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Awesome Django
A curated list of awesome things related to Django.
Table of Contents
Official Resources
General Tutorials
- Django for Beginners - Build 3 apps from scratch: Hello World, Pages, and Message Board
- Django Girls Tutorial - Use function-based views to build a blog app
- Mozilla Tutorial - Create a lending library app
- A Complete Beginner's Guide to Django - In-depth and excellent walkthrough of a new Django app
- Build a HackerNews clone - Very well-done tutorial for Django 2.0.
Deployment Tutorials
Advanced Tutorials
External Resources
- Classy Class-Based Views - Detailed descriptions for each generic class-based view.
- Django Packages - Comprehensive directory of reusable Django apps and tools.
- William Vincent's Website - Up-to-date tutorials on Django and Django REST Framework.
- Simple is Better than Complex - Regularly updated website with many tutorials and tips on Django.
- Full Stack Python's Django Page - Explanation of Django philosophy and links to other resources and tutorials.
Starter Projects
- cookiecutter-django - A full-bodied starter project, highly customizable.
- djangox - Comes with complete user registration, email/password, Pipenv, and more.
- django-starter-project - A deliberately simple project that has multiple staging environments and Heroku deployment config.
Example Apps: Beginner
- Hello, World app
- Message Board app
- Blog app with users and forms
- Newspaper app with custom user model, full user auth
- Behavior-Driven Development with Aloe
Example Apps: Advanced
- wagtail - Very popular Django-based content management system
- Zulip - Open-source team chat
- django-oscar - E-commerce for Django
- django-cms - CMS for Django
- saleor - E-commerce storefront
Docker is commonly used to work with production-level databases locally like PostgreSQL or MySQL.
- A Beginner's Guide to Docker
- A Brief Intro to Docker for Djangonauts
- How to use Django, Docker, and PostgreSQL
- Docker for Django Developers (slides)
- Dockerizing Django with Postgres, Gunicorn, and Nginx
Django REST Framework
The most popular way to build web APIs with Django.
DRF Resources
DRF Tutorials
- Official REST Framework - A Beginner's Guide
- DRF Blog API
- Building APIs with Django and DRF
- DRF Serializers, Viewsets, and Routers
- DRF Todo API with User Auth
- DRF User Authentication
DRF and React Tutorials
DRF Starter Projects
DRF Example Apps
- DRF Polls - API of the official Django polls tutorial
- DRF Blog - Basic Blog API
- ECGC - Example from DjangoCon 2017 talk Write an API for Almost Anything
Third-Party Packages
For a complete listing of all available packages, see Django Packages
- django-allauth - User registration, social authentication, account management, and more.
- django-compressor - Compress JavaScript/CSS into a single cached file
- django-crispy-forms - DRY Django forms
- django-debug-toolbar - Configurable panels to debug requests/responses
- django-environ - Environment variables
- django-extensions - Custom management extensions, notably
- django-filter - Powerful filters based on Django QuerySets
- django-guardian - Per object permissions in Django
- django-hijack - Admins can log in and work on behalf of other users without having to know their credentials
- django-model-utils - Django model mixins and utilities
- django-silk - Live profiling and inspection of HTTP requests and database queries
- django-storages - A single library to support multiple custom storage backends for Django
- django-tables2 - HTML tables with pagination/sorting
- django-test-plus - Useful additions to Django's default TestCase
- easy-thumbnails - Image thumbnails for Django
- pytest-django - Use pytest features in Django
- wagtail - Popular Django content management system (CMS)
- whitenoise - Simplified static file serving for Python websites
Django Rest Framework specific packages
- django-rest-auth - REST API endpoints for authentication and registration
- django-rest-framework - Web APIs for Django
- django-rest-framework-simplejwt - JSON web tokens for DRF
- django-rest-swagger - API document generator for Swagger UI
Books and Courses
Django 2.1
- Django for Beginners: Build websites with Python and Django
- REST APIs with Django: Build web APIs with Python and Django
- Build Your First Website with Django 2.1
- Develop a Real-Time Taxi App with Django Channels and Angular
Django 2.0
- Hello Web App 2.0
- Django Design Patterns and Best Practices
- Building Django 2.0 Web Applications
- Django RESTful Web Services
Django 1.11
- Django 2.1 Authentication Tutorial by Vitor Freitas
- Build a Startup with Django 2.1 by CSDojo
- Django 2.0 Blog Tutorial by Corey Schafer
- Django 1.11 Todo App by Traversy Media
- Django Crash Course by Traversy Media
- Django 1.9 Web Development by Harrison Kinsley
- Effective Django (2013)
- GoDjango
- Coding for Entrepreneurs
- Udemy:
Some links to paid content contain affiliate codes. This modest income helps me justify the time to keep this list up-to-date.