configuration: markdown_header_file: "config/" markdown_footer_file: "config/" min_stars: 50 categories: - category: "linters" title: "Linters & Style Checkers" - category: "formatters" title: "Code Formatters" - category: "refactoring" title: "Code Refactoring" - category: "security" title: "Code Security" - category: "virtual-envs" title: "Virtual Environments" - category: "dependency-managers" title: "Dependency & Package Mangers" - category: "code-metrics" title: "Code Metrics & Complexity" - category: "logging" title: "Logging" - category: "documentation" title: "Documentation" - category: "debugging" title: "Debugging Tools" - category: "testing" title: "Testing Tools" - category: "packaging" title: "Code Packaging" # Freezing - category: "build-tools" title: "Build Tools" - category: "profiling" title: "System Monitoring & Profiling" # subtitle: "Libraries to monitor, collect, and visualize system metrics (e.g., memory, CPU, GPU)." - category: "ast" title: "AST Tools" labels: - label: "flake8" image: "" description: "Flake8 related project" - label: "pytest" image: "" description: "Pytest related project" - label: "pylint" image: "" description: "Pylint related project" - label: "sphinx" image: "" description: "Sphinx related project" - label: "mkdocs" image: "" description: "MkDocs related project" projects: - name: typed_ast github_id: python/typed_ast category: ast pypi_id: typed_ast conda_id: conda-forge/typed-ast - name: gast github_id: serge-sans-paille/gast category: ast pypi_id: gast conda_id: conda-forge/gast - name: astor github_id: berkerpeksag/astor category: ast pypi_id: astor conda_id: conda-forge/astor - name: astunparse github_id: simonpercivall/astunparse category: ast pypi_id: astunparse conda_id: conda-forge/astunparse - name: asteval github_id: newville/asteval category: ast pypi_id: asteval conda_id: conda-forge/asteval - name: mccabe github_id: PyCQA/mccabe category: code-metrics pypi_id: mccabe conda_id: conda-forge/mccabe show: true - name: radon github_id: rubik/radon category: code-metrics pypi_id: radon conda_id: conda-forge/radon - name: prospector github_id: PyCQA/prospector category: code-metrics pypi_id: prospector conda_id: conda-forge/prospector - name: xenon github_id: rubik/xenon category: code-metrics pypi_id: xenon conda_id: conda-forge/xenon - name: wily github_id: tonybaloney/wily category: code-metrics pypi_id: wily - name: cohesion github_id: mschwager/cohesion category: code-metrics pypi_id: cohesion conda_id: conda-forge/cohesion - name: pudb github_id: inducer/pudb category: debugging pypi_id: pudb conda_id: conda-forge/pudb - name: conda github_id: conda/conda category: dependency-managers pypi_id: conda conda_id: conda-forge/conda - name: poetry github_id: python-poetry/poetry category: dependency-managers pypi_id: poetry conda_id: conda-forge/poetry - name: dephell github_id: dephell/dephell category: dependency-managers pypi_id: dephell - name: pyflow github_id: David-OConnor/pyflow category: dependency-managers pypi_id: pyflow - name: blacken-docs github_id: asottile/blacken-docs category: documentation pypi_id: blacken-docs conda_id: conda-forge/blacken-docs - name: mkdocstrings github_id: mkdocstrings/mkdocstrings category: documentation pypi_id: mkdocstrings conda_id: conda-forge/mkdocstrings labels: ["mkdocs"] - name: pdoc3 github_id: pdoc3/pdoc category: documentation pypi_id: pdoc3 conda_id: anaconda/pdoc3 - name: isort github_id: PyCQA/isort category: formatters pypi_id: isort conda_id: conda-forge/isort - name: black github_id: psf/black category: formatters pypi_id: black conda_id: conda-forge/black - name: yapf github_id: google/yapf category: formatters pypi_id: yapf conda_id: conda-forge/yapf - name: autopep8 github_id: hhatto/autopep8 category: formatters pypi_id: autopep8 conda_id: conda-forge/autopep8 - name: