Carryer"$/;" v
__bool__ data_structures/stacks/ /^ def __bool__(self):$/;" m class:Stack
__hash_double_function data_structures/hashing/ /^ def __hash_double_function(self, key, data, increment):$/;" m class:DoubleHash file:
__hash_function_2 data_structures/hashing/ /^ def __hash_function_2(self, value, data):$/;" m class:DoubleHash file:
__init__ ciphers/ /^ def __init__(self, key = 0):$/;" m class:XORCipher
__init__ data_structures/ /^ def __init__(self):$/;" m class:AVL
__init__ data_structures/ /^ def __init__(self, label):$/;" m class:Node
__init__ data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def __init__(self):$/;" m class:BinarySearchTree
__init__ data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def __init__(self, label, parent):$/;" m class:Node
__init__ data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def __init__(self, SIZE): # create fenwick tree with size SIZE$/;" m class:FenwickTree
__init__ data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def __init__(self, N):$/;" m class:SegmentTree
__init__ data_structures/graph/ /^ def __init__(self):$/;" m class:Graph
__init__ data_structures/graph/ /^ def __init__(self):$/;" m class:Graph
__init__ data_structures/graph/ /^ def __init__(self):$/;" m class:PriorityQueue
__init__ data_structures/graph/ /^ def __init__(self, num):$/;" m class:Graph
__init__ data_structures/graph/ /^ def __init__(self):$/;" m class:AdjacencyList
__init__ data_structures/graph/ /^ def __init__(self, vertex):$/;" m class:Graph
__init__ data_structures/graph/ /^ def __init__(self, vertex):$/;" m class:Graph
__init__ data_structures/hashing/ /^ def __init__(self):$/;" m class:QuadraticProbing
__init__ data_structures/hashing/ /^ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):$/;" m class:DoubleHash
__init__ data_structures/hashing/ /^ def __init__(self, size_table, charge_factor=None, lim_charge=None):$/;" m class:HashTable
__init__ data_structures/hashing/ /^ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):$/;" m class:HashTableWithLinkedList
__init__ data_structures/hashing/ /^ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):$/;" m class:QuadraticProbing
__init__ data_structures/heap/ /^ def __init__(self):$/;" m class:Heap
__init__ data_structures/linked_list/ /^ def __init__(self):$/;" m class:LinkedList
__init__ data_structures/linked_list/ /^ def __init__(self, item, next):$/;" m class:Node
__init__ data_structures/linked_list/ /^ def __init__(self):$/;" m class:LinkedList
__init__ data_structures/linked_list/ /^ def __init__(self, x):$/;" m class:Link
__init__ data_structures/linked_list/ /^ def __init__(self, data):$/;" m class:Node
__init__ data_structures/queue/ /^ def __init__(self):$/;" m class:Queue
__init__ data_structures/queue/ /^ def __init__(self):$/;" m class:Queue
__init__ data_structures/stacks/ /^ def __init__(self):$/;" m class:Stack
__init__ data_structures/stacks/ /^ def __init__(self, limit=10):$/;" m class:Stack
__init__ data_structures/trie/ /^ def __init__(self):$/;" m class:TrieNode
__init__ data_structures/union_find/ /^ def __init__(self, size):$/;" m class:UnionFind
__init__ dynamic_programming/ /^ def __init__(self):$/;" m class:EditDistance
__init__ dynamic_programming/ /^ def __init__(self, N=None):$/;" m class:Fibonacci
__init__ dynamic_programming/ /^ def __init__(self, N = 0): # a graph with Node 0,1,...,N-1$/;" m class:Graph
__init__ dynamic_programming/ /^ def __init__(self, arr):$/;" m class:SubArray
__init__ graphs/ /^ def __init__(self):$/;" m class:PriorityQueue
__init__ hashes/ /^ def __init__(self, data):$/;" m class:SHA1Hash
__init__ linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def __init__(self,components):$/;" m class:Vector
__init__ linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def __init__(self,matrix,w,h):$/;" m class:Matrix
__init__ machine_learning/ /^ def __init__(self, depth = 5, min_leaf_size = 5):$/;" m class:Decision_Tree
__init__ machine_learning/ /^ def __init__(self, sample, exit, learn_rate=0.01, epoch_number=1000, bias=-1):$/;" m class:Perceptron
__init__ neural_network/ /^ def __init__(self):$/;" m class:BPNN
__init__ neural_network/ /^ def __init__(self,units,activation=None,learning_rate=None,is_input_layer=False):$/;" m class:DenseLayer
__init__ neural_network/ /^ def __init__(self,conv1_get,size_p1,bp_num1,bp_num2,bp_num3,rate_w=0.2,rate_t=0.2):$/;" m class:CNN
__init__ neural_network/ /^ def __init__(self, sample, exit, learn_rate=0.01, epoch_number=1000, bias=-1):$/;" m class:Perceptron
__init__ other/ /^ def __init__( self, multiplier, increment, modulo, seed=int(time()) ):$/;" m class:LinearCongruentialGenerator
__init__ sorts/ /^ def __init__(self, block_size):$/;" m class:ExternalSort
__init__ sorts/ /^ def __init__(self, filename):$/;" m class:FileSplitter
__init__ sorts/ /^ def __init__(self, files):$/;" m class:FilesArray
__init__ sorts/ /^ def __init__(self, merge_strategy):$/;" m class:FileMerger
__init__ sorts/ /^ def __init__(self, val):$/;" m class:node
__init__ traversals/ /^ def __init__(self, data):$/;" m class:TreeNode
__isRightChildren data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def __isRightChildren(self, node):$/;" m class:BinarySearchTree file:
__judge_point other/game_of_life/ /^def __judge_point(pt,neighbours):$/;" f
__mul__ linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def __mul__(self,other):$/;" m class:Matrix
__mul__ linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def __mul__(self,other):$/;" m class:Vector
__prepare__ dynamic_programming/ /^ def __prepare__(self, N = 0, M = 0):$/;" m class:EditDistance
__reassignNodes data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def __reassignNodes(self, node, newChildren):$/;" m class:BinarySearchTree file:
__solveDP dynamic_programming/ /^ def __solveDP(self, x, y):$/;" m class:EditDistance file:
__str__ data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def __str__(self):$/;" m class:BinarySearchTree
__str__ data_structures/queue/ /^ def __str__(self):$/;" m class:Queue
__str__ data_structures/queue/ /^ def __str__(self):$/;" m class:Queue
__str__ data_structures/stacks/ /^ def __str__(self):$/;" m class:Stack
__str__ linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def __str__(self):$/;" m class:Matrix
__str__ linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def __str__(self):$/;" m class:Vector
__sub__ linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def __sub__(self,other):$/;" m class:Matrix
__sub__ linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def __sub__(self,other):$/;" m class:Vector
_calculate_gradient_from_pool neural_network/ /^ def _calculate_gradient_from_pool(self,out_map,pd_pool,num_map,size_map,size_pooling):$/;" m class:CNN
_colision_resolution data_structures/hashing/ /^ def _colision_resolution(self, key, data=None):$/;" m class:DoubleHash
_colision_resolution data_structures/hashing/ /^ def _colision_resolution(self, key, data=None):$/;" m class:HashTable
_colision_resolution data_structures/hashing/ /^ def _colision_resolution(self, key, data=None):$/;" m class:HashTableWithLinkedList
_colision_resolution data_structures/hashing/ /^ def _colision_resolution(self, key, data=None):$/;" m class:QuadraticProbing
_error machine_learning/ /^def _error(example_no, data_set='train'):$/;" f
_expand neural_network/ /^ def _expand(self,datas):$/;" m class:CNN
_expand_mat neural_network/ /^ def _expand_mat(self,data_mat):$/;" m class:CNN
_fib dynamic_programming/ /^def _fib(n: int): # noqa: E999 This syntax is Python 3 only$/;" f
_hypothesis_value machine_learning/ /^def _hypothesis_value(data_input_tuple):$/;" f
_inPlacePartition sorts/ /^def _inPlacePartition(A,start,end):$/;" f
_inPlaceQuickSort sorts/ /^def _inPlaceQuickSort(A,start,end): $/;" f
_partition searches/ /^def _partition(data, pivot):$/;" f
_root data_structures/union_find/ /^ def _root(self, u):$/;" m class:UnionFind
_set_value data_structures/hashing/ /^ def _set_value(self, key, data):$/;" m class:HashTable
_set_value data_structures/hashing/ /^ def _set_value(self, key, data):$/;" m class:HashTableWithLinkedList
_step_by_step data_structures/hashing/ /^ def _step_by_step(self, step_ord):$/;" m class:HashTable
_validate_element_range data_structures/union_find/ /^ def _validate_element_range(self, u, element_name):$/;" m class:UnionFind
a graphs/ /^a = search(grid,init,goal,cost,heuristic)$/;" v
a project_euler/problem_02/ /^ a=b$/;" v
a project_euler/problem_02/ /^a=0$/;" v
abbr dynamic_programming/ /^def abbr(a, b):$/;" f
add data_structures/linked_list/ /^ def add(self, item):$/;" m class:LinkedList
addEdge data_structures/graph/ /^ def addEdge(self, fromVertex, toVertex):$/;" m class:Graph
addEdge data_structures/graph/ /^ def addEdge(self, fromVertex, toVertex):$/;" m class:Graph
addEdge data_structures/graph/ /^ def addEdge(self, fromVertex, toVertex):$/;" m class:AdjacencyList
addEdge dynamic_programming/ /^ def addEdge(self, u, v, w):$/;" m class:Graph
add_edge data_structures/graph/ /^ def add_edge(self, u, v, w):$/;" m class:Graph
add_edge data_structures/graph/ /^ def add_edge(self, u, v):$/;" m class:Graph
add_edge data_structures/graph/ /^ def add_edge(self, u, v):$/;" m class:Graph
add_layer neural_network/ /^ def add_layer(self,layer):$/;" m class:BPNN
addr file_transfer_protocol/ /^ conn, addr = s.accept() # Establish connection with client.$/;" v
addr simple_client_server/ /^conn, addr = s.accept()$/;" v
adjlist graphs/ /^adjlist = defaultdict(list)$/;" v
adjm graphs/ /^def adjm():$/;" f
al data_structures/graph/ /^ al = AdjacencyList()$/;" v
all_anagrams other/ /^all_anagrams = {word: anagram(word)$/;" v
anagram other/ /^def anagram(myword):$/;" f
answer project_euler/problem_20/ /^answer = split_and_add(factorial)$/;" v
args dynamic_programming/ /^ args = sys.argv[1:]$/;" v
arr data_structures/ /^arr = [10, 20, 30, 40]$/;" v
arr data_structures/stacks/ /^arr = [11,13,21,3]$/;" v
arr project_euler/problem_04/ /^arr = []$/;" v
arr searches/ /^arr = [ 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610]$/;" v
array dynamic_programming/ /^ array = SubArray(whole_array)$/;" v
array project_euler/problem_13/ /^array = []$/;" v
assemble_transformation strings/ /^def assemble_transformation(ops, i, j):$/;" f
assign_clusters machine_learning/ /^def assign_clusters(data, centroids):$/;" f
