import os from time import sleep from github import ContentFile, Github, PaginatedList from populate.database import SessionLocal, engine from populate.models import Base, Repository # from sqlalchemy import create_engine QUERY = '"from fastapi import" language:python in:file' # size:{from_}..{to}' MAX_SIZE = 50 * (2 ** 10) # 50 KB g = Github(os.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")) # TOKEN = os.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN") # token_auth = ApiTokenHeader("Authorization", f"token {TOKEN}") # git = GitHub("", auth=token_auth) # best_split = git.get_best_split() # out = [] # for key, value in best_split.items(): # out.append({"from": key[0], "to": key[1], "count": value}) # with open("best_split.json", "w") as f: # json.dump(out, f) if __name__ == "__main__": # TODO: Create migrations setup. Base.metadata.create_all(engine) # 1. Query projects within a range interval = 2 ** 9 # 512 bytes with SessionLocal() as session: for from_ in range(0, MAX_SIZE, interval): to = from_ + interval files = g.search_code(QUERY.format(from_=from_, to=to)) for file in files: repo = file.repository repo_obj = Repository.get(session, full_name=repo.full_name) if repo_obj is not None: # TODO: Check when last commit was made. # If it was recent, update dependencies. continue repo_obj = Repository( full_name=repo.full_name, html_url=repo.html_url, clone_url=repo.clone_url, stargazers=repo.stargazers_count, ) session.add(repo_obj) session.flush() # TODO: Check if repository already analyzed. print(repo.full_name) sleep(1) # 2. Clone repositories # 3. Find import statements # 4. Store project data into the database # 5. Push the sqlite file to gcs