docformatter github_id: myint/docformatter category: formatters pypi_id: docformatter conda_id: conda-forge/docformatter - name: pyformat github_id: myint/pyformat category: formatters pypi_id: pyformat - name: mypy github_id: python/mypy category: linters pypi_id: mypy conda_id: conda-forge/mypy - name: pylint github_id: PyCQA/pylint category: linters pypi_id: pylint conda_id: conda-forge/pylint - name: flake8 github_id: PyCQA/flake8 category: linters pypi_id: flake8 conda_id: conda-forge/flake8 description: 'Flake8 is a wrapper around these tools: PyFlakes; pycodestyle; Ned Batchelder"s McCabe script.' - name: pycodestyle github_id: PyCQA/pycodestyle category: linters pypi_id: pycodestyle conda_id: conda-forge/pycodestyle show: true - name: parso github_id: davidhalter/parso category: linters pypi_id: parso conda_id: conda-forge/parso - name: pyflakes github_id: PyCQA/pyflakes category: linters pypi_id: pyflakes conda_id: conda-forge/pyflakes - name: pydocstyle github_id: PyCQA/pydocstyle category: linters pypi_id: pydocstyle conda_id: conda-forge/pydocstyle - name: flake8-bugbear github_id: PyCQA/flake8-bugbear category: linters pypi_id: flake8-bugbear conda_id: conda-forge/flake8-bugbear labels: ["flake8"] - name: hacking github_id: openstack/hacking category: linters pypi_id: hacking labels: ["flake8"] - name: pylint-django github_id: PyCQA/pylint-django category: linters pypi_id: pylint-django conda_id: conda-forge/pylint-django labels: ["pylint"] - name: pytype github_id: google/pytype category: linters pypi_id: pytype conda_id: conda-forge/pytype - name: wemake-python-styleguide github_id: wemake-services/wemake-python-styleguide category: linters pypi_id: wemake-python-styleguide - name: pyre-check github_id: facebook/pyre-check category: linters pypi_id: pyre-check - name: pep8-naming github_id: PyCQA/pep8-naming category: linters pypi_id: pep8-naming conda_id: conda-forge/pep8-naming - name: check-manifest github_id: mgedmin/check-manifest category: linters pypi_id: check-manifest conda_id: conda-forge/check-manifest - name: flake8-import-order github_id: PyCQA/flake8-import-order category: linters pypi_id: flake8-import-order conda_id: conda-forge/flake8-import-order labels: ["flake8"] - name: pylint-flask github_id: jschaf/pylint-flask category: linters pypi_id: pylint-flask conda_id: conda-forge/pylint-flask labels: ["pylint"] - name: pyright github_id: Microsoft/pyright category: linters npm_id: pyright license: MIT - name: flake8-mypy github_id: ambv/flake8-mypy category: linters pypi_id: flake8-mypy labels: ["flake8"] - name: bellybutton github_id: hchasestevens/bellybutton category: linters pypi_id: bellybutton - name: imhotep github_id: justinabrahms/imhotep category: linters pypi_id: imhotep - name: pycycle github_id: bndr/pycycle category: linters pypi_id: pycycle - name: linty_fresh github_id: lyft/linty_fresh category: linters pypi_id: linty-fresh labels: ["flake8", "mypy"] - name: python-devtools github_id: samuelcolvin/python-devtools category: logging pypi_id: python-devtools conda_id: conda-forge/python-devtools - name: wasabi github_id: ines/wasabi category: logging pypi_id: wasabi conda_id: conda-forge/wasabi - name: loguru github_id: Delgan/loguru category: logging pypi_id: loguru conda_id: conda-forge/loguru - name: better-exceptions github_id: Qix-/better-exceptions category: logging pypi_id: better-exceptions - name: pipreqs github_id: bndr/pipreqs category: dependency-managers pypi_id: pipreqs conda_id: conda-forge/pipreqs - name: heartrate github_id: alexmojaki/heartrate category: profiling pypi_id: heartrate conda_id: conda-forge/heartrate - name: livepython github_id: agermanidis/livepython category: profiling - name: pympler github_id: pympler/pympler category: profiling pypi_id: pympler conda_id: conda-forge/pympler - name: memory-profiler