## 📈 Trending Up
_Projects that have a higher project-quality score compared to the last update. There might be a variety of reasons, such as increased downloads or code activity._
- poetry (🥈41 · ⭐ 27K · 📈) - Python packaging and dependency management made easy. MIT
- pycodestyle (🥇37 · ⭐ 4.9K · 📈) - Simple Python style checker in one Python file. MIT
- pytest-asyncio (🥈34 · ⭐ 1.2K · 📈) - Asyncio support for pytest. Apache-2

- pytype (🥉33 · ⭐ 4.4K · 📈) - A static type analyzer for Python code. Apache-2
- flake8-comprehensions (🥈27 · ⭐ 450 · 📈) - A flake8 plugin to help you write better.. MIT

## 📉 Trending Down
_Projects that have a lower project-quality score compared to the last update. There might be a variety of reasons such as decreased downloads or code activity._
- pytest-xdist (🥉28 · ⭐ 1.3K · 📉) - pytest plugin for distributed testing and loop-on-.. MIT

- factory_boy (🥉27 · ⭐ 3.2K · 📉) - A test fixtures replacement for Python. MIT
- progressbar2 (🥉27 · ⭐ 830 · 📉) - Progressbar 2 - A progress bar for Python 2 and Python 3 -.. BSD-3
- freezegun (🥉26 · ⭐ 3.8K · 💤) - Let your Python tests travel through time. Apache-2
- hacking (🥉20 · ⭐ 230 · 📉) - OpenStack Hacking Style Checks. Mirror of code maintained at.. Apache-2