ax other/game_of_life/ /^ fig, ax = plt.subplots()$/;" v
axpy linear_algebra_python/src/ /^def axpy(scalar,x,y):$/;" f
b project_euler/problem_02/ /^ b=c$/;" v
b project_euler/problem_02/ /^b=2$/;" v
b project_euler/problem_09/ /^ b=(N*N-2*a*N)\/\/(2*N-2*a)$/;" v
b_expo other/ /^def b_expo(a, b):$/;" f
b_expo other/ /^def b_expo(a, b):$/;" f
b_expo_mod other/ /^def b_expo_mod(a, b, c):$/;" f
b_expo_mod other/ /^def b_expo_mod(a, b, c):$/;" f
back_propagation neural_network/ /^ def back_propagation(self,gradient):$/;" m class:DenseLayer
balanced_factor data_structures/hashing/ /^ def balanced_factor(self):$/;" m class:HashTable
balanced_factor data_structures/hashing/ /^ def balanced_factor(self):$/;" m class:HashTableWithLinkedList
balanced_parentheses data_structures/stacks/ /^def balanced_parentheses(parentheses):$/;" f
bfs graphs/ /^def bfs(G, s):$/;" f
bfs graphs/ /^ def bfs():$/;" f function:checkBipartite file:
binary_search searches/ /^def binary_search(sorted_collection, item):$/;" f
binary_search sorts/ /^def binary_search(lst, item, start, end):$/;" f
binary_search_by_recursion searches/ /^def binary_search_by_recursion(sorted_collection, item, left, right):$/;" f
binary_search_std_lib searches/ /^def binary_search_std_lib(sorted_collection, item):$/;" f
bisection arithmetic_analysis/ /^def bisection(function, a, b): # finds where the function becomes 0 in [a,b] using bolzano$/;" f
blocks graphs/ /^blocks = blocks_blk$/;" v
blocks_all graphs/ /^blocks_all = make_common_ground()$/;" v
blocks_blk graphs/ /^blocks_blk = [(0, 1),(1, 1),(2, 1),(3, 1),(4, 1),(5, 1),(6, 1),(7, 1),(8, 1),(9, 1),(10, 1),(11,/;" v
blocks_no graphs/ /^blocks_no = []$/;" v
bogosort sorts/ /^def bogosort(collection):$/;" f
bottomToTop graphs/ /^ def bottomToTop(val, index, heap, position):$/;" f function:PrimsAlgorithm file:
brute_force ciphers/ /^def brute_force(strng):$/;" f
bubble_sort sorts/ /^def bubble_sort(arr):$/;" f
bucketSort sorts/ /^def bucketSort(myList, bucketSize=DEFAULT_BUCKET_SIZE):$/;" f
buffer_space hashes/ /^buffer_space, params_space = [], []$/;" v
build data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def build(self, idx, l, r, A):$/;" m class:SegmentTree
build neural_network/ /^ def build(self):$/;" m class:BPNN
buildHeap data_structures/heap/ /^ def buildHeap(self,a):$/;" m class:Heap
build_tree traversals/ /^def build_tree():$/;" f
bulk_insert data_structures/hashing/ /^ def bulk_insert(self, values):$/;" m class:HashTable
c ciphers/ /^ c, k = Onepad().encrypt('Hello')$/;" v
c other/game_of_life/ /^ c = run(c) $/;" v
c other/game_of_life/ /^ c=create_canvas(canvas_size)$/;" v
c project_euler/problem_02/ /^ c=4*b+a$/;" v
c project_euler/problem_09/ /^ c=N-a-b$/;" v
cal_gradient neural_network/ /^ def cal_gradient(self):$/;" m class:DenseLayer
cal_loss neural_network/ /^ def cal_loss(self,ydata,ydata_):$/;" m class:BPNN
calculate analysis/compression_analysis/ /^def calculate(img):$/;" f
calculateSpan data_structures/stacks/ /^def calculateSpan(price, S): $/;" f
calculate_hypothesis_value machine_learning/ /^def calculate_hypothesis_value(example_no, data_set):$/;" f
canvas_size other/game_of_life/ /^ canvas_size = int(sys.argv[1])$/;" v
centroid_pairwise_dist machine_learning/ /^def centroid_pairwise_dist(X,centroids):$/;" f
centroids machine_learning/ /^ centroids, cluster_assignment = kmeans(dataset['data'], k, initial_centroids, maxiter=400,$/;" v
changeComponent linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def changeComponent(self,pos,value):$/;" m class:Vector
changeComponent linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def changeComponent(self,x,y, value):$/;" m class:Matrix
chars other/ /^chars = letters + digits + symbols$/;" v
check boolean_algebra/ /^def check(binary):$/;" f
checkBipartite graphs/ /^def checkBipartite(l):$/;" f
checkKeys ciphers/ /^def checkKeys(keyA, keyB, mode):$/;" f
checkValidKey ciphers/ /^def checkValidKey(key):$/;" f
check_prime data_structures/hashing/number_theory/ /^def check_prime(number):$/;" f
choice other/game_of_life/ /^choice = [0]*100 + [1]*10$/;" v
chunker ciphers/ /^def chunker(seq, size):$/;" f
cleanup sorts/ /^ def cleanup(self):$/;" m class:FileSplitter
cluster_assignment machine_learning/ /^ centroids, cluster_assignment = kmeans(dataset['data'], k, initial_centroids, maxiter=400,$/;" v
cmap other/game_of_life/ /^ cmap = ListedColormap(['w','k'])$/;" v
cocktail_shaker_sort sorts/ /^def cocktail_shaker_sort(unsorted):$/;" f
collect_dataset machine_learning/ /^def collect_dataset():$/;" f
collection searches/ /^ collection = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
collection searches/ /^ collection = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
collection searches/ /^ collection = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
comb_sort sorts/ /^def comb_sort(data):$/;" f
combinations project_euler/problem_53/ /^def combinations(n, r):$/;" f
compare_string boolean_algebra/ /^def compare_string(string1, string2):$/;" f
component graphs/ /^component = []$/;" v
component linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def component(self,i):$/;" m class:Vector
component linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def component(self,x,y):$/;" m class:Matrix
computeAP graphs/ /^def computeAP(l):$/;" f
computeBridges graphs/ /^def computeBridges(l):$/;" f
compute_heterogeneity machine_learning/ /^def compute_heterogeneity(data, k, centroids, cluster_assignment):$/;" f
compute_transform_tables strings/ /^def compute_transform_tables(X, Y, cC, cR, cD, cI):$/;" f
conn file_transfer_protocol/ /^ conn, addr = s.accept() # Establish connection with client.$/;" v
conn simple_client_server/ /^conn, addr = s.accept()$/;" v
consistent_hueristic graphs/ /^def consistent_hueristic(P, goal):$/;" f
constant project_euler/problem_40/ /^constant = ''.join(constant)$/;" v
constant project_euler/problem_40/ /^constant = []$/;" v
convolute neural_network/ /^ def convolute(self,data,convs,w_convs,thre_convs,conv_step):$/;" m class:CNN
convolution neural_network/ /^ def convolution(self,data):$/;" m class:CNN
copy linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def copy(self):$/;" m class:Vector
cost graphs/ /^cost = 1$/;" v
cost graphs/ /^ node1, node2, cost = list(map(int,raw_input().split()))$/;" v
cost strings/ /^ cost = 0$/;" v
count data_structures/graph/ /^ count = 0$/;" v
count project_euler/problem_02/ /^ count=count+a$/;" v
count project_euler/problem_02/ /^count=0$/;" v
count project_euler/problem_17/ /^count = 0$/;" v
count_divisors project_euler/problem_12/ /^def count_divisors(n):$/;" f
counter project_euler/problem_14/ /^ counter = 1$/;" v
counting_sort sorts/ /^def counting_sort(collection):$/;" f
counting_sort_string sorts/ /^def counting_sort_string(string):$/;" f
create_canvas other/game_of_life/ /^def create_canvas(size):$/;" f
create_graph graphs/ /^def create_graph(n, edges):$/;" f
cryptoMath ciphers/ /^import sys, random, cryptomath_module as cryptoMath$/;" I
cryptoMath ciphers/ /^import rabin_miller as rabinMiller, cryptomath_module as cryptoMath$/;" I
cryptoMath ciphers/ /^import rabin_miller as rabinMiller, cryptomath_module as cryptoMath$/;" I
cuts data_structures/graph/ /^ cuts = []$/;" v
cycle_sort sorts/ /^def cycle_sort(array):$/;" f
d project_euler/problem_09/ /^ d=(a*b*c)$/;" v
d project_euler/problem_09/ /^d=0$/;" v
data file_transfer_protocol/ /^ data = s.recv(1024)$/;" v
data file_transfer_protocol/ /^ data = conn.recv(1024)$/;" v
data simple_client_server/ /^data = s.recv(1024)$/;" v
data simple_client_server/ /^ data = conn.recv(1024)$/;" v
dataset machine_learning/ /^ dataset = ds.load_iris()$/;" v
day project_euler/problem_19/ /^ day = day-29$/;" v
day project_euler/problem_19/ /^ day = day-days_per_month[month-2]$/;" v
day project_euler/problem_19/ /^day = 6$/;" v
days_per_month project_euler/problem_19/ /^days_per_month = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]$/;" v
de data_structures/queue/ /^de = collections.deque([1, 2, 3,])$/;" v
decimal_to_binary boolean_algebra/ /^def decimal_to_binary(no_of_variable, minterms):$/;" f
decode ciphers/ /^def decode(ciphertext, key):$/;" f
decrease_key data_structures/graph/ /^ def decrease_key(self, tup, new_d):$/;" m class:PriorityQueue
decrypt ciphers/ /^def decrypt(message):$/;" f
decrypt ciphers/ /^def decrypt(strng, key):$/;" f
decrypt ciphers/ /^ def decrypt(self, cipher, key):$/;" m class:Onepad
decrypt ciphers/ /^ def decrypt(self,content,key):$/;" m class:XORCipher
decryptMessage ciphers/ /^def decryptMessage(key, message):$/;" f
decryptMessage ciphers/ /^def decryptMessage(encryptedBlocks, messageLength, key, blockSize=DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE):$/;" f
decryptMessage ciphers/ /^def decryptMessage(key, message):$/;" f
decryptMessage ciphers/ /^def decryptMessage(key, message):$/;" f
decryptMessage ciphers/ /^def decryptMessage(key, message):$/;" f
decrypt_file ciphers/ /^ def decrypt_file(self,file, key):$/;" m class:XORCipher
decrypt_string ciphers/ /^ def decrypt_string(self,content,key = 0):$/;" m class:XORCipher
delete data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def delete(self, label):$/;" m class:BinarySearchTree
delete data_structures/linked_list/ /^ def delete(self, x):$/;" m class:LinkedList
deleteHead data_structures/linked_list/ /^ def deleteHead(self):$/;" m class:LinkedList
deleteMinimum graphs/ /^ def deleteMinimum(heap, positions):$/;" f function:PrimsAlgorithm file:
deleteTail data_structures/linked_list/ /^ def deleteTail(self):$/;" m class:LinkedList
delete_head data_structures/linked_list/ /^ def delete_head(Head): # delete from head$/;" m class:Linked_List
delete_tail data_structures/linked_list/ /^ def delete_tail(Head): # delete from tail$/;" m class:Linked_List
delta graphs/ /^delta = [[-1, 0 ], # go up$/;" v
dencrypt ciphers/ /^def dencrypt(s, n):$/;" f
dfs data_structures/graph/ /^def dfs(start):$/;" f
dfs graphs/ /^ def dfs(root, at, parent, outEdgeCount):$/;" f function:computeAP file:
dfs graphs/ /^def dfs(G, s):$/;" f
dfs graphs/ /^ def dfs(at, parent, bridges, id):$/;" f function:computeBridges file:
dfs graphs/ /^def dfs(u):$/;" f
dfs2 graphs/ /^def dfs2(u):$/;" f
diagonal_sum project_euler/problem_28/ /^def diagonal_sum(n):$/;" f
digits other/ /^digits = [digit for digit in string.digits]$/;" v
dijk graphs/ /^def dijk(G, s):$/;" f