github_id: pythonprofilers/memory_profiler category: profiling pypi_id: memory_profiler conda_id: conda-forge/memory_profiler - name: psutil github_id: giampaolo/psutil category: profiling pypi_id: psutil conda_id: conda-forge/psutil - name: Diamond github_id: python-diamond/Diamond category: profiling pypi_id: diamond - name: Profiling github_id: what-studio/profiling category: profiling pypi_id: profiling - name: Glances github_id: nicolargo/glances category: profiling pypi_id: glances conda_id: conda-forge/glances - name: py-spy github_id: benfred/py-spy category: profiling pypi_id: py-spy conda_id: conda-forge/py-spy cargo_id: py-spy - name: Scalene github_id: plasma-umass/scalene category: profiling pypi_id: scalene - name: pyinstrument github_id: joerick/pyinstrument category: profiling pypi_id: pyinstrument conda_id: conda-forge/pyinstrument - name: Yappi github_id: sumerc/yappi category: profiling pypi_id: yappi conda_id: conda-forge/yappi - name: line_profiler github_id: pyutils/line_profiler category: profiling pypi_id: line_profiler conda_id: conda-forge/line_profiler - name: rope github_id: python-rope/rope category: refactoring pypi_id: rope conda_id: conda-forge/rope - name: vulture github_id: jendrikseipp/vulture category: refactoring pypi_id: vulture conda_id: conda-forge/vulture - name: autoflake github_id: myint/autoflake category: refactoring pypi_id: autoflake conda_id: conda-forge/autoflake - name: Bowler github_id: facebookincubator/Bowler category: refactoring pypi_id: bowler conda_id: conda-forge/bowler - name: redbaron github_id: pycqa/redbaron category: refactoring pypi_id: redbaron - name: MonkeyType github_id: Instagram/MonkeyType category: refactoring pypi_id: monkeytype conda_id: conda-forge/monkeytype - name: pyupgrade github_id: asottile/pyupgrade category: refactoring pypi_id: pyupgrade conda_id: conda-forge/pyupgrade - name: baron github_id: PyCQA/baron category: refactoring pypi_id: baron - name: unify github_id: myint/unify category: refactoring pypi_id: unify conda_id: conda-forge/unify - name: eradicate github_id: myint/eradicate category: refactoring pypi_id: eradicate conda_id: conda-forge/eradicate - name: add-trailing-comma github_id: asottile/add-trailing-comma category: refactoring pypi_id: add-trailing-comma - name: unimport github_id: hakancelik96/unimport category: refactoring pypi_id: unimport - name: massedit github_id: elmotec/massedit category: refactoring pypi_id: massedit - name: retype github_id: ambv/retype category: refactoring pypi_id: retype conda_id: conda-forge/retype - name: pep8ify github_id: spulec/pep8ify category: refactoring pypi_id: pep8ify - name: com2ann github_id: ilevkivskyi/com2ann category: refactoring pypi_id: com2ann - name: detect-secrets github_id: Yelp/detect-secrets category: security pypi_id: detect-secrets - name: bandit github_id: PyCQA/bandit category: security pypi_id: bandit conda_id: conda-forge/bandit - name: safety github_id: pyupio/safety category: security pypi_id: safety conda_id: conda-forge/safety - name: dodgy github_id: landscapeio/dodgy category: security pypi_id: dodgy conda_id: conda-forge/dodgy - name: dlint github_id: dlint-py/dlint category: security pypi_id: dlint conda_id: conda-forge/dlint - name: pyt github_id: python-security/pyt category: security pypi_id: python-taint - name: pipenv github_id: pypa/pipenv category: virtual-envs pypi_id: pipenv conda_id: conda-forge/pipenv - name: virtualenv github_id: pypa/virtualenv category: virtual-envs pypi_id: virtualenv conda_id: conda-forge/virtualenv - name: pyenv github_id: pyenv/pyenv category: virtual-envs pypi_id: pyenv - name: pyenv-virtualenv github_id: pyenv/pyenv-virtualenv category: virtual-envs - name: dh-virtualenv github_id: spotify/dh-virtualenv category: virtual-envs - name: pyenv-installer github_id: pyenv/pyenv-installer