## 📈 Trending Up
_Projects that have a higher project-quality score compared to the last update. There might be a variety of reasons, such as increased downloads or code activity._
- black (🥇44 · ⭐ 30K · 📈) - The uncompromising Python code formatter. MIT
- isort (🥈41 · ⭐ 5.4K · 📈) - A Python utility / library to sort imports. MIT
- rope (🥇37 · ⭐ 1.5K · 📈) - a python refactoring library. ❗️LGPL-3.0
- ipdb (🥇33 · ⭐ 1.6K · 📈) - Integration of IPython pdb. BSD-3
- flake8-bugbear (🥈31 · ⭐ 860 · 📈) - A plugin for Flake8 finding likely bugs and design.. MIT

## 📉 Trending Down
_Projects that have a lower project-quality score compared to the last update. There might be a variety of reasons such as decreased downloads or code activity._
- mkdocs-material (🥇40 · ⭐ 12K · 📉) - Documentation that simply works. MIT

- pyinstrument (🥈32 · ⭐ 4.9K · 📉) - Call stack profiler for Python. Shows you why your code is.. BSD-3
- setuptools_scm (🥉32 · ⭐ 660 · 📉) - the blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags. MIT
- nox (🥉29 · ⭐ 930 · 📉) - Flexible test automation for Python. Apache-2

- freshenv (🥉14 · ⭐ 150 · 📉) - Provision, share, manage local and cloud developer environments. MPL-2.0