## 📈 Trending Up
_Projects that have a higher project-quality score compared to the last update. There might be a variety of reasons, such as increased downloads or code activity._
- tqdm (🥇42 · ⭐ 23K · 📈) - A Fast, Extensible Progress Bar for Python and CLI. MPL-2.0
- pyinstaller (🥇42 · ⭐ 9.5K · 📈) - Freeze (package) Python programs into stand-alone.. ❗️GPL-2.0
- shiv (🥉25 · ⭐ 1.5K · 📈) - shiv is a command line utility for building fully self contained Python.. BSD-2
- python-hunter (🥉24 · ⭐ 690 · 📈) - Hunter is a flexible code tracing toolkit. BSD-2
- universal-build (🥉15 · ⭐ 18 · 💤) - Universal build utilities for containerized build pipelines. MIT
## 📉 Trending Down
_Projects that have a lower project-quality score compared to the last update. There might be a variety of reasons such as decreased downloads or code activity._
- sphinx (🥇43 · ⭐ 4.9K · 📉) - Main repository for the Sphinx documentation builder. BSD-3

- pylama (🥈27 · ⭐ 930 · 📉) - Code audit tool for python. MIT
- green (🥉27 · ⭐ 740 · 📉) - Green is a clean, colorful, fast python test runner. MIT
- darglint (🥉24 · ⭐ 440 · 💤) - A python documentation linter which checks that the docstring.. MIT
- data-science-types (🥉20 · ⭐ 190 · 💀) - Mypy stubs, i.e., type information, for numpy, pandas.. Apache-2