category: virtual-envs - name: pipenv-pipes github_id: gtalarico/pipenv-pipes category: virtual-envs pypi_id: pipenv-pipes - name: pytest github_id: pytest-dev/pytest category: testing pypi_id: pytest conda_id: conda-forge/pytest labels: ["pytest"] - name: robotframework github_id: robotframework/robotframework category: testing pypi_id: robotframework conda_id: conda-forge/robotframework - name: hypothesis github_id: HypothesisWorks/hypothesis category: testing pypi_id: hypothesis conda_id: conda-forge/hypothesis - name: pyautogui github_id: asweigart/pyautogui category: testing pypi_id: pyautogui conda_id: conda-forge/pyautogui - name: mimesis github_id: lk-geimfari/mimesis category: testing pypi_id: mimesis conda_id: conda-forge/mimesis - name: freezegun github_id: spulec/freezegun category: testing pypi_id: freezegun conda_id: conda-forge/freezegun - name: factory_boy github_id: FactoryBoy/factory_boy category: testing pypi_id: factory_boy conda_id: conda-forge/factory_boy - name: fake2db github_id: emirozer/fake2db category: testing pypi_id: fake2db - name: sixpack github_id: sixpack/sixpack category: testing pypi_id: sixpack - name: green github_id: CleanCut/green category: testing pypi_id: green conda_id: conda-forge/green - name: nose2 github_id: nose-devs/nose2 category: testing pypi_id: nose2 conda_id: conda-forge/nose2 - name: buildbot github_id: buildbot/buildbot category: build-tools pypi_id: buildbot conda_id: conda-forge/buildbot - name: tbvaccine github_id: skorokithakis/tbvaccine category: logging pypi_id: tbvaccine - name: sqlmap github_id: sqlmapproject/sqlmap category: security pypi_id: sqlmap - name: uiautomator github_id: xiaocong/uiautomator category: testing pypi_id: uiautomator - name: nose github_id: nose-devs/nose category: testing pypi_id: nose conda_id: conda-forge/nose - name: pytest-bdd github_id: pytest-dev/pytest-bdd category: testing pypi_id: pytest-bdd conda_id: conda-forge/pytest-bdd labels: ["pytest"] - name: pytest-benchmark github_id: ionelmc/pytest-benchmark category: testing pypi_id: pytest-benchmark conda_id: conda-forge/pytest-benchmark labels: ["pytest"] - name: pytest-xdist github_id: pytest-dev/pytest-xdist category: testing pypi_id: pytest-xdist conda_id: conda-forge/pytest-xdist labels: ["pytest"] - name: asv github_id: airspeed-velocity/asv category: testing pypi_id: asv conda_id: conda-forge/asv - name: PyHamcrest github_id: hamcrest/PyHamcrest category: testing pypi_id: pyhamcrest conda_id: conda-forge/pyhamcrest - name: ddt github_id: datadriventests/ddt category: testing pypi_id: ddt conda_id: conda-forge/ddt - name: assertpy github_id: ActivisionGameScience/assertpy category: testing pypi_id: assertpy conda_id: conda-forge/assertpy - name: pytest-lazy-fixture github_id: tvorog/pytest-lazy-fixture category: testing pypi_id: pytest-lazy-fixture conda_id: conda-forge/pytest-lazy-fixture labels: ["pytest"] - name: pytest-datadir github_id: gabrielcnr/pytest-datadir category: testing pypi_id: pytest-datadir conda_id: conda-forge/pytest-datadir labels: ["pytest"] - name: pytest-play github_id: pytest-dev/pytest-play category: testing pypi_id: pytest-play labels: ["pytest"] - name: vex github_id: sashahart/vex category: virtual-envs pypi_id: vex - name: icecream github_id: gruns/icecream category: debugging pypi_id: icecream conda_id: conda-forge/icecream - name: ipdb github_id: gotcha/ipdb category: debugging pypi_id: ipdb conda_id: conda-forge/ipdb - name: pyelftools github_id: eliben/pyelftools category: debugging pypi_id: pyelftools conda_id: conda-forge/pyelftools - name: pdbpp github_id: pdbpp/pdbpp category: debugging pypi_id: pdbpp conda_id: conda-forge/pdbpp - name: python-hunter github_id: ionelmc/python-hunter category: debugging pypi_id: hunter conda_id: conda-forge/hunter - name: python-manhole github_id: