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synced 2025-03-22 21:49:49 +00:00
add support for cache,feedparser,pattern,toot,urilist options and sections
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,8 +28,13 @@ import re
import feedparser
# feed2toot library imports
from feed2toot.confparsers.cache import parsecache
from feed2toot.confparsers.hashtaglist import parsehashtaglist
from feed2toot.confparsers.feedparser import parsefeedparser
from feed2toot.confparsers.plugins import parseplugins
from feed2toot.confparsers.rss.pattern import parsepattern
from feed2toot.confparsers.rss.toot import parsetoot
from feed2toot.confparsers.rss.urilist import parseurilist
class ConfParse:
'''ConfParse class'''
@ -49,105 +54,25 @@ class ConfParse:
config = SafeConfigParser()
if not config.read(os.path.expanduser(pathtoconfig)):
sys.exit('Could not read config file')
# The feedparser section
if config.has_option('feedparser', 'accept_bozo_exceptions'):
self.accept_bozo_exceptions = config.getboolean('feedparser', 'accept_bozo_exceptions')
self.accept_bozo_exceptions = False
# feedparser section
accept_bozo_exceptions = parsefeedparser(config)
# the rss section
self.tweetformat = parsetoot(config)
# pattern and patter_case_sensitive format option
options['patterns'], options['patternscasesensitive'] = parsepattern(config)
# uri_list option
feeds = []
feeds = parseurilist(config, accept_bozo_exceptions)
section = 'rss'
if config.has_section(section):
# tweet option
oldconfoption = 'tweet'
confoption = 'toot'
# manage 'tweet' for compatibility reason with first versions
if config.has_option(section, oldconfoption):
logging.warn("Your configuration file uses a 'tweet' parameter instead of 'toot'. 'tweet' is deprecated and will be removed in Feed2toot 0.7")
self.tweetformat = config.get(section, oldconfoption)
elif config.has_option(section, confoption):
self.tweetformat = config.get(section, confoption)
sys.exit('You should define a format for your tweet with the parameter "{confoption}" in the [{section}] section'.format(confoption=confoption, section=section))
# pattern format option
options['patterns'] = {}
options['patternscasesensitive'] = {}
for pattern in ['summary_detail', 'published_parsed', 'guidislink', 'authors', 'links', 'title_detail', 'author', 'author_detail', 'comments', 'published', 'summary', 'tags', 'title', 'link', 'id']:
currentoption = '{}_pattern'.format(pattern)
if config.has_option(section, currentoption):
tmppattern = config.get(section, currentoption)
if self.stringsep in tmppattern:
options['patterns'][currentoption] = [i for i in tmppattern.split(self.stringsep) if i]
options['patterns'][currentoption] = [tmppattern]
# pattern_case_sensitive option
currentoption = '{}_pattern_case_sensitive'.format(pattern)
if config.has_option(section, currentoption):
options['patternscasesensitive'][currentoption] = config.getboolean(section, currentoption)
except ValueError as err:
options['patternscasesensitive'][currentoption] = True
bozoexception = False
feeds = []
patterns = []
# uri_list option
currentoption = 'uri_list'
if config.has_option(section, currentoption):
rssfile = config.get(section, currentoption)
rssfile = os.path.expanduser(rssfile)
if not os.path.exists(rssfile) or not os.path.isfile(rssfile):
sys.exit('The path to the uri_list parameter is not valid: {rssfile}'.format(rssfile=rssfile))
rsslist = open(rssfile, 'r').readlines()
for line in rsslist:
line = line.strip()
# split each line in two parts, rss link and a string with the different patterns to look for
feedname = ''
if '<' in line:
matches = re.match('(.*) <(.*)>', line)
if not matches:
sys.exit('This line in the list of uri to parse is not formatted correctly: {line}'.format(line))
feedname, line = matches.groups()
confobjects = line.split('|')
if len(confobjects) > 3 or len(confobjects) == 2:
sys