dijkstra data_structures/graph/ /^ def dijkstra(self, src):$/;" m class:Graph
display data_structures/heap/ /^ def display(self):$/;" m class:Heap
display data_structures/linked_list/ /^ def display(self): #Prints contents of the list$/;" m class:LinkedList
displayLink data_structures/linked_list/ /^ def displayLink(self):$/;" m class:Link
divisor project_euler/problem_04/ /^ divisor = 999$/;" v
do_round neural_network/ /^ def do_round(self,x):$/;" m class:CNN
do_something graphs/ /^def do_something(back_pointer, goal, start):$/;" f
double_rotate_left data_structures/ /^ def double_rotate_left(self, node):$/;" m class:AVL
double_rotate_right data_structures/ /^ def double_rotate_right(self, node):$/;" m class:AVL
dp_count dynamic_programming/ /^def dp_count(S, m, n):$/;" f
draw_error neural_network/ /^ def draw_error():$/;" f member:CNN.trian file:
ds machine_learning/ /^ import sklearn.datasets as ds$/;" I
dst data_structures/graph/ /^ dst = int(raw_input("Enter destination:"))$/;" v
dst data_structures/graph/ /^ dst = int(raw_input("Enter destination:"))$/;" v
dst data_structures/graph/ /^ dst = int(raw_input("Enter destination:"))$/;" v
e graphs/ /^e = int(raw_input("Enter number of edges: "))$/;" v
edges data_structures/graph/ /^ edges = [$/;" v
edges graphs/ /^edges = []$/;" v
edges graphs/ /^edges = sorted(edges, key=lambda edge: edge[3])$/;" v
edges graphs/ /^ edges = [(u, v) for u, v in zip(source, target)]$/;" v
edges sorts/ /^edges = {'a': ['c', 'b'], 'b': ['d', 'e'], 'c': [], 'd': [], 'e': []}$/;" v
edglist graphs/ /^def edglist():$/;" f
empty data_structures/ /^ def empty(self):$/;" m class:AVL
empty data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def empty(self):$/;" m class:BinarySearchTree
empty graphs/ /^ def empty(self):$/;" m class:PriorityQueue
encode ciphers/ /^def encode(plaintext, key):$/;" f
encrypt ciphers/ /^def encrypt(strng, key):$/;" f
encrypt ciphers/ /^ def encrypt(self, text):$/;" m class:Onepad
encrypt ciphers/ /^ def encrypt(self, content, key):$/;" m class:XORCipher
encryptAndWriteToFile ciphers/ /^def encryptAndWriteToFile(messageFilename, keyFilename, message, blockSize=DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE):$/;" f
encryptMessage ciphers/ /^def encryptMessage(key, message):$/;" f
encryptMessage ciphers/ /^def encryptMessage(message, key, blockSize=DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE):$/;" f
encryptMessage ciphers/ /^def encryptMessage(key, message):$/;" f
encryptMessage ciphers/ /^def encryptMessage(key, message):$/;" f
encryptMessage ciphers/ /^def encryptMessage(key, message):$/;" f
encrypt_file ciphers/ /^ def encrypt_file(self, file, key = 0):$/;" m class:XORCipher
encrypt_string ciphers/ /^ def encrypt_string(self,content, key = 0):$/;" m class:XORCipher
end dynamic_programming/ /^ end=time.time()$/;" v
englishFreqMatchScore other/ /^def englishFreqMatchScore(message):$/;" f
englishLetterFreq other/ /^englishLetterFreq = {'E': 12.70, 'T': 9.06, 'A': 8.17, 'O': 7.51, 'I': 6.97,$/;" v
euclidean_gcd other/ /^def euclidean_gcd(a, b):$/;" f
eulerPhi maths/ /^def eulerPhi(n):$/;" f
eulidLength linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def eulidLength(self):$/;" m class:Vector
even_tree data_structures/graph/ /^def even_tree():$/;" f
example neural_network/ /^def example():$/;" f
examples data_structures/stacks/ /^ examples = ['((()))', '((())']$/;" v
exit machine_learning/ /^exit = [-1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1/;" v
exit neural_network/ /^exit = [-1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1/;" v
expand_block hashes/ /^ def expand_block(self, block):$/;" m class:SHA1Hash
expand_state graphs/ /^def expand_state(s, j, visited, g_function, close_list_anchor, close_list_inad, open_list, back/;" f
expression data_structures/stacks/ /^ expression = 'a+b*(c^d-e)^(f+g*h)-i'$/;" v
extract_min data_structures/graph/ /^ def extract_min(self):$/;" m class:PriorityQueue
f arithmetic_analysis/ /^def f(x):$/;" f
f arithmetic_analysis/ /^def f(x):$/;" f
f arithmetic_analysis/ /^def f(x):$/;" f
f data_structures/binary tree/ /^ f = FenwickTree(100)$/;" v
f file_transfer_protocol/ /^ f = open(filename, 'rb')$/;" v
f maths/ /^def f(x): #enter your function here$/;" f
f maths/ /^def f(x): #enter your function here$/;" f
f1 arithmetic_analysis/ /^def f1(x):$/;" f
factorial other/ /^def factorial(n):$/;" f
factorial project_euler/problem_20/ /^def factorial(n):$/;" f
factorial project_euler/problem_20/ /^factorial = factorial(number)$/;" v
fib dynamic_programming/ /^ fib = Fibonacci(N)$/;" v
fib other/ /^def fib(n):$/;" f
fib project_euler/problem_02/ /^def fib(n):$/;" f
fibonacci dynamic_programming/ /^def fibonacci(n: int): # noqa: E999 This syntax is Python 3 only$/;" f
fibonacci project_euler/problem_25/ /^def fibonacci(n):$/;" f
fibonacci_digits_index project_euler/problem_25/ /^def fibonacci_digits_index(n):$/;" f
fig other/game_of_life/ /^ fig, ax = plt.subplots()$/;" v
file strings/ /^ file = open('min_cost.txt', 'w')$/;" v
filename file_transfer_protocol/ /^ filename = 'mytext.txt'$/;" v
final_hash hashes/ /^ def final_hash(self):$/;" m class:SHA1Hash
find data_structures/trie/ /^ def find(self, word: str) -> bool: # noqa: E999 This syntax is Python 3 only$/;" m class:TrieNode
findMin dynamic_programming/ /^def findMin(arr):$/;" f
findModInverse ciphers/ /^def findModInverse(a, m):$/;" f
find_max_cross_sum dynamic_programming/ /^def find_max_cross_sum(A,low,mid,high):$/;" f
find_max_sub_array dynamic_programming/ /^def find_max_sub_array(A,low,high):$/;" f
find_neighborhood searches/ /^def find_neighborhood(solution, dict_of_neighbours):$/;" f
find_parent graphs/ /^def find_parent(i):$/;" f
first_word strings/ /^ first_word = raw_input('Enter the first word:\\n').strip()$/;" v
floy graphs/ /^def floy(A_and_n):$/;" f
floyd_warshall dynamic_programming/ /^ def floyd_warshall(self):$/;" m class:Graph
forward_propagation neural_network/ /^ def forward_propagation(self,xdata):$/;" m class:DenseLayer
front data_structures/queue/ /^ def front(self):$/;" m class:Queue
front data_structures/queue/ /^ def front(self):$/;" m class:Queue
ftp file_transfer_protocol/ /^ftp = FTP('') # Enter the ip address or the domain name here$/;" v
g data_structures/graph/ /^ g = Graph()$/;" v
g data_structures/graph/ /^ g = Graph()$/;" v
g data_structures/graph/ /^g = Graph(100)$/;" v
g data_structures/graph/ /^g = Graph(100)$/;" v
g graphs/ /^g = {}$/;" v
g graphs/ /^g = [[] for i in range(n)] #graph$/;" v
g graphs/ /^ g = create_graph(n_vertices, edges)$/;" v
g project_euler/problem_05/ /^ g=lcm(g,i)$/;" v
g project_euler/problem_05/ /^g=1$/;" v
gcd ciphers/ /^def gcd(a, b):$/;" f
gcd maths/ /^def gcd(a, b):$/;" f
gcd other/ /^def gcd(number1,number2):$/;" f
gcd project_euler/problem_05/ /^def gcd(x,y):$/;" f
generateKey ciphers/ /^def generateKey(keySize):$/;" f
generateKey ciphers/ /^def generateKey(keySize):$/;" f
generateLargePrime ciphers/ /^def generateLargePrime(keysize = 1024):$/;" f
generate_first_solution searches/ /^def generate_first_solution(path, dict_of_neighbours):$/;" f
generate_neighbours searches/ /^def generate_neighbours(path):$/;" f
generate_table ciphers/ /^def generate_table(key):$/;" f
get data_structures/queue/ /^ def get(self):$/;" m class:Queue
get data_structures/queue/ /^ def get(self):$/;" m class:Queue
get dynamic_programming/ /^ def get(self, sequence_no=None):$/;" m class:Fibonacci
get graphs/ /^ def get(self):$/;" m class:PriorityQueue
getBlock hashes/ /^def getBlock(bitString):$/;" f
getBlocksFromText ciphers/ /^def getBlocksFromText(message, blockSize=DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE):$/;" f
getDivisors other/ /^def getDivisors(n):$/;" f
getEnglishCount other/ /^def getEnglishCount(message):$/;" f
getFrequencyOrder other/ /^def getFrequencyOrder(message):$/;" f
getItemAtIndexZero other/ /^def getItemAtIndexZero(x):$/;" f
getKeyParts ciphers/ /^def getKeyParts(key):$/;" f
getLabel data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def getLabel(self):$/;" m class:Node
getLeft data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def getLeft(self):$/;" m class:Node
getLetterCount other/ /^def getLetterCount(message):$/;" f
getMax data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def getMax(self, root = None):$/;" m class:BinarySearchTree
getMax data_structures/heap/ /^ def getMax(self):$/;" m class:Heap
getMid other/ /^def getMid(p1,p2):$/;" f
getMin data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def getMin(self, root = None):$/;" m class:BinarySearchTree
getNode data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def getNode(self, label):$/;" m class:BinarySearchTree
getParent data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def getParent(self):$/;" m class:Node
getPosition graphs/ /^ def getPosition(vertex):$/;" f function:PrimsAlgorithm file:
getPrime other/ /^def getPrime(n):$/;" f
getPrimeNumbers other/ /^def getPrimeNumbers(N):$/;" f
getPrimesBetween other/ /^def getPrimesBetween(pNumber1, pNumber2):$/;" f
getRandomKey ciphers/ /^def getRandomKey():$/;" f
getRandomKey ciphers/ /^def getRandomKey():$/;" f
getRight data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def getRight(self):$/;" m class:Node
getRoot data_structures/ /^ def getRoot(self):$/;" m class:AVL
getRoot data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def getRoot(self):$/;" m class:BinarySearchTree
getTextFromBlocks ciphers/ /^def getTextFromBlocks(blockInts, messageLength, blockSize=DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE):$/;" f
getWordPattern other/ /^def getWordPattern(word):$/;" f
get_block_filenames sorts/ /^ def get_block_filenames(self):$/;" m class:FileSplitter
get_cost_derivative machine_learning/ /^def get_cost_derivative(index):$/;" f
get_dict sorts/ /^ def get_dict(self):$/;" m class:FilesArray
get_failure_array strings/ /^def get_failure_array(pattern):$/;" f
get_file_handles sorts/ /^ def get_file_handles(self, filenames, buffer_size):$/;" m class:FileMerger
get_initial_centroids machine_learning/ /^def get_initial_centroids(data, k, seed=None):$/;" f
get_number_blocks sorts/ /^ def get_number_blocks(self, filename, block_size):$/;" m class:ExternalSort
gnome_sort sorts/ /^def gnome_sort(unsorted):$/;" f
goal graphs/ /^goal = [len(grid)-1, len(grid[0])-1] #all coordinates are given in format [y,x] $/;" v