ionelmc/python-manhole category: debugging pypi_id: manhole conda_id: conda-forge/manhole - name: vprof github_id: nvdv/vprof category: profiling pypi_id: vprof - name: memory_profiler github_id: fabianp/memory_profiler category: profiling pypi_id: memory_profiler conda_id: conda-forge/memory_profiler - name: pybuilder github_id: pybuilder/pybuilder category: build-tools pypi_id: pybuilder conda_id: conda-forge/pybuilder - name: setuptools_scm github_id: pypa/setuptools_scm category: build-tools pypi_id: setuptools_scm conda_id: conda-forge/setuptools_scm - name: PySnooper github_id: cool-RR/PySnooper category: debugging pypi_id: pysnooper conda_id: conda-forge/pysnooper - name: gdbgui github_id: cs01/gdbgui category: debugging pypi_id: gdbgui - name: pyrasite github_id: lmacken/pyrasite category: debugging pypi_id: pyrasite - name: typeguard github_id: agronholm/typeguard category: debugging pypi_id: typeguard conda_id: conda-forge/typeguard - name: pip github_id: pypa/pip category: dependency-managers pypi_id: pip conda_id: conda-forge/pip - name: pip-tools github_id: jazzband/pip-tools category: dependency-managers pypi_id: pip-tools conda_id: conda-forge/pip-tools - name: numpydoc github_id: numpy/numpydoc category: documentation pypi_id: numpydoc conda_id: conda-forge/numpydoc labels: ["sphinx"] - name: sphinx github_id: sphinx-doc/sphinx category: documentation pypi_id: sphinx conda_id: conda-forge/sphinx labels: ["sphinx"] - name: sphinx_rtd_theme github_id: readthedocs/sphinx_rtd_theme category: documentation pypi_id: sphinx_rtd_theme conda_id: conda-forge/sphinx_rtd_theme labels: ["sphinx"] - name: pycco github_id: pycco-docs/pycco category: documentation pypi_id: pycco license: MIT - name: pdoc github_id: mitmproxy/pdoc category: documentation pypi_id: pdoc - name: alabaster github_id: bitprophet/alabaster category: documentation pypi_id: alabaster conda_id: conda-forge/alabaster labels: ["sphinx"] - name: sphinx-bootstrap-theme github_id: ryan-roemer/sphinx-bootstrap-theme category: documentation pypi_id: sphinx-bootstrap-theme labels: ["sphinx"] - name: breathe github_id: michaeljones/breathe category: documentation pypi_id: breathe conda_id: conda-forge/breathe - name: sphinx-autodoc-typehints github_id: tox-dev/sphinx-autodoc-typehints category: documentation pypi_id: sphinx-autodoc-typehints conda_id: conda-forge/sphinx-autodoc-typehints labels: ["sphinx"] - name: sphinx-autobuild github_id: executablebooks/sphinx-autobuild category: documentation pypi_id: sphinx-autobuild conda_id: conda-forge/sphinx-autobuild labels: ["sphinx"] - name: interrogate github_id: econchick/interrogate category: documentation pypi_id: interrogate - name: releases github_id: bitprophet/releases category: documentation pypi_id: releases conda_id: conda-forge/sphinx-releases labels: ["sphinx"] - name: sphinx-markdown-builder github_id: clayrisser/sphinx-markdown-builder category: documentation pypi_id: sphinx-markdown-builder labels: ["sphinx"] - name: coala github_id: coala/coala category: linters pypi_id: coala-bears - name: pylama github_id: klen/pylama category: linters pypi_id: pylama - name: mypy-protobuf github_id: dropbox/mypy-protobuf category: linters pypi_id: mypy-protobuf conda_id: conda-forge/mypy-protobuf - name: darglint github_id: terrencepreilly/darglint category: linters pypi_id: darglint conda_id: conda-forge/darglint - name: flake8-comprehensions github_id: adamchainz/flake8-comprehensions category: linters pypi_id: flake8-comprehensions conda_id: conda-forge/flake8-comprehensions labels: ["flake8"] - name: Fixit github_id: Instagram/Fixit category: linters pypi_id: fixit - name: flakehell github_id: life4/flakehell category: linters pypi_id: flakehell labels: ["flake8"] - name: flake8-eradicate github_id: wemake-services/flake8-eradicate category: linters pypi_id: