diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index d5e0a7b0..354b0f1a 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ so you need Python. - [MapReduce](#mapreduce) - [Third-party APIs](#third-party-apis) - [Algorithms and Design Patterns](#algorithms-and-design-patterns) + - [Games](#games) - [Miscellaneous](#miscellaneous) - [Resources](#resources) - [Editor Plugins](#editor-plugins) @@ -375,6 +376,7 @@ so you need Python. * [gevent](http://www.gevent.org/) - A coroutine-based Python networking library that uses [greenlet](https://github.com/python-greenlet/greenlet). * [Twisted](https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/) - An event-driven networking engine. * [Tornado](http://www.tornadoweb.org/) - A Web framework and asynchronous networking library. +* [pyzmq](http://zeromq.github.io/pyzmq/) - A python wrapper for the 0MQ message library. ## Admin Panels @@ -406,6 +408,8 @@ so you need Python. * [PySide](http://qt-project.org/wiki/pyside) - Python bindings for the Qt cross-platform application and UI framework. * [wxPython](http://wxpython.org/) - A blending of the wxWidgets C++ class library with the Python. * [kivy](http://kivy.org/) - A library for creating NUI applications, running on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android and iOS. +* [curses](https://docs.python.org/2/library/curses.html#module-curses) - Built-in wrapper for [ncurses](http://www.gnu.org/software/ncurses/) used to create terminal GUI applications. +* [urwid](http://urwid.org/) - A library for creating terminal GUI applications with strong support for widgets, events, rich colors, etc. ## Logging @@ -454,12 +458,14 @@ so you need Python. * [SciPy](http://www.scipy.org/) - A Python-based ecosystem of open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering. * [NumPy](http://www.numpy.org/) - A fundamental package for scientific computing with Python. +* [Numba](http://numba.pydata.org/) - Python JIT (just in time) complier to LLVM aimed at scientific Python by the developers of Cython and NumPy. * [matplotlib](http://matplotlib.org/) - A Python 2D plotting library. * [NetworkX](https://networkx.github.io/) - A high-productivity software for complex networks. * [Pandas](http://pandas.pydata.org/) - A library providing high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools. * [PyMC](https://github.com/pymc-devs/pymc) - Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling toolkit. * [zipline](https://github.com/quantopian/zipline) - A Pythonic algorithmic trading library. * [ggplot](https://github.com/yhat/ggplot) - Same API as ggplot2 for R. +* [PyDy](https://pydy.org/) - Short for Python Dynamics, used to assist with workflow in the modeling of dynamic motion based around NumPy, SciPy, IPython, and matplotlib. ## Machine Learning @@ -504,6 +510,17 @@ so you need Python. * [python-patterns](https://github.com/faif/python-patterns) - A collection of design patterns in Python. * [algorithms](https://github.com/nryoung/algorithms) - module of algorithms for Python. +## Games + +*Libraries for developing games.* + +* [Pygame](http://www.pygame.org/news.html) - Popular 2D game engine based on SDL with additional tools for handling sprites, collisions, etc. +* [PySDL2](http://pysdl2.readthedocs.org/en/latest/) - A ctypes based wrapper for the SDL2 library. +* [Panda3D](https://www.panda3d.org/) - 3D game engine developed by Disney and maintained by Carnegie Mellon's Entertainment Technology Center. Written in C++, completely wrapped in Python. +* [PyOgre](http://www.ogre3d.org/tikiwiki/PyOgre) - Python bindings for the Ogre 3D render engine, can be used for games, simulations, anything 3D. +* [pyglet](http://www.pyglet.org/) - Cross platform windowing and multimedia library for Python. +* [PyOpenGL](http://pyopengl.sourceforge.net/) - Python ctypes bindings for OpenGL and it's related APIs. + ## Miscellaneous *Useful libraries or tools that don't fit in the categories above.*