goal graphs/ /^goal = (n-1, n-1)$/;" v
goldbach other/ /^def goldbach(number):$/;" f
graph data_structures/graph/ /^graph = [dict() for j in range(E)]$/;" v
graph data_structures/graph/ /^graph = [[float('inf') for i in range(V)] for j in range(V)]$/;" v
graph data_structures/graph/ /^ graph = Graph(9)$/;" v
graph data_structures/graph/ /^graph = [[float('inf') for i in range(V)] for j in range(V)]$/;" v
graph dynamic_programming/ /^ graph = Graph(5)$/;" v
graph networking_flow/ /^graph = [[0, 16, 13, 0, 0, 0],$/;" v
graph networking_flow/ /^graph = [[0, 16, 13, 0, 0, 0],$/;" v
greatestPrimeFactor other/ /^def greatestPrimeFactor(number):$/;" f
grid graphs/ /^grid = [[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],$/;" v
grid project_euler/problem_11/ /^ grid = [[int(i) for i in grid[j]] for j in xrange(len(grid))]$/;" v
grid project_euler/problem_11/ /^ grid = []$/;" v
gsrc data_structures/graph/ /^gsrc = int(raw_input("\\nEnter shortest path source:"))$/;" v
gsrc data_structures/graph/ /^gsrc = int(raw_input("\\nEnter shortest path source:"))$/;" v
hash_function data_structures/hashing/ /^ def hash_function(self, key):$/;" m class:HashTable
heapSort data_structures/heap/ /^ def heapSort(self):$/;" m class:Heap
heap_sort sorts/ /^def heap_sort(unsorted):$/;" f
heapify graphs/ /^ def heapify(heap, positions):$/;" f function:PrimsAlgorithm file:
heapify sorts/ /^def heapify(unsorted, index, heap_size):$/;" f
height linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def height(self):$/;" m class:Matrix
heterogeneity machine_learning/ /^ heterogeneity = []$/;" v
heuristic graphs/ /^heuristic = [[0 for row in range(len(grid[0]))] for col in range(len(grid))]$/;" v
host file_transfer_protocol/ /^host = socket.gethostname() # Get local machine name$/;" v
hueristic_1 graphs/ /^def hueristic_1(P, goal):$/;" f
hueristic_2 graphs/ /^def hueristic_2(P, goal):$/;" f
hueristics graphs/ /^hueristics = {0: consistent_hueristic, 1: hueristic_1, 2: hueristic_2}$/;" v
i project_euler/problem_02/ /^ i=j$/;" v
i project_euler/problem_02/ /^i=1$/;" v
i project_euler/problem_03/ /^i=2$/;" v
i project_euler/problem_05/ /^ i=1$/;" v
i project_euler/problem_05/ /^i = 0$/;" v
i project_euler/problem_07/ /^i=0$/;" v
i project_euler/problem_12/ /^i = 1$/;" v
i project_euler/problem_40/ /^i = 1$/;" v
i project_euler/problem_52/ /^i = 1$/;" v
i strings/ /^ i = 0$/;" v
in_data file_transfer_protocol/ /^ in_data =$/;" v
in_data file_transfer_protocol/ /^ in_data =$/;" v
in_order traversals/ /^def in_order(node):$/;" f
index searches/ /^index = jump_search(arr, x)$/;" v
infix_to_postfix data_structures/stacks/ /^def infix_to_postfix(expression):$/;" f
init graphs/ /^init = [0, 0]$/;" v
initial_centroids machine_learning/ /^ initial_centroids = get_initial_centroids(dataset['data'], k, seed=0)$/;" v
initializer neural_network/ /^ def initializer(self,back_units):$/;" m class:DenseLayer
inorder sorts/ /^def inorder(root, res):$/;" f
inp hashes/ /^ inp = input("(e)exit? ").strip()$/;" v
inp hashes/ /^inp = ""$/;" v
inputs dynamic_programming/ /^ inputs=[10,100,1000,10000,50000,100000,200000,300000,400000,500000]$/;" v
insert data_structures/ /^ def insert(self, value):$/;" m class:AVL
insert data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def insert(self, label):$/;" m class:BinarySearchTree
insert data_structures/graph/ /^ def insert(self, tup):$/;" m class:PriorityQueue
insert data_structures/heap/ /^ def insert(self,data):$/;" m class:Heap
insert data_structures/trie/ /^ def insert(self, word: str): # noqa: E999 This syntax is Python 3 only$/;" m class:TrieNode
insert sorts/ /^ def insert(self,val):$/;" m class:node
insertHead data_structures/linked_list/ /^ def insertHead(self, x):$/;" m class:LinkedList
insertTail data_structures/linked_list/ /^ def insertTail(self, x):$/;" m class:LinkedList
insert_data data_structures/hashing/ /^ def insert_data(self, data):$/;" m class:HashTable
insert_head data_structures/linked_list/ /^ def insert_head(Head, data):$/;" m class:Linked_List
insert_many data_structures/trie/ /^ def insert_many(self, words: [str]): # noqa: E999 This syntax is Python 3 only$/;" m class:TrieNode
insert_tail data_structures/linked_list/ /^ def insert_tail(Head, data):$/;" m class:Linked_List
insertion_sort sorts/ /^def insertion_sort(collection):$/;" f
insertion_sort sorts/ /^def insertion_sort(lst):$/;" f
integers other/ /^ integers = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]$/;" v
interpolation_search searches/ /^def interpolation_search(sorted_collection, item):$/;" f
interpolation_search_by_recursion searches/ /^def interpolation_search_by_recursion(sorted_collection, item, left, right):$/;" f
intersection arithmetic_analysis/ /^def intersection(function,x0,x1): #function is the f we want to find its root and x0 and x1 are /;" f
isEmpty data_structures/graph/ /^ def isEmpty(self):$/;" m class:PriorityQueue
isEmpty data_structures/linked_list/ /^ def isEmpty(self): #Will return True if the list is empty$/;" m class:LinkedList
isEmpty data_structures/linked_list/ /^ def isEmpty(Head):$/;" m class:Linked_List
isEnglish other/ /^def isEnglish(message, wordPercentage = 20, letterPercentage = 85):$/;" f
isEven other/ /^def isEven(number):$/;" f
isOdd other/ /^def isOdd(number):$/;" f
isPerfectNumber other/ /^def isPerfectNumber(number):$/;" f
isPositiveInteger maths/ /^def isPositiveInteger(limit):$/;" f
isPrime ciphers/ /^def isPrime(num):$/;" f
isPrime other/ /^def isPrime(number):$/;" f
isSorted sorts/ /^ def isSorted(collection):$/;" f function:bogosort file:
is_balanced other/ /^def is_balanced(S):$/;" f
is_empty data_structures/linked_list/ /^ def is_empty(self):$/;" m class:LinkedList
is_empty data_structures/stacks/ /^ def is_empty(self):$/;" m class:Stack
is_empty data_structures/stacks/ /^ def is_empty(self):$/;" m class:Stack
is_for_table boolean_algebra/ /^def is_for_table(string1, string2, count):$/;" f
is_operand data_structures/stacks/ /^def is_operand(char):$/;" f
is_palindrome project_euler/problem_36/ /^def is_palindrome(n):$/;" f
is_prime project_euler/problem_10/ /^def is_prime(n):$/;" f
isprime project_euler/problem_03/ /^def isprime(no):$/;" f
isprime project_euler/problem_07/ /^def isprime(n):$/;" f
isprime project_euler/problem_07/ /^def isprime(number):$/;" f
ite_ternary_search searches/ /^def ite_ternary_search(A, target):$/;" f
j project_euler/problem_02/ /^ j=temp+i$/;" v
j project_euler/problem_02/ /^j=2 $/;" v
j project_euler/problem_07/ /^j=1$/;" v
jump_search searches/ /^def jump_search(arr, x):$/;" f
k ciphers/ /^ c, k = Onepad().encrypt('Hello')$/;" v
k machine_learning/ /^ k = 3$/;" v
key graphs/ /^def key(start, i, goal, g_function):$/;" f
keys data_structures/hashing/ /^ def keys(self):$/;" m class:HashTable
kgV other/ /^def kgV(number1, number2):$/;" f
kmeans machine_learning/ /^def kmeans(data, k, initial_centroids, maxiter=500, record_heterogeneity=None, verbose=False):$/;" f
kmp strings/ /^def kmp(pattern, text):$/;" f
knapsack dynamic_programming/ /^def knapsack(W, wt, val, n):$/;" f
kosaraju graphs/ /^def kosaraju():$/;" f
krusk graphs/ /^def krusk(E_and_n):$/;" f
l graphs/ /^l = {0:[1,2], 1:[0,2], 2:[0,1,3,5], 3:[2,4], 4:[3], 5:[2,6,8], 6:[5,7], 7:[6,8], 8:[5,7]}$/;" v
l graphs/ /^l = {0:[1,3], 1:[0,2], 2:[1,3], 3:[0,2]}$/;" v
l graphs/ /^l = {0:[1,2], 1:[0,2], 2:[0,1,3,5], 3:[2,4], 4:[3], 5:[2,6,8], 6:[5,7], 7:[6,8], 8:[5,7]}$/;" v
l graphs/ /^l = {0:[2,3,4], 1:[2,7], 2:[5], 3:[5,7], 4:[7], 5:[6], 6:[7], 7:[]}$/;" v
l graphs/ /^l = {0:[1,2], 1:[3], 2:[3], 3:[4,5], 4:[], 5:[]}$/;" v
l graphs/ /^ l = [int(x) for x in input().split()]$/;" v
largest_number project_euler/problem_14/ /^ largest_number = input1$/;" v
largest_number project_euler/problem_14/ /^largest_number = 0$/;" v
largest_product project_euler/problem_11/ /^def largest_product(grid):$/;" f
lattice_paths project_euler/problem_15/ /^def lattice_paths(n):$/;" f
lcg other/ /^ lcg = LinearCongruentialGenerator(1664525, 1013904223, 2<<31)$/;" v
lcm project_euler/problem_05/ /^def lcm(x,y):$/;" f
lcs_dp dynamic_programming/ /^def lcs_dp(x, y):$/;" f
left data_structures/ /^ def left(self):$/;" m class:Node
left data_structures/ /^ def left(self, node):$/;" m class:Node
left data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def left(self, idx):$/;" m class:SegmentTree
left data_structures/graph/ /^ def left(self, i):$/;" m class:PriorityQueue
leftChild data_structures/heap/ /^ def leftChild(self,i):$/;" m class:Heap
leftrot32 hashes/ /^def leftrot32(i,s):$/;" f
letters other/ /^letters = [letter for letter in string.ascii_letters]$/;" v
level_order traversals/ /^def level_order(node):$/;" f
levenshtein_distance strings/ /^def levenshtein_distance(first_word, second_word):$/;" f
li dynamic_programming/ /^ li=[randint(1,i) for j in range(i)]$/;" v
limit project_euler/problem_04/ /^limit = int(raw_input("limit? "))$/;" v
lin_search searches/ /^def lin_search(left, right, A, target):$/;" f
linear_search searches/ /^def linear_search(sequence, target):$/;" f
list_num project_euler/problem_16/ /^list_num = list(string_num)$/;" v
loadDictionary other/ /^def loadDictionary():$/;" f
longestDistance graphs/ /^def longestDistance(l):$/;" f
longestSub dynamic_programming/ /^def longestSub(ARRAY): #This function is recursive$/;" f
ls project_euler/problem_02/ /^ls = []$/;" v
m data_structures/graph/ /^ n, m = 10, 9$/;" v
m graphs/ /^n, m = map(int, raw_input().split(" "))$/;" v
m graphs/ /^n, m = list(map(int,raw_input().split()))$/;" v
m hashes/ /^K = [0.33, 0.44, 0.55, 0.44, 0.33]; t = 3; m = 5$/;" v
m machine_learning/ /^m = len(train_data)$/;" v
m strings/ /^ m = len(operations)$/;" v
machine_time hashes/ /^machine_time = 0$/;" v
mae machine_learning/ /^def mae(predict, actual):$/;" f
main analysis/compression_analysis/ /^def main():$/;" f
main boolean_algebra/ /^def main():$/;" f
main ciphers/ /^def main():$/;" f
main ciphers/ /^def main():$/;" f
main ciphers/ /^def main():$/;" f
main ciphers/ /^def main():$/;" f
main ciphers/ /^def main():$/;" f
main ciphers/ /^def main():$/;" f
main ciphers/ /^def main():$/;" f
main ciphers/ /^def main():$/;" f
main ciphers/ /^def main():$/;" f
main ciphers/ /^def main():$/;" f
main ciphers/ /^def main():$/;" f
main data_structures/heap/ /^def main():$/;" f
main dynamic_programming/ /^def main():$/;" f
main hashes/ /^def main():$/;" f
main machine_learning/ /^def main():$/;" f