flake8-eradicate conda_id: conda-forge/flake8-eradicate labels: ["flake8"] - name: data-science-types github_id: predictive-analytics-lab/data-science-types category: linters pypi_id: data-science-types conda_id: conda-forge/data-science-types - name: beartype github_id: beartype/beartype category: linters pypi_id: beartype conda_id: conda-forge/beartype - name: flake8-commas github_id: PyCQA/flake8-commas category: linters pypi_id: flake8-commas labels: ["flake8"] - name: flake8-quotes github_id: zheller/flake8-quotes category: linters pypi_id: flake8-quotes conda_id: conda-forge/flake8-quotes labels: ["flake8"] - name: nitpick github_id: andreoliwa/nitpick category: linters pypi_id: nitpick labels: ["flake8"] - name: flake8-isort github_id: gforcada/flake8-isort category: linters pypi_id: flake8-isort conda_id: conda-forge/flake8-isort labels: ["flake8"] license: GPL-2.0 - name: pandas-vet github_id: deppen8/pandas-vet category: linters pypi_id: pandas-vet conda_id: conda-forge/pandas-vet labels: ["flake8"] - name: flake8-black github_id: peterjc/flake8-black category: linters pypi_id: flake8-black conda_id: conda-forge/flake8-black labels: ["flake8"] - name: flake8-builtins github_id: gforcada/flake8-builtins category: linters pypi_id: flake8-builtins conda_id: conda-forge/flake8-builtins labels: ["flake8"] - name: flake8-bandit github_id: tylerwince/flake8-bandit category: linters pypi_id: flake8-bandit labels: ["flake8"] - name: structlog github_id: hynek/structlog category: logging pypi_id: structlog conda_id: conda-forge/structlog - name: logbook github_id: getlogbook/logbook category: logging pypi_id: logbook conda_id: conda-forge/logbook - name: stackprinter github_id: cknd/stackprinter category: logging pypi_id: stackprinter conda_id: conda-forge/stackprinter - name: pyinstaller github_id: pyinstaller/pyinstaller category: packaging pypi_id: pyinstaller conda_id: conda-forge/pyinstaller license: GPL-2.0 - name: pex github_id: pantsbuild/pex category: packaging pypi_id: pex - name: shiv github_id: linkedin/shiv category: packaging pypi_id: shiv - name: pynsist github_id: takluyver/pynsist category: packaging pypi_id: pynsist - name: cx_Freeze github_id: marcelotduarte/cx_Freeze category: packaging pypi_id: cx_freeze conda_id: conda-forge/cx_freeze show: true - name: constructor github_id: conda/constructor category: packaging conda_id: constructor - name: py2exe github_id: py2exe/py2exe category: packaging pypi_id: py2exe - name: py2app github_id: ronaldoussoren/py2app category: packaging pypi_id: py2app - name: pyheat github_id: csurfer/pyheat category: profiling pypi_id: py-heat - name: jedi github_id: davidhalter/jedi category: refactoring pypi_id: jedi conda_id: conda-forge/jedi - name: pyannotate github_id: dropbox/pyannotate category: refactoring pypi_id: pyannotate - name: pyarmor github_id: dashingsoft/pyarmor category: security pypi_id: pyarmor - name: tox github_id: tox-dev/tox category: testing pypi_id: tox conda_id: conda-forge/tox labels: ["pytest"] - name: pytest-testinfra github_id: pytest-dev/pytest-testinfra category: testing pypi_id: pytest-testinfra conda_id: conda-forge/pytest-testinfra labels: ["pytest"] - name: pytest-mock github_id: pytest-dev/pytest-mock category: testing pypi_id: pytest-mock conda_id: conda-forge/pytest-mock labels: ["pytest"] - name: pytest-cov github_id: pytest-dev/pytest-cov category: testing pypi_id: pytest-cov conda_id: conda-forge/pytest-cov labels: ["pytest"] - name: pytest-sugar github_id: Teemu/pytest-sugar category: testing pypi_id: pytest-sugar conda_id: conda-forge/pytest-sugar labels: ["pytest"] - name: pytest-asyncio github_id: pytest-dev/pytest-asyncio category: testing pypi_id: pytest-asyncio conda_id: conda-forge/pytest-asyncio labels: ["pytest"] - name: pytest-watch github_id: joeyespo/pytest-watch category: testing