diff --git a/justfile b/justfile
index 8914777..92184c9 100644
--- a/justfile
+++ b/justfile
@@ -1,34 +1,44 @@
+# Default recipe - lists all available recipes
     just --list
+# Run alex linter on README.md to find inconsiderate writing
 	bunx alex README.md
+# Install and update dependencies
     python -m pip install --upgrade pip uv
     uv pip install --upgrade --requirement pyproject.toml
+# Generate table of contents and build the Jekyll site
     just doctoc
     bundle exec jekyll build
+# Generate table of contents for README.md
     bunx doctoc README.md
+# Stop the Docker containers
     docker compose down
+# Run linting on all files
 @lint *ARGS:
     # -uv --quiet tool run curlylint _layouts/
     # -bunx awesome-lint README.md
     uv tool run --with pre-commit-uv pre-commit run {{ ARGS }} --all-files
+# Start local development server
     # modd --file=modd.conf
     just up ""
+# Start containers (detached by default)
 @start *ARGS="--detach":
     just up {{ ARGS }}
+# Start Docker containers with optional arguments
 @up *ARGS:
     docker compose up {{ ARGS }}