""" Create repos and dependencies indexes. This script creates can create two indexes: - ``repos_index.json``: Contains all the repositories and their dependencies. - ``dependencies_index.json``: Contains all the dependencies and the repositories that depend on them. The indexes are used by the frontend to display the data and perform searches. """ import asyncio import json from pathlib import Path from typing import Final import aiofiles import sqlalchemy.orm import typer from app.database import Dependency, Repo from app.models import DependencyDetail, RepoDetail from app.uow import async_session_uow #: The path to the repos index file. REPOS_INDEX_PATH: Final[Path] = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "repos_index.json" #: The path to the dependencies index file. DEPENDENCIES_INDEX_PATH: Final[Path] = ( Path(__file__).parent.parent / "dependencies_index.json" ) app = typer.Typer() async def create_repos_index() -> None: """ Create repos_index.json file from database. :return: None """ async with async_session_uow() as session, aiofiles.open( REPOS_INDEX_PATH, "w" ) as index_file: await index_file.write( json.dumps( { "repos": [ RepoDetail.model_validate(repo).model_dump() async for repo in ( await session.stream_scalars( sqlalchemy.select(Repo) .order_by(Repo.id) .options(sqlalchemy.orm.selectinload(Repo.dependencies)) ) ) ], }, indent=4, ) ) async def create_dependencies_index() -> None: """ Create dependencies_index.json file from database. :return: None """ async with async_session_uow() as session, aiofiles.open( DEPENDENCIES_INDEX_PATH, "w" ) as index_file: dependencies = [ DependencyDetail.model_validate(dependency).model_dump() async for dependency in ( await session.stream_scalars( sqlalchemy.select(Dependency).order_by(Dependency.id) ) ) if dependency.name ] await index_file.write( json.dumps( { "dependencies": dependencies, }, indent=4, ) ) @app.command() def index_repos() -> None: """Create ``repos_index.json``.""" asyncio.run(create_repos_index()) @app.command() def index_dependencies() -> None: """Create ``dependencies_index.json``.""" asyncio.run(create_dependencies_index()) if __name__ == "__main__": app()