pypi_id: pytest-watch conda_id: conda-forge/pytest-watch labels: ["pytest"] - name: nox github_id: theacodes/nox category: testing pypi_id: nox conda_id: conda-forge/nox labels: ["pytest"] - name: pytest-testmon github_id: tarpas/pytest-testmon category: testing pypi_id: pytest-testmon conda_id: conda-forge/pytest-testmon labels: ["pytest"] - name: Mamba Test Runner github_id: nestorsalceda/mamba category: testing pypi_id: mamba - name: coveralls-python github_id: TheKevJames/coveralls-python category: testing pypi_id: coveralls conda_id: conda-forge/coveralls labels: ["pytest"] - name: pytest-html github_id: pytest-dev/pytest-html category: testing pypi_id: pytest-html conda_id: conda-forge/pytest-html labels: ["pytest"] - name: pytest-plugins github_id: man-group/pytest-plugins category: testing pypi_id: pytest-virtualenv conda_id: conda-forge/pytest-shutil - name: pytest-randomly github_id: pytest-dev/pytest-randomly category: testing pypi_id: pytest-randomly conda_id: conda-forge/pytest-randomly - name: pytest-mypy github_id: dbader/pytest-mypy category: testing pypi_id: pytest-mypy conda_id: conda-forge/pytest-mypy labels: ["pytest"] - name: pytest-docker github_id: avast/pytest-docker category: testing pypi_id: pytest-docker labels: ["pytest"] - name: best-of-web-python - Testing github_id: ml-tooling/best-of-web-python category: testing description: Testing libraries & tools for python web frameworks. resource: true - name: invoke github_id: pyinvoke/invoke category: build-tools pypi_id: invoke conda_id: conda-forge/invoke - name: flit github_id: pypa/flit category: build-tools pypi_id: flit conda_id: conda-forge/flit - name: setuptools github_id: pypa/setuptools category: build-tools pypi_id: setuptools conda_id: conda-forge/setuptools - name: twine github_id: pypa/twine category: build-tools pypi_id: twine conda_id: conda-forge/twine - name: scons github_id: SCons/scons category: build-tools pypi_id: scons conda_id: conda-forge/scons license: MIT - name: doit github_id: pydoit/doit category: build-tools pypi_id: doit conda_id: conda-forge/doit - name: buildout github_id: buildout/buildout category: build-tools pypi_id: zc.buildout conda_id: conda-forge/zc.buildout - name: paver github_id: paver/paver category: build-tools pypi_id: paver conda_id: conda-forge/paver - name: wheel github_id: pypa/wheel category: build-tools pypi_id: wheel conda_id: conda-forge/wheel - name: pynt github_id: rags/pynt category: build-tools pypi_id: pynt - name: pipx github_id: pypa/pipx category: dependency-managers pypi_id: pipx conda_id: conda-forge/pipx - name: pip-run github_id: jaraco/pip-run category: dependency-managers pypi_id: pip-run - name: mkdocs github_id: mkdocs/mkdocs category: documentation pypi_id: mkdocs conda_id: conda-forge/mkdocs labels: ["mkdocs"] - name: mkdocs-material github_id: squidfunk/mkdocs-material category: documentation pypi_id: mkdocs-material conda_id: conda-forge/mkdocs-material labels: ["mkdocs"] - name: portray github_id: timothycrosley/portray category: documentation pypi_id: portray - name: mkdocs-pdf-export-plugin github_id: zhaoterryy/mkdocs-pdf-export-plugin category: documentation pypi_id: mkdocs-pdf-export-plugin labels: ["mkdocs"] - name: mkdocs-awesome-pages-plugin github_id: lukasgeiter/mkdocs-awesome-pages-plugin category: documentation pypi_id: mkdocs-awesome-pages-plugin labels: ["mkdocs"] - name: mkdocs-versioning github_id: zayd62/mkdocs-versioning category: documentation pypi_id: mkdocs-versioning labels: ["mkdocs"] - name: mkdocs-git-revision-date-plugin github_id: zhaoterryy/mkdocs-git-revision-date-plugin category: documentation pypi_id: mkdocs-git-revision-date-plugin labels: ["mkdocs"] - name: mkdocs-with-pdf github_id: orzih/mkdocs-with-pdf category: documentation pypi_id: mkdocs-with-pdf labels: ["mkdocs"] - name: mkdocs-print-site-plugin