main machine_learning/ /^def main():$/;" f
main maths/ /^def main():$/;" f
main maths/ /^def main():$/;" f
main maths/ /^def main():$/;" f
main maths/ /^def main():$/;" f
main maths/ /^def main():$/;" f
main maths/ /^def main():$/;" f
main other/ /^def main():$/;" f
main other/ /^def main():$/;" f
main other/ /^def main():$/;" f
main other/ /^def main():$/;" f
main project_euler/problem_08/ /^def main():$/;" f
main project_euler/problem_11/ /^def main():$/;" f
main project_euler/problem_20/ /^def main():$/;" f
main project_euler/problem_22/ /^def main():$/;" f
main project_euler/problem_24/ /^def main():$/;" f
main project_euler/problem_29/ /^def main():$/;" f
main searches/ /^def main(args=None):$/;" f
main sorts/ /^def main():$/;" f
main sorts/ /^def main():$/;" f
makeKeyFiles ciphers/ /^def makeKeyFiles(name, keySize):$/;" f
makeKeyFiles ciphers/ /^def makeKeyFiles(name, keySize):$/;" f
makePoints maths/ /^def makePoints(a,b,h):$/;" f
makePoints maths/ /^def makePoints(a,b,h):$/;" f
make_common_ground graphs/ /^def make_common_ground():$/;" f
matrix arithmetic_analysis/ /^matrix =numpy.array([[2,-2,1],[0,1,2],[5,3,1]])$/;" v
maxHeapify data_structures/heap/ /^ def maxHeapify(self,node):$/;" m class:Heap
maxNumber project_euler/problem_03/ /^ maxNumber = i$/;" v
maxNumber project_euler/problem_03/ /^ maxNumber = n\/i$/;" v
maxNumber project_euler/problem_03/ /^maxNumber = 0$/;" v
max_length other/ /^max_length = 16$/;" v
mbd machine_learning/ /^def mbd(predict, actual):$/;" f
md5me hashes/ /^def md5me(testString):$/;" f
mean_squared_error machine_learning/ /^ def mean_squared_error(self, labels, prediction):$/;" m class:Decision_Tree
merge sorts/ /^ def merge(self, filenames, outfilename, buffer_size):$/;" m class:FileMerger
merge sorts/ /^def merge(left, right):$/;" f
merge_sort sorts/ /^def merge_sort(collection):$/;" f
merge_sort sorts/ /^def merge_sort(LIST):$/;" f
message hashes/ /^message = random.sample(range(0xFFFFFFFF), 100)$/;" v
method_1 maths/ /^def method_1(boundary, steps):$/;" f
method_2 maths/ /^def method_2(boundary, steps):$/;" f
minDist data_structures/graph/ /^def minDist(mdist, vset, V):$/;" f
min_heapify data_structures/graph/ /^ def min_heapify(self, idx):$/;" m class:PriorityQueue
min_length other/ /^min_length = 8$/;" v
min_primitive_root ciphers/ /^min_primitive_root = 3$/;" v
mincut networking_flow/ /^def mincut(graph, source, sink):$/;" f
minimum_spanning_tree graphs/ /^minimum_spanning_tree = []$/;" v
minimum_spanning_tree_cost graphs/ /^minimum_spanning_tree_cost = 0$/;" v
minkey graphs/ /^ def minkey(self):$/;" m class:PriorityQueue
modularExponential maths/ /^def modularExponential(base, power, mod):$/;" f
month project_euler/problem_19/ /^ month = 1$/;" v
month project_euler/problem_19/ /^month = 1$/;" v
moveDisk other/ /^def moveDisk(fp,tp):$/;" f
moveTower other/ /^def moveTower(height, fromPole, toPole, withPole): $/;" f
mse machine_learning/ /^def mse(predict, actual):$/;" f
mu sorts/ /^mu, sigma = 0, 1 # mean and standard deviation$/;" v
mulitples project_euler/problem_01/ /^def mulitples(limit):$/;" f
multi_a_star graphs/ /^def multi_a_star(start, goal, n_hueristic):$/;" f
myPen other/ /^myPen = turtle.Turtle()$/;" v
n data_structures/graph/ /^ n, m = 10, 9$/;" v
n dynamic_programming/ /^ n = int(sys.argv[1])$/;" v
n dynamic_programming/ /^ n = 4$/;" v
n graphs/ /^n, m = map(int, raw_input().split(" "))$/;" v
n graphs/ /^n = int(raw_input("Enter number of vertices: "))$/;" v
n graphs/ /^n = 20$/;" v
n graphs/ /^n, m = list(map(int,raw_input().split()))$/;" v
n maths/ /^n = int(raw_input("Enter n: "))$/;" v
n project_euler/problem_01/ /^n = int(raw_input().strip())$/;" v
n project_euler/problem_01/ /^n = int(raw_input().strip())$/;" v
n project_euler/problem_01/ /^n = int(raw_input().strip())$/;" v
n project_euler/problem_02/ /^n = int(raw_input().strip())$/;" v
n project_euler/problem_02/ /^n = int(raw_input())$/;" v
n project_euler/problem_03/ /^ n=n\/2$/;" v
n project_euler/problem_03/ /^n=int(raw_input())$/;" v
n project_euler/problem_03/ /^n=int(raw_input())$/;" v
n project_euler/problem_04/ /^n=int(raw_input())$/;" v
n project_euler/problem_05/ /^n = int(raw_input())$/;" v
n project_euler/problem_05/ /^n = int(raw_input())$/;" v
n project_euler/problem_06/ /^n = int(raw_input())$/;" v
n project_euler/problem_06/ /^n = int(raw_input())$/;" v
n project_euler/problem_07/ /^n = int(raw_input())$/;" v
n project_euler/problem_07/ /^n = int(raw_input('Enter The N\\'th Prime Number You Want To Get: ')) # Ask For The N'th Prime N/;" v
n project_euler/problem_10/ /^ n = int(sys.argv[1])$/;" v
n project_euler/problem_13/ /^n = int(raw_input().strip())$/;" v
n project_euler/problem_15/ /^ n = int(sys.argv[1])$/;" v
n project_euler/problem_21/ /^ n = sum_of_divisors(i)$/;" v
n project_euler/problem_28/ /^ n = int(sys.argv[1])$/;" v
n sorts/ /^n = len(unsorted)$/;" v
n strings/ /^ n = len(operations[0])$/;" v
n_hueristic graphs/ /^n_hueristic = 3 # one consistent and two other inconsistent$/;" v
n_vertices graphs/ /^ n_vertices = 7$/;" v
name_score project_euler/problem_22/ /^ name_score = 0$/;" v
name_score project_euler/problem_22/ /^name_score = 0$/;" v
names project_euler/problem_22/ /^ names = names.replace('"', '').split(',')$/;" v
names project_euler/problem_22/ /^ names = str(file.readlines()[0])$/;" v
network machine_learning/ /^network = Perceptron(sample=samples, exit = exit, learn_rate=0.01, epoch_number=1000, bias=-1)$/;" v
network neural_network/ /^network = Perceptron(sample=samples, exit = exit, learn_rate=0.01, epoch_number=1000, bias=-1)$/;" v
newton arithmetic_analysis/ /^def newton(function,function1,startingInt): #function is the f(x) and function1 is the f'(x)$/;" f
next data_structures/linked_list/ /^ next = None #This points to the link in front of the new link$/;" v class:Link
next_number other/ /^ def next_number( self ):$/;" m class:LinearCongruentialGenerator
next_prime data_structures/hashing/number_theory/ /^def next_prime(value, factor=1, **kwargs):$/;" f
nfound project_euler/problem_05/ /^ nfound=1$/;" v
nfound project_euler/problem_05/ /^ nfound=0$/;" v
node sorts/ /^class node():$/;" c
node traversals/ /^ node = build_tree()$/;" v
node1 graphs/ /^ node1, node2, cost = list(map(int,raw_input().split()))$/;" v
node2 graphs/ /^ node1, node2, cost = list(map(int,raw_input().split()))$/;" v
not32 hashes/ /^def not32(i):$/;" f
np analysis/compression_analysis/ /^import numpy as np$/;" I
np graphs/ /^import numpy as np$/;" I
np machine_learning/ /^import numpy as np$/;" I
np machine_learning/ /^import numpy as np$/;" I
np machine_learning/ /^import numpy as np$/;" I
np machine_learning/ /^import numpy as np$/;" I
np neural_network/ /^import numpy as np$/;" I
np neural_network/ /^import numpy as np$/;" I
np other/game_of_life/ /^import numpy as np$/;" I
np sorts/ /^import numpy as np$/;" I
num ciphers/ /^ num = generateLargePrime()$/;" v
num project_euler/problem_01/ /^num=0$/;" v
num project_euler/problem_07/ /^num = 2$/;" v
num project_euler/problem_16/ /^num = 2**power$/;" v
num_edges graphs/ /^num_nodes, num_edges = list(map(int,raw_input().split()))$/;" v
num_nodes graphs/ /^num_nodes, num_edges = list(map(int,raw_input().split()))$/;" v
number project_euler/problem_14/ /^ number = input1$/;" v
number project_euler/problem_20/ /^number = int(raw_input("Enter the Number: "))$/;" v
numberOfDivisors maths/ /^def numberOfDivisors(n):$/;" f
ones_counts project_euler/problem_17/ /^ones_counts = [0, 3, 3, 5, 4, 4, 3, 5, 5, 4, 3, 6, 6, 8, 8, 7, 7, 9, 8, 8] #number of letters in/;" v
operations strings/ /^ _, operations = compute_transform_tables('Python', 'Algorithms', -1, 1, 2, 2)$/;" v
outfile sorts/ /^outfile = TemporaryFile() $/;" v
output machine_learning/ /^def output(example_no, data_set):$/;" f
p sorts/ /^p = 100 # 1000 elements are to be sorted$/;" v
pad hashes/ /^def pad(bitString):$/;" f
padding hashes/ /^ def padding(self):$/;" m class:SHA1Hash
pancakesort sorts/ /^def pancakesort(arr):$/;" f
par data_structures/graph/ /^ def par(self, i):$/;" m class:PriorityQueue
parameter_vector machine_learning/ /^parameter_vector = [2, 4, 1, 5]$/;" v
params_space hashes/ /^buffer_space, params_space = [], []$/;" v
parent data_structures/ /^ def parent(self):$/;" m class:Node
parent data_structures/ /^ def parent(self, node):$/;" m class:Node
parent graphs/ /^parent = [i for i in range(num_nodes)]$/;" v
parent_a graphs/ /^ parent_a = find_parent(edge[1])$/;" v
parent_b graphs/ /^ parent_b = find_parent(edge[2])$/;" v
parse_memory sorts/ /^def parse_memory(string):$/;" f
parser searches/ /^ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Tabu Search")$/;" v
partition dynamic_programming/ /^def partition(m):$/;" f
partition project_euler/problem_76/ /^def partition(m):$/;" f
password other/ /^password = ''.join(random.choice(chars) for x in range(random.randint(min_length, max_length)))$/;" v
password_generator other/ /^def password_generator(ctbi, i):$/;" f
path other/ /^path = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))$/;" v
pattern strings/ /^ pattern = "AAAB"$/;" v
pattern strings/ /^ pattern = "ABABX"$/;" v
pattern strings/ /^ pattern = "aabaabaaa"$/;" v
pattern strings/ /^ pattern = "abc1abc12"$/;" v
pattern strings/ /^ pattern = "abcdabcy"$/;" v
pattern strings/ /^ pattern = "AAAB"$/;" v
pattern strings/ /^ pattern = "ABABX"$/;" v
pattern strings/ /^ pattern = "abc1abc12"$/;" v
pattern strings/ /^ pattern = "abcdabcy"$/;" v
peek data_structures/stacks/ /^ def peek(self):$/;" m class:Stack
plot_heterogeneity machine_learning/ /^def plot_heterogeneity(heterogeneity, k):$/;" f
plot_loss neural_network/ /^ def plot_loss(self):$/;" m class:BPNN
plt dynamic_programming/ /^import matplotlib.pyplot as plt$/;" I
plt machine_learning/ /^from matplotlib import pyplot as plt$/;" x
plt neural_network/ /^import matplotlib.pyplot as plt$/;" I
plt neural_network/ /^import matplotlib.pyplot as plt$/;" I
plt other/game_of_life/ /^from matplotlib import pyplot as plt$/;" x
points other/ /^points = [[-175,-125],[0,175],[175,-125]] #size of triangle$/;" v
pooling neural_network/ /^ def pooling(self,featuremaps,size_pooling,type='average_pool'):$/;" m class:CNN
pop data_structures/stacks/ /^ def pop(self):$/;" m class:Stack
pop data_structures/stacks/ /^ def pop(self):$/;" m class:Stack
port file_transfer_protocol/ /^port = 60000 # Reserve a port for your service.$/;" v
