add more 3rd party packages

This commit is contained in:
wsvincent 2018-05-02 07:59:24 -04:00
parent a2d7e70f75
commit 0550f2420d

View File

@ -72,21 +72,27 @@
> For a complete listing of all available packages, see [Django Packages](
* [django-allauth]( - User registration, social authentication, account management, and more.
* [django-compressor]( - Compress JavaScript/CSS into a single cached file.
* [django-autocomplete-light]( - Add autocomplete to any Django model
* [django-compressor]( - Compress JavaScript/CSS into a single cached file
* [django-crispy-forms]( - DRY Django forms
* [dj-database-url]( - Use database URLs in a Django application
* [django-debug-toolbar]( - Configurable panels to debug requests/responses
* [django-environ]( - Environment variables
* [django-extensions]( - Custom management extensions for Django
* [django-extensions]( - Custom management extensions for Django, notably `runserver_plus` and `shell_plus`
* [django-filter]( - Powerful filters based on Django QuerySets
* [django-guardian]( - Per object permissions in Django
* [django-haystack]( - Modular search for Django
* [django-registration]( - User registration
* [django-rest-framework]( - Web APIs for Django
* [django-reversion]( - Version control for model instances
* [django-tables2]( - Simpler HTML tables
* [easy-thumbnails]( - Easy thumbnails for Django
* [wagtail]( - Very popular Django content management system (CMS)
* [whitenoise]( - Simplified static file serving for Python websites
## Django Rest Framework
> DRF is how we build APIs with Django. It's amazing.
> The most popular way to build web APIs with Django.
### DRF Resources