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# Awesome Django > A curated list of awesome things related to Django. ## Contents - [Resources](#resources) - [Official](#official-resources) - [External](#external-resources) - [Community](#community) - [Conferences](#conferences) - [YouTube Channels](#conference-youtube-channels) - [Meetups](#meetups) - [Podcasts](#podcasts) - [Third-Party Packages](#third-party-packages) - [Tutorials](#tutorials) - [Beginner](#beginner-tutorials) - [Intermediate/Advanced](#intermediate-advanced) - [Docker](#docker) - [Boilerplate](#boilerplate) - [Open Source Apps](#open-source-apps) - [Open Source Projects](#open-source-projects) - [Django REST Framework](#django-rest-framework) - [Resources](#drf-resources) - [Tutorials](#drf-tutorials) - [DRF Boilerplate](#drf-boilerplate) - [Open Source Apps](#drf-open-source-apps) - [Books](#books) - [Courses](#courses) - [Videos](#videos) - [Free Videos](#free-videos) - [Paid Videos](#paid-videos) ## Resources ### Official Resources - [Project Website]( - Official Django website - [Documentation]( - Comprehensive documentation for all Django versions - [Polls Tutorial]( - Build a polls tutorial while learning Django internals - [Source Code]( - Hosted on Github ### External Resources - [Will Vincent's Website]( - Up-to-date tutorials on Django and Django REST Framework. - [Django Packages]( - Comprehensive directory of reusable Django apps and tools. - [Classy Class-Based Views]( - Detailed descriptions of methods/properties/attributes for each generic class-based view. - [Classy Django Forms]( - Detailed descriptions of methods/properties/attributes for each form class. - [Classy Django REST Framework]( - Detailed descriptions with methods/attributes for DRF class-based views and serializers. - [Django Sites]( - Comprehensive listing of sites built with Django. - [Pony Checkup]( - Security checkups for Django sites. - [Django Hunter]( - Tool to help identify incorrectly configured Django applications that are exposing sensitive information. - [Simple is Better than Complex]( - Regularly updated website with many tutorials and tips on Django. - [Full Stack Python's Django Page]( - Explanation of Django philosophy and links to other resources and tutorials. - [RealPython]( - Many high-quality tutorials on Django. - [TestDriven]( - Multiple Django-specific tutorials on topics like Docker, payments, and more. ### Community - [Users Google Group](!forum/django-users) - Very active discussion board for questions/answers. - [Developers Google Group](!forum/django-developers) - For contributions to Django itself only. - [Twitter]( - For official announcements on updates, security fixes, etc. - IRC Channel - Chat with other Django users at irc:// ### Conferences - [DjangoCon US]( - [DjangoCon Europe]( - [PyCon US]( - [PyCon Australia]( - [Euro Python]( - [Complete listing of all PyCons globally]( ### Conference YouTube Channels - [DjangoCon US]( - [DjangoCon Europe]( - [PyCon US]( - [EuroPython]( - [PyCon Australia]( - [Django Under the Hood]( ### Meetups - [Meetups]( - 400+ Meetup groups in 65 countries. ### Podcasts - [Django Chat]( - A weekly podcast from Will Vincent and Django Fellow Carlton Gibson with discussions of core Django concepts and regular guests. - [TalkPython]( - The leading Python podcast with several episodes on Django. - [Podcast Init]( - A popular Python podcast that features Django guests on occasion. ## Third-Party Packages _For a complete listing of all available packages, see [Django Packages]( - [channels]( - Async support for Django - [django-allauth]( - Improved user registration including social auth - [django-autocomplete-light]( - Add autocompletion to forms - [django-compressor]( - Compress JavaScript/CSS into a single cached file - [django-crispy-forms]( - DRY Django forms - [dj-database-url]( - Database URLs - [django-debug-toolbar]( - Configurable panels to debug requests/responses - [django-environ]( - Environment variables - [django-extensions]( - Custom management extensions, notably `runserver_plus` and `shell_plus` - [django-extra-views]( - Extra class-based generic views - [django-filter]( - Powerful filters based on Django QuerySets - [django-guardian]( - Per object permissions in Django - [django-hijack]( - Admins can log in and work on behalf of other users without having to know their credentials - [django-import-export]( - Import/export data more easily with admin integration - [django-loginas]( - "Log in as user" for the Django admin - [django-model-utils]( - Django model mixins and utilities - [django-organizations]( - Multi-user accounts for Django projects - [django-reversion]( - Version control for model instances - [django-rq]( - Integration for Redis Queue - [django-shapeshifter]( - A CBV to handle multiple forms in one view - [django-silk]( - Live profiling and inspection of HTTP requests and database queries - [django-sql-explorer]( - Share data via SQL queries - [django-storages]( - A single library to support multiple custom storage backends for Django - [django-tables2]( - HTML tables with pagination/sorting - [django-taggit]( - Simple model tags - [django-test-plus]( - Useful additions to Django's default TestCase - [easy-thumbnails]( - Image thumbnails for Django - [django-vanilla-views]( - Simpler class-based