post_order traversals/ /^def post_order(node):$/;" f
power project_euler/problem_16/ /^power = int(raw_input("Enter the power of 2: "))$/;" v
preShow data_structures/ /^ def preShow(self, curr_node):$/;" m class:AVL
pre_counter project_euler/problem_14/ /^ pre_counter = counter$/;" v
pre_counter project_euler/problem_14/ /^pre_counter = 0$/;" v
pre_order traversals/ /^def pre_order(node):$/;" f
precedence data_structures/stacks/ /^def precedence(char):$/;" f
precision searches/ /^precision = 10$/;" v
predict machine_learning/ /^ def predict(self, x):$/;" m class:Decision_Tree
predict neural_network/ /^ def predict(self,datas_test):$/;" m class:CNN
preorder data_structures/ /^ def preorder(self, curr_node):$/;" m class:AVL
prepare_input ciphers/ /^def prepare_input(dirty):$/;" f
previous data_structures/linked_list/ /^ previous = None #This points to the link behind the new link$/;" v class:Link
price data_structures/stacks/ /^price = [10, 4, 5, 90, 120, 80] $/;" v
prim graphs/ /^def prim(G, s):$/;" f
prime project_euler/problem_03/ /^ prime=i$/;" v
prime project_euler/problem_03/ /^ prime=n$/;" v
prime project_euler/problem_03/ /^prime=1$/;" v
primeFactorization other/ /^def primeFactorization(number):$/;" f
primeFactors maths/ /^def primeFactors(n):$/;" f
prime_implicant_chart boolean_algebra/ /^def prime_implicant_chart(prime_implicants, binary):$/;" f
primes project_euler/problem_07/ /^primes = []$/;" v
primitiveRoot ciphers/ /^def primitiveRoot(p_val):$/;" f
printArray data_structures/stacks/ /^def printArray(arr, n): $/;" f
printDist data_structures/graph/ /^def printDist(dist, V):$/;" f
printDist data_structures/graph/ /^def printDist(dist, V):$/;" f
printDist data_structures/graph/ /^def printDist(dist, V):$/;" f
printGraph data_structures/graph/ /^ def printGraph(self):$/;" m class:Graph
printGraph data_structures/graph/ /^ def printGraph(self):$/;" m class:Graph
printList data_structures/graph/ /^ def printList(self):$/;" m class:AdjacencyList
printList data_structures/linked_list/ /^ def printList(Head): # print every node data$/;" m class:Linked_List
printNGE data_structures/stacks/ /^def printNGE(arr):$/;" f
print_words data_structures/trie/ /^def print_words(node: TrieNode, word: str): # noqa: E999 This syntax is Python 3 only$/;" f
product project_euler/problem_09/ /^ product=d$/;" v
product project_euler/problem_09/ /^product=-1$/;" v
pull hashes/ /^def pull():$/;" f
push data_structures/stacks/ /^ def push(self, item):$/;" m class:Stack
push data_structures/stacks/ /^ def push(self, data):$/;" m class:Stack
push hashes/ /^def push(seed):$/;" f
put data_structures/queue/ /^ def put(self, item):$/;" m class:Queue
put data_structures/queue/ /^ def put(self, item):$/;" m class:Queue
put graphs/ /^ def put(self, item, priority):$/;" m class:PriorityQueue
query data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def query(self, i): # query cumulative data from index 0 to i in O(lg N)$/;" m class:FenwickTree
query data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def query(self, idx, l, r, a, b): #query(1, 1, N, a, b) for query max of [a,b]$/;" m class:SegmentTree
quickSelect searches/ /^def quickSelect(list, k):$/;" f
quick_sort sorts/ /^def quick_sort(ARRAY):$/;" f
quick_sort_3partition sorts/ /^def quick_sort_3partition(sorting, left, right):$/;" f
r graphs/ /^ x, y, r = map(int, raw_input().split(" "))$/;" v
r graphs/ /^r = [[] for i in range(n)] #reversed graph$/;" v
r sorts/ /^r = (len(M)-1)$/;" v
rabinMiller ciphers/ /^import rabin_miller as rabinMiller, cryptomath_module as cryptoMath$/;" I
rabinMiller ciphers/ /^def rabinMiller(num):$/;" f
rabinMiller ciphers/ /^import rabin_miller as rabinMiller, cryptomath_module as cryptoMath$/;" I
rabin_karp strings/ /^def rabin_karp(pattern, text):$/;" f
radixsort sorts/ /^def radixsort(lst):$/;" f
randomMatrix linear_algebra_python/src/ /^def randomMatrix(W,H,a,b):$/;" f
randomVector linear_algebra_python/src/ /^def randomVector(N,a,b):$/;" f
random_characters other/ /^def random_characters(ctbi, i):$/;" f
random_letters other/ /^def random_letters(ctbi, i):$/;" f
random_number other/ /^def random_number(ctbi, i):$/;" f
raw_input data_structures/heap/ /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input dynamic_programming/ /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input dynamic_programming/ /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input dynamic_programming/ /^ raw_input = input #Python 3$/;" v
raw_input graphs/ /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input project_euler/problem_01/ /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input project_euler/problem_01/ /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input project_euler/problem_01/ /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input project_euler/problem_02/ /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input searches/ /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input searches/ /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input searches/ /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input searches/ /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input searches/ /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input sorts/ /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input sorts/ /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input sorts/ /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input sorts/ /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input sorts/ /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input sorts/ /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input sorts/ /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input sorts/ /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input sorts/ /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input sorts/ /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input sorts/ /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input sorts/ /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input sorts/ /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input sorts/ /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input strings/ /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
raw_input traversals/ /^ raw_input = input # Python 3$/;" v
re dynamic_programming/ /^ re = array.solve_sub_array()$/;" v
readFromFileAndDecrypt ciphers/ /^def readFromFileAndDecrypt(messageFilename, keyFilename):$/;" f
readKeyFile ciphers/ /^def readKeyFile(keyFilename):$/;" f
rearrange hashes/ /^def rearrange(bitString32):$/;" f
rebalance data_structures/ /^ def rebalance(self, node):$/;" m class:AVL
rec_ternary_search searches/ /^def rec_ternary_search(left, right, A, target):$/;" f
recur_fibo maths/ /^def recur_fibo(n):$/;" f
reformatHex hashes/ /^def reformatHex(i):$/;" f
refresh sorts/ /^ def refresh(self):$/;" m class:FilesArray
rehashing data_structures/hashing/ /^ def rehashing(self):$/;" m class:HashTable
remove data_structures/linked_list/ /^ def remove(self):$/;" m class:LinkedList
removeNonLetters other/ /^def removeNonLetters(message):$/;" f
remove_element graphs/ /^ def remove_element(self, item):$/;" m class:PriorityQueue
reset hashes/ /^def reset():$/;" f
result searches/ /^ result = binary_search(collection, target)$/;" v
result searches/ /^ result = interpolation_search(collection, target)$/;" v
result searches/ /^ result = linear_search(sequence, target)$/;" v
result searches/ /^ result = sentinel_linear_search(sequence, target)$/;" v
result strings/ /^ result = levenshtein_distance(first_word, second_word)$/;" v
result1 searches/ /^ result1 = ite_ternary_search(collection, target)$/;" v
result2 searches/ /^ result2 = rec_ternary_search(0, len(collection)-1, collection, target)$/;" v
reverse data_structures/linked_list/ /^ def reverse(Head):$/;" m class:Linked_List
revise_centroids machine_learning/ /^def revise_centroids(data, k, cluster_assignment):$/;" f
right data_structures/ /^ def right(self):$/;" m class:Node
right data_structures/ /^ def right(self, node):$/;" m class:Node
right data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def right(self, idx):$/;" m class:SegmentTree
right data_structures/graph/ /^ def right(self, i):$/;" m class:PriorityQueue
rightChild data_structures/heap/ /^ def rightChild(self,i):$/;" m class:Heap
rkg ciphers/ /^import sys, rsa_key_generator as rkg, os$/;" I
rmse machine_learning/ /^def rmse(predict, actual):$/;" f
rmsle machine_learning/ /^def rmsle(predict, actual):$/;" f
rotate data_structures/queue/ /^ def rotate(self, rotation):$/;" m class:Queue
rotate data_structures/queue/ /^ def rotate(self, rotation):$/;" m class:Queue
rotate hashes/ /^ def rotate(n, b):$/;" m class:SHA1Hash
rotate_left data_structures/ /^ def rotate_left(self, node):$/;" m class:AVL
rotate_right data_structures/ /^ def rotate_right(self, node):$/;" m class:AVL
run other/game_of_life/ /^def run(canvas):$/;" f
run_gradient_descent machine_learning/ /^def run_gradient_descent():$/;" f
run_linear_regression machine_learning/ /^def run_linear_regression(data_x, data_y):$/;" f
run_steep_gradient_descent machine_learning/ /^def run_steep_gradient_descent(data_x, data_y,$/;" f
s file_transfer_protocol/ /^s = socket.socket() # Create a socket object$/;" v
s simple_client_server/ /^s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)$/;" v
s simple_client_server/ /^s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)$/;" v
same_set data_structures/union_find/ /^ def same_set(self, u, v):$/;" m class:UnionFind
sample machine_learning/ /^ sample = []$/;" v
sample neural_network/ /^ sample = []$/;" v
samples machine_learning/ /^samples = [$/;" v
samples neural_network/ /^samples = [$/;" v
save_model neural_network/ /^ def save_model(self,save_path):$/;" m class:CNN
scc graphs/ /^scc = []$/;" v
search graphs/ /^def search(grid,init,goal,cost,heuristic):$/;" f
second_word strings/ /^ second_word = raw_input('Enter the second word:\\n').strip()$/;" v
seed other/game_of_life/ /^def seed(canvas):$/;" f
segt data_structures/binary tree/ /^ segt = SegmentTree(N)$/;" v
select sorts/ /^ def select(self, choices):$/;" m class:NWayMerge
selection boolean_algebra/ /^def selection(chart, prime_implicants):$/;" f
selection_sort sorts/ /^def selection_sort(collection):$/;" f
sentinel_linear_search searches/ /^def sentinel_linear_search(sequence, target):$/;" f