github_id: timvink/mkdocs-print-site-plugin category: documentation pypi_id: mkdocs-print-site-plugin labels: ["mkdocs"] - name: Nuitka github_id: Nuitka/Nuitka category: packaging pypi_id: nuitka conda_id: conda-forge/nuitka - name: PyOxidizer github_id: indygreg/PyOxidizer category: packaging pypi_id: pyoxidizer - name: xar github_id: facebookincubator/xar category: packaging pypi_id: xar - name: subpar github_id: google/subpar category: packaging - name: pyship github_id: jamesabel/pyship category: packaging pypi_id: pyship - name: universal-build github_id: ml-tooling/universal-build category: build-tools pypi_id: universal-build show: true - name: lazydocs github_id: ml-tooling/lazydocs category: documentation pypi_id: lazydocs show: true - name: yala github_id: cemsbr/yala category: linters pypi_id: yala labels: ["flake8", "pylint"] - name: python-json-logger github_id: madzak/python-json-logger category: logging pypi_id: python-json-logger conda_id: conda-forge/python-json-logger - name: sentry-sdk github_id: getsentry/sentry-python category: logging pypi_id: sentry-sdk conda_id: conda-forge/sentry-sdk - name: tabulate github_id: astanin/python-tabulate category: logging pypi_id: tabulate conda_id: conda-forge/tabulate - name: colorlog github_id: borntyping/python-colorlog category: logging pypi_id: colorlog conda_id: conda-forge/colorlog - name: packaging github_id: pypa/packaging category: packaging pypi_id: packaging conda_id: conda-forge/packaging - name: pre-commit github_id: pre-commit/pre-commit category: others pypi_id: pre-commit conda_id: conda-forge/pre-commit - name: progressbar2 github_id: WoLpH/python-progressbar category: logging pypi_id: progressbar2 conda_id: conda-forge/progressbar2 - name: alive-progress github_id: rsalmei/alive-progress category: logging pypi_id: alive-progress conda_id: conda-forge/alive-progress - name: tqdm github_id: tqdm/tqdm category: logging pypi_id: tqdm conda_id: conda-forge/tqdm license: MPL-2.0 dockerhub_id: tqdm/tqdm - name: playwright-python github_id: microsoft/playwright-python category: testing pypi_id: playwright - name: PrettyErrors github_id: onelivesleft/PrettyErrors category: logging pypi_id: pretty_errors conda_id: conda-forge/pretty_errors - name: notifiers github_id: liiight/notifiers category: logging pypi_id: notifiers conda_id: conda-forge/notifiers - name: rebound github_id: shobrook/rebound category: logging pypi_id: rebound conda_id: conda-forge/rebound - name: prettytable github_id: jazzband/prettytable category: logging pypi_id: prettytable conda_id: conda-forge/prettytable - name: python-coloredlogs github_id: xolox/python-coloredlogs category: logging pypi_id: coloredlogs conda_id: anaconda/coloredlogs - name: mamba github_id: mamba-org/mamba category: dependency-managers conda_id: conda-forge/mamba - name: Bpytop github_id: aristocratos/bpytop category: profiling pypi_id: bpytop conda_id: conda-forge/bpytop - name: xdoctest github_id: Erotemic/xdoctest category: testing pypi_id: xdoctest conda_id: conda-forge/xdoctest conda_forge: conda-forge/xdoctest - name: snoop github_id: alexmojaki/snoop category: debugging pypi_id: snoop conda_id: conda-forge/snoop - name: Birdseye github_id: alexmojaki/birdseye category: debugging pypi_id: birdseye - name: rich github_id: Textualize/rich category: logging pypi_id: rich conda_id: conda-forge/rich - name: briefcase github_id: beeware/briefcase category: packaging pypi_id: briefcase - name: Packaging homepage: resource: True description: "An Overview of Packaging for Python" category: packaging - name: unittest homepage: description: "Unittest is a test framework included in the Python standard library." resource: True category: testing - name: pytkdocs github_id: mkdocstrings/pytkdocs category: documentation conda_id: conda-forge/pytkdocs pypi_id: pytkdocs