diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 8f53992c..85389286 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -661,6 +661,8 @@ Inspired by [awesome-php](https://github.com/ziadoz/awesome-php). *Libraries for programming with hardware.* * [ino](http://inotool.org/) - Command line toolkit for working with [Arduino](https://www.arduino.cc/). +* [keyboard](https://github.com/boppreh/keyboard) - Hook and simulate global keyboard events on Windows and Linux. +* [mouse](https://github.com/boppreh/mouse) - Hook and simulate global mouse events on Windows and Linux. * [Pingo](http://www.pingo.io/) - Pingo provides a uniform API to program devices like the Raspberry Pi, pcDuino, Intel Galileo, etc. * [Pyro](http://pyrorobotics.com/) - Python Robotics. * [PyUserInput](https://github.com/SavinaRoja/PyUserInput) - A module for cross-platform control of the mouse and keyboard.