sequence searches/ /^ sequence = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
sequence searches/ /^ sequence = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
sequence strings/ /^ sequence = assemble_transformation(operations, m-1, n-1)$/;" v
set linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def set(self,components):$/;" m class:Vector
setLabel data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def setLabel(self, label):$/;" m class:Node
setLeft data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def setLeft(self, left):$/;" m class:Node
setParent data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def setParent(self, parent):$/;" m class:Node
setPosition graphs/ /^ def setPosition(vertex, pos):$/;" f function:PrimsAlgorithm file:
setRight data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def setRight(self, right):$/;" m class:Node
shell_sort sorts/ /^def shell_sort(collection):$/;" f
show data_structures/graph/ /^ def show(self):$/;" m class:Graph
show data_structures/graph/ /^ def show(self):$/;" m class:Graph
showData data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def showData(self):$/;" m class:SegmentTree
showMin dynamic_programming/ /^ def showMin(self, u, v):$/;" m class:Graph
show_distances data_structures/graph/ /^ def show_distances(self, src):$/;" m class:Graph
show_graph data_structures/graph/ /^ def show_graph(self):$/;" m class:Graph
show_path data_structures/graph/ /^ def show_path(self, src, dest):$/;" m class:Graph
sieve maths/ /^def sieve(n):$/;" f
sieve maths/ /^def sieve(n):$/;" f
sieveEr other/ /^def sieveEr(N):$/;" f
sig neural_network/ /^ def sig(self,x):$/;" m class:CNN
sigma sorts/ /^mu, sigma = 0, 1 # mean and standard deviation$/;" v
sigmoid neural_network/ /^def sigmoid(x):$/;" f
sign machine_learning/ /^ def sign(self, u):$/;" m class:Perceptron
sign neural_network/ /^ def sign(self, u):$/;" m class:Perceptron
signature other/ /^def signature(word):$/;" f
simple client server simple_client_server/ /^# simple client server$/;" c
simplifyFraction other/ /^def simplifyFraction(numerator, denominator):$/;" f
sink networking_flow/ /^source, sink = 0, 5$/;" v
sink networking_flow/ /^source, sink = 0, 5$/;" v
size data_structures/queue/ /^ def size(self):$/;" m class:Queue
size data_structures/queue/ /^ def size(self):$/;" m class:Queue
size data_structures/stacks/ /^ def size(self):$/;" m class:Stack
size linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def size(self):$/;" m class:Vector
smallestPrimeFactor other/ /^def smallestPrimeFactor(number):$/;" f
solve dynamic_programming/ /^ def solve(self, A, B):$/;" m class:EditDistance
solve_sub_array dynamic_programming/ /^ def solve_sub_array(self):$/;" m class:SubArray
solver dynamic_programming/ /^ solver = EditDistance()$/;" v
sort machine_learning/ /^ def sort(self, sample):$/;" m class:Perceptron
sort neural_network/ /^ def sort(self, sample):$/;" m class:Perceptron
sort sorts/ /^ def sort(self, filename, sort_key=None):$/;" m class:ExternalSort
sort sorts/ /^sort = topological_sort('a', [], [])$/;" v
sortedArray sorts/ /^ sortedArray = bucketSort([12, 23, 4, 5, 3, 2, 12, 81, 56, 95])$/;" v
source graphs/ /^ source = [0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 6]$/;" v
source networking_flow/ /^source, sink = 0, 5$/;" v
source networking_flow/ /^source, sink = 0, 5$/;" v
split sorts/ /^ def split(self, block_size, sort_key=None):$/;" m class:FileSplitter
split_and_add project_euler/problem_20/ /^def split_and_add(number):$/;" f
split_blocks hashes/ /^ def split_blocks(self):$/;" m class:SHA1Hash
squareZeroMatrix linear_algebra_python/src/ /^def squareZeroMatrix(N):$/;" f
src data_structures/graph/ /^ src = int(raw_input("Enter source:"))$/;" v
src data_structures/graph/ /^ src = int(raw_input("Enter source:"))$/;" v
src data_structures/graph/ /^ src = int(raw_input("Enter source:"))$/;" v
stack data_structures/stacks/ /^ stack = Stack()$/;" v
stack graphs/ /^stack = []$/;" v
start graphs/ /^start = (0, 0)$/;" v
start_time other/ /^start_time = time.time()$/;" v
strNumber project_euler/problem_04/ /^ strNumber = str(number)$/;" v
string strings/ /^ string = list('Python')$/;" v
string_num project_euler/problem_16/ /^string_num = str(num)$/;" v
strings other/ /^ strings = ['python', 'says', 'hello', '!']$/;" v
strong_connect graphs/ /^ def strong_connect(v, index, components):$/;" f function:tarjan file:
strt dynamic_programming/ /^ strt=time.time()$/;" v
sum project_euler/problem_01/ /^sum=0$/;" v
sum project_euler/problem_01/ /^sum = 0$/;" v
sum project_euler/problem_01/ /^sum=0$/;" v
sum project_euler/problem_02/ /^sum=0$/;" v
sum project_euler/problem_06/ /^sum = sumb**2 - suma$/;" v
sum32 hashes/ /^def sum32(a,b):$/;" f
sumOfDivisors maths/ /^def sumOfDivisors(n):$/;" f
sum_of_divisors project_euler/problem_21/ /^def sum_of_divisors(n):$/;" f
sum_of_num project_euler/problem_16/ /^sum_of_num = 0$/;" v
sum_of_primes project_euler/problem_10/ /^def sum_of_primes(n):$/;" f
sum_of_square_error machine_learning/ /^def sum_of_square_error(data_x, data_y, len_data, theta):$/;" f
suma project_euler/problem_06/ /^suma = 0$/;" v
suma project_euler/problem_06/ /^suma = n*(n+1)\/2$/;" v
sumb project_euler/problem_06/ /^sumb = 0$/;" v
sumb project_euler/problem_06/ /^sumb = n*(n+1)*(2*n+1)\/6$/;" v
summary neural_network/ /^ def summary(self):$/;" m class:BPNN
summation_of_cost_derivative machine_learning/ /^def summation_of_cost_derivative(index, end=m):$/;" f
sums project_euler/problem_21/ /^sums = []$/;" v
sundays project_euler/problem_19/ /^sundays = 0$/;" v
swap data_structures/graph/ /^ def swap(self, i, j):$/;" m class:PriorityQueue
symbols other/ /^symbols = [symbol for symbol in string.punctuation]$/;" v
t data_structures/ /^t = AVL()$/;" v
t graphs/ /^t = 1$/;" v
t hashes/ /^K = [0.33, 0.44, 0.55, 0.44, 0.33]; t = 3; m = 5$/;" v
t project_euler/problem_04/ /^ t = str(i*j)$/;" v
tNum project_euler/problem_12/ /^tNum = 1$/;" v
tabu_search searches/ /^def tabu_search(first_solution, distance_of_first_solution, dict_of_neighbours, iters, size):$/;" f
target graphs/ /^ target = [1, 3, 2, 0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 5]$/;" v
target searches/ /^ target = int(target_input)$/;" v
target searches/ /^ target = int(target_input)$/;" v
target searches/ /^ target = int(target_input)$/;" v
target searches/ /^ target = int(target_input)$/;" v
target searches/ /^ target = int(target_input)$/;" v
target_input searches/ /^ target_input = raw_input('Enter a single number to be found in the list:\\n')$/;" v
target_input searches/ /^ target_input = raw_input('Enter a single number to be found in the list:\\n')$/;" v
target_input searches/ /^ target_input = raw_input('Enter a single number to be found in the list:\\n')$/;" v
target_input searches/ /^ target_input = raw_input('Enter a single number to be found in the list:\\n')$/;" v
target_input searches/ /^ target_input = raw_input('Enter a single number to be found in the list:\\n')$/;" v
tarjan graphs/ /^def tarjan(g):$/;" f
temp project_euler/problem_02/ /^ temp=i$/;" v
tens_counts project_euler/problem_17/ /^tens_counts = [0, 0, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 7, 6, 6] #number of letters in twenty, thirty, ..., ninety (/;" v
terms project_euler/problem_01/ /^terms = (n-1)\/\/15$/;" v
terms project_euler/problem_01/ /^terms = (n-1)\/\/3$/;" v
terms project_euler/problem_01/ /^terms = (n-1)\/\/5$/;" v
test data_structures/trie/ /^def test():$/;" f
test hashes/ /^def test():$/;" f
testBinarySearchTree data_structures/binary tree/ /^def testBinarySearchTree():$/;" f
testMatchHashes hashes/ /^ def testMatchHashes(self):$/;" m class:SHA1HashTest
test__add__matrix linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def test__add__matrix(self):$/;" m class:Test
test__mul__matrix linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def test__mul__matrix(self):$/;" m class:Test
test__sub__matrix linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def test__sub__matrix(self):$/;" m class:Test
test_add linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def test_add(self):$/;" m class:Test
test_axpy linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def test_axpy(self):$/;" m class:Test
test_changeComponent linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def test_changeComponent(self):$/;" m class:Test
test_changeComponent_matrix linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def test_changeComponent_matrix(self):$/;" m class:Test
test_component linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def test_component(self):$/;" m class:Test
test_component_matrix linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def test_component_matrix(self):$/;" m class:Test
test_copy linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def test_copy(self):$/;" m class:Test
test_data machine_learning/ /^test_data = (((515, 22, 13), 555), ((61, 35, 49), 150))$/;" v
test_euclidLength linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def test_euclidLength(self):$/;" m class:Test
test_find_neighbours searches/ /^ def test_find_neighbours(self):$/;" m class:TestClass
test_generate_first_solutions searches/ /^ def test_generate_first_solutions(self):$/;" m class:TestClass
test_generate_neighbours searches/ /^ def test_generate_neighbours(self):$/;" m class:TestClass
test_gradient_descent machine_learning/ /^def test_gradient_descent():$/;" f
test_init_with_invalid_size data_structures/union_find/ /^ def test_init_with_invalid_size(self):$/;" m class:TestUnionFind
test_init_with_valid_size data_structures/union_find/ /^ def test_init_with_valid_size(self):$/;" m class:TestUnionFind
test_mul linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def test_mul(self):$/;" m class:Test
test_same_set_with_invalid_values data_structures/union_find/ /^ def test_same_set_with_invalid_values(self):$/;" m class:TestUnionFind
test_same_set_with_valid_values data_structures/union_find/ /^ def test_same_set_with_valid_values(self):$/;" m class:TestUnionFind
test_size linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def test_size(self):$/;" m class:Test
test_squareZeroMatrix linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def test_squareZeroMatrix(self):$/;" m class:Test
test_str linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def test_str(self):$/;" m class:Test