views in Django - [django-watson]( - Full-text search plugin - [factory-boy]( - Test fixtures replacement - [pytest-django]( - Use pytest features in Django - [urlman]( - A nicer way to do URLs for Django models - [whitenoise]( - Simplified static file serving for Python websites *Content Management Systems (CMSs)* - [wagtail]( - Popular Django content management system (CMS) - [mezzanine]( - CMS framework - [django-cms]( - CMS for Django *Django REST Framework* - [django-cors-headers]( - If your back-end and front-end are on different servers, you need this - [django-rest-auth]( - REST API endpoints for authentication and registration - [djoser]( - REST implementation of Django auth - [django-rest-framework]( - Web APIs for Django - [django-rest-framework-simplejwt]( - JSON web tokens for DRF - [django-rest-swagger]( - API document generator for Swagger UI ## Tutorials ### Beginner Tutorials - [Django Girls Tutorial]( - Use function-based views to build a blog app. - [Django for Beginners]( - Use class-based views to build three apps of increasing complexity (part of a full-length book). - [Mozilla Tutorial]( - Create a lending library app. - [A Complete Beginner's Guide to Django]( - In-depth and excellent walkthrough of a new Django app - [Build a HackerNews clone]( - Very well-done tutorial for Django 2.0. ### Intermediate/Advanced Tutorials - [Django Stripe Tutorial]( - [Setting up Stripe Connect with Django]( - [Storing Django Static and Media Files on Amazon S3]( - [Python and Django Logging in Plain English]( ### Docker Tutorials _Docker is commonly used to work with production-level databases locally like PostgreSQL or MySQL._ - [A Beginner's Guide to Docker]( - [A Brief Intro to Docker for Djangonauts]( - [How to use Django, Docker, and PostgreSQL]( - [Docker for Django Developers (slides)]( - [Dockerizing Django with Postgres, Gunicorn, and Nginx]( ## Boilerplate - [cookiecutter-django]( - A full-bodied starter project, highly customizable. - [djangox]( - A simpler approach with complete user authentication flow, Pipenv, and more. - [django-starter-project]( - A deliberately basic project that has multiple staging environments and Heroku deployment config. - [docker-django]( - A quick starter guide for Django and Docker together. - [ponee]( - A lightweight Django template ready for Heroku. - [wemake-django-template]( - Bleeding edge django template focused on code quality and security. ## Open Source Apps - [Hello, World app]( - [Message Board app]( - [Blog app with users and forms]( - [Newspaper app with custom user model, full user auth]( - [Behavior-Driven Development with Aloe]( - [Image Sharing Blog]( ## Open Source Projects - [Zulip]( - Open-source team chat - [django-oscar]( - E-commerce for Django - [saleor]( - E-commerce storefront - [Django-CRM]( - Open Source Python CRM based on Django ## Django REST Framework _The most popular way to build web APIs with Django._ ### DRF Resources - [Official Documentation]( - [DRF Source Code]( - [DRF]( ### DRF Tutorials - [Official REST Framework - A Beginner's Guide]( - [DRF Blog API]( - [Building APIs with Django and DRF]( - [DRF Serializers, Viewsets, and Routers]( - [DRF Todo API with User Auth]( - [DRF User Authentication]( - [DRF with React: Todo API]( - [DRF with React]( - [Making React and Django play well together]( ### DRF Boilerplate - [DRFx]( ### DRF Open Source Apps - [DRF Polls]( - API of the official Django polls tutorial - [DRF Blog]( - Basic Blog API - [ECGC]( - Example from DjangoCon 2017 talk [Write an API for Almost Anything]( ## Books _Django 2.2_ - [Django for Beginners: Build websites with Python and Django]( - [Django for APIs: Build web APIs with Python and Django]( _Django 2.1_ - [Build Your First Website with Django 2.1]( - [Practical Django 2 and Channels 2]( - [Django 2 Web Development Cookbook]( _Django 2.0_ - [Hello Web App 2.0]( - [Django Design Patterns and Best Practices]( - [Django 2 by Example]( _Django 1.11_ - [Two Scoops of Django: Best Practices for Django 1.11]( - [Test-Driven Development with Python]( - [Django RESTful Web Services]( - [Beginning Django]( ## Courses - [Develop a Real-Time Taxi App with Django Channels and Angular]( ## Videos ### Free Videos _Django 2.2_ - [Mastering Django]( _Django 2.1_ - [Django Authentication Tutorial by Vitor Freitas]( - [Build a Startup with Django by CSDojo]( - [Just Django]( _Django 2.0_ - [Build a Guestbook (30-part series) by Pretty Printed]( - [Blog Tutorial by Corey Schafer]( - [CS50's Web Programming with Python and JavaScript]( _Django 1.11_ - [Todo App by Traversy Media]( - [Django Crash Course by Traversy Media]( ### Paid Videos - [Build Backend Web Apps and APIs with Django]( - 9 hour course from Andrew Pinkham, author of [Django Unleashed](, covering APIs, data manipulation, and deployment to Heroku. - [Build a Real Estate App](*FmkJFU6n4&offerid=507388.1952540&type=2& - 11 hour course by Brad Traversy on building a real estate app with PostgreSQL and deploying to Digital Ocean. - [Ultimate Web Development Bootcamp](*FmkJFU6n4&offerid=507388.1562632&type=2& - 10 hour course building three apps--word counter, personal portfolio, product hunt clone--and deploying to Digital Ocean. ### License [![CC0](]( > Some links contain affiliate codes which help me justify the time to keep this list up-to-date.