## π Trending Up
_Projects that have a higher project-quality score compared to the last update. There might be a variety of reasons, such as increased downloads or code activity._
- tqdm (π₯42 Β· β 22K Β· π) - A Fast, Extensible Progress Bar for Python and CLI. MPL-2.0
- tox (π₯40 Β· β 2.7K Β· π) - Command line driven CI frontend and development task automation tool. MIT

- stackprinter (π₯25 Β· β 1.2K Β· π) - Debugging-friendly exceptions for Python. MIT
- eradicate (π₯23 Β· β 130 Β· π) - Removes commented-out code from Python files. βοΈSaxpath
- flake8-bandit (π₯23 Β· β 78 Β· π) - Automated security testing using bandit and flake8. MIT

## π Trending Down
_Projects that have a lower project-quality score compared to the last update. There might be a variety of reasons such as decreased downloads or code activity._
- pytest-cov (π₯34 Β· β 1.2K Β· π) - Coverage plugin for pytest. MIT

- pylama (π₯28 Β· β 880 Β· π) - Code audit tool for python. MIT
- flake8-quotes (π₯25 Β· β 140 Β· π) - Flake8 extension for checking quotes in python. MIT

- python-hunter (π₯22 Β· β 660 Β· π) - Hunter is a flexible code tracing toolkit. BSD-2
- pip-run (π₯16 Β· β 66 Β· π) - pip-run - dynamic dependency loader for Python. MIT