## 📈 Trending Up
_Projects that have a higher project-quality score compared to the last update. There might be a variety of reasons, such as increased downloads or code activity._
- pipenv (🥇44 · ⭐ 23K · 📈) - Python Development Workflow for Humans. MIT
- mkdocs (🥇42 · ⭐ 15K · 📈) - Project documentation with Markdown. BSD-2

- mkdocs-material (🥇40 · ⭐ 11K · 📈) - Documentation that simply works. MIT

- pip-tools (🥈37 · ⭐ 6.1K · 📈) - A set of tools to keep your pinned Python dependencies fresh. BSD-3
- stackprinter (🥉25 · ⭐ 1.2K · 📈) - Debugging-friendly exceptions for Python. MIT
## 📉 Trending Down
_Projects that have a lower project-quality score compared to the last update. There might be a variety of reasons such as decreased downloads or code activity._
- hypothesis (🥇40 · ⭐ 6.1K · 📉) - Hypothesis is a powerful, flexible, and easy to use library.. MPL-2.0
- py-spy (🥈32 · ⭐ 8.8K · 📉) - Sampling profiler for Python programs. MIT
- doit (🥉32 · ⭐ 1.4K · 📉) - task management & automation tool. MIT
- pyenv (🥈31 · ⭐ 28K · 📉) - Simple Python version management. MIT
- Yappi (🥉28 · ⭐ 950 · 📉) - Yet Another Python Profiler, but this time thread&coroutine&greenlet.. MIT