test_str_matrix linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def test_str_matrix(self):$/;" m class:Test
test_sub linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def test_sub(self):$/;" m class:Test
test_tabu_search searches/ /^ def test_tabu_search(self):$/;" m class:TestClass
test_union_with_invalid_values data_structures/union_find/ /^ def test_union_with_invalid_values(self):$/;" m class:TestUnionFind
test_union_with_valid_values data_structures/union_find/ /^ def test_union_with_valid_values(self):$/;" m class:TestUnionFind
test_unitBasisVector linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def test_unitBasisVector(self):$/;" m class:Test
test_zeroVector linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def test_zeroVector(self):$/;" m class:Test
text strings/ /^ text = "ABAAAAAB"$/;" v
text strings/ /^ text = "ABABZABABYABABX"$/;" v
text strings/ /^ text = "abcxabcdabxabcdabcdabcy"$/;" v
text strings/ /^ text = "ABAAAAAB"$/;" v
text strings/ /^ text = "ABABZABABYABABX"$/;" v
text strings/ /^ text = "abcxabcdabxabcdabcdabcy"$/;" v
text1 strings/ /^ text1 = "alskfjaldsabc1abc1abc12k23adsfabcabc"$/;" v
text1 strings/ /^ text1 = "alskfjaldsabc1abc1abc12k23adsfabcabc"$/;" v
text2 strings/ /^ text2 = "alskfjaldsk23adsfabcabc"$/;" v
text2 strings/ /^ text2 = "alskfjaldsk23adsfabcabc"$/;" v
tf dynamic_programming/ /^import tensorflow as tf$/;" I
tim dynamic_programming/ /^ tim=[]$/;" v
timsort sorts/ /^def timsort(lst):$/;" f
topToBottom graphs/ /^ def topToBottom(heap, start, size, positions):$/;" f function:PrimsAlgorithm file:
top_show graphs/ /^ def top_show(self):$/;" m class:PriorityQueue
topo graphs/ /^def topo(G, ind=None, Q=[1]):$/;" f
topologicalSort graphs/ /^def topologicalSort(l):$/;" f
topological_sort sorts/ /^def topological_sort(start, visited, sort):$/;" f
total project_euler/problem_21/ /^total = 0$/;" v
total project_euler/problem_36/ /^total = 0$/;" v
total project_euler/problem_48/ /^total = 0$/;" v
total project_euler/problem_53/ /^total = 0$/;" v
total_score project_euler/problem_22/ /^total_score = 0$/;" v
total_time other/ /^total_time = round(time.time() - start_time, 2)$/;" v
train machine_learning/ /^ def train(self, X, y):$/;" m class:Decision_Tree
train neural_network/ /^ def train(self,xdata,ydata,train_round,accuracy):$/;" m class:BPNN
train_data machine_learning/ /^train_data = (((5, 2, 3), 15), ((6, 5, 9), 25),$/;" v
training neural_network/ /^ def training(self):$/;" m class:Perceptron
trannig machine_learning/ /^ def trannig(self):$/;" m class:Perceptron
transCipher ciphers/ /^import transposition_cipher as transCipher$/;" I
translateMessage ciphers/ /^def translateMessage(key, message, mode):$/;" f
translateMessage ciphers/ /^def translateMessage(key, message, mode):$/;" f
traversalTree data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def traversalTree(self, traversalFunction = None, root = None):$/;" m class:BinarySearchTree
tree data_structures/graph/ /^ tree = defaultdict(list)$/;" v
treesort sorts/ /^def treesort(arr):$/;" f
trian neural_network/ /^ def trian(self,patterns,datas_train, datas_teach, n_repeat, error_accuracy,draw_e = bool):$/;" m class:CNN
triangle other/ /^def triangle(points,depth):$/;" f
twoSum other/ /^def twoSum(nums, target):$/;" f
u graphs/ /^ u, v = list(map(int,raw_input().split()))$/;" v
union data_structures/union_find/ /^ def union(self, u, v):$/;" m class:UnionFind
unitBasisVector linear_algebra_python/src/ /^def unitBasisVector(dimension,pos):$/;" f
unshift sorts/ /^ def unshift(self, index):$/;" m class:FilesArray
unsorted sorts/ /^ unsorted = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
unsorted sorts/ /^ unsorted = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
unsorted sorts/ /^ unsorted = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
unsorted sorts/ /^ unsorted = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
unsorted sorts/ /^ unsorted = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
unsorted sorts/ /^unsorted = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
unsorted sorts/ /^ unsorted = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
unsorted sorts/ /^ unsorted = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
unsorted sorts/ /^ unsorted = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
unsorted sorts/ /^ unsorted = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
unsorted sorts/ /^ unsorted = [ int(item) for item in user_input.split(',') ]$/;" v
unsorted sorts/ /^ unsorted = [ int(item) for item in user_input.split(',') ]$/;" v
unsorted sorts/ /^ unsorted = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
unsorted sorts/ /^ unsorted = [int(item) for item in user_input.split(',')]$/;" v
update data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def update(self, i, val): # update data (adding) in index i in O(lg N)$/;" m class:FenwickTree
update data_structures/binary tree/ /^ def update(self, idx, l, r, a, b, val): # update(1, 1, N, a, b, v) for update val v to [a,b]$/;" m class:SegmentTree
usage_doc other/game_of_life/ /^usage_doc='Usage of script: script_nama <size_of_canvas:int>'$/;" v
user_input searches/ /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by comma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input searches/ /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by comma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input searches/ /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by coma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input searches/ /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by comma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input searches/ /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by coma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input sorts/ /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by a comma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input sorts/ /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by a comma:').strip()$/;" v
user_input sorts/ /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by a comma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input sorts/ /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by a comma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input sorts/ /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by a comma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input sorts/ /^user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by a comma:\\n')$/;" v
user_input sorts/ /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by a comma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input sorts/ /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by a comma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input sorts/ /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by a comma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input sorts/ /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by a comma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input sorts/ /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by a comma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input sorts/ /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by a comma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input sorts/ /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by a comma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
user_input sorts/ /^ user_input = raw_input('Enter numbers separated by a comma:\\n').strip()$/;" v
v dynamic_programming/longest_increasing_subsequence_O(nlogn).py /^v = [2, 5, 3, 7, 11, 8, 10, 13, 6]$/;" v
v graphs/ /^ u, v = list(map(int,raw_input().split()))$/;" v
val dynamic_programming/ /^ val = [3,2,4,4]$/;" v
valid graphs/ /^def valid(p):$/;" f
vertices sorts/ /^vertices = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']$/;" v
visit graphs/ /^visit = [False]*n$/;" v
visited data_structures/graph/ /^ visited = {}$/;" v
w dynamic_programming/ /^ w = 6$/;" v
weight data_structures/graph/ /^ weight = float(raw_input("Enter weight:"))$/;" v
weight data_structures/graph/ /^ weight = float(raw_input("Enter weight:"))$/;" v
weight data_structures/graph/ /^ weight = float(raw_input("Enter weight:"))$/;" v
whole_array dynamic_programming/ /^ whole_array = input("please input some numbers:")$/;" v
width linear_algebra_python/src/ /^ def width(self):$/;" m class:Matrix
word_bysig other/ /^word_bysig = collections.defaultdict(list)$/;" v
word_list other/ /^word_list = sorted(list(set([word.strip().lower() for word in open(path[0] + '\/words')])))$/;" v
write_block sorts/ /^ def write_block(self, data, block_number):$/;" m class:FileSplitter
wt dynamic_programming/ /^ wt = [4,3,2,3]$/;" v
x dynamic_programming/ /^ x = 'AGGTAB'$/;" v
x graphs/ /^ x, y = map(int, raw_input().split(" "))$/;" v
x graphs/ /^ x, y, r = map(int, raw_input().split(" "))$/;" v
x searches/ /^x = 55$/;" v
xorshift hashes/ /^ def xorshift(X, Y):$/;" f function:pull file:
xrange dynamic_programming/ /^ xrange = range #Python 3$/;" v
xrange dynamic_programming/ /^ xrange = range # Python 3$/;" v
xrange graphs/ /^ xrange = range # Python 3$/;" v
xrange graphs/ /^ xrange = range # Python 3$/;" v
xrange project_euler/problem_10/ /^ xrange = range #Python 3$/;" v
xrange project_euler/problem_11/ /^ xrange = range #Python 2$/;" v
xrange project_euler/problem_12/ /^ xrange = range #Python 3$/;" v
xrange project_euler/problem_21/ /^ xrange = range #Python 3$/;" v
xrange project_euler/problem_22/ /^ xrange = range #Python 3$/;" v
xrange project_euler/problem_25/ /^ xrange = range #Python 3$/;" v
xrange project_euler/problem_28/ /^ xrange = range #Python 3$/;" v
xrange project_euler/problem_36/ /^ xrange = range #Python 3$/;" v
xrange project_euler/problem_48/ /^ xrange = range$/;" v
xrange project_euler/problem_53/ /^ xrange = range #Python 3$/;" v
xrange project_euler/problem_76/ /^ xrange = range #Python 3$/;" v
xrange strings/ /^ xrange = range #Python 3$/;" v
y dynamic_programming/ /^ y = 'GXTXAYB'$/;" v
y graphs/ /^ x, y = map(int, raw_input().split(" "))$/;" v
y graphs/ /^ x, y, r = map(int, raw_input().split(" "))$/;" v
year project_euler/problem_19/ /^year = 1901$/;" v
z sorts/ /^z = _inPlaceQuickSort(M,0,r) $/;" v
zeroVector linear_algebra_python/src/ /^def zeroVector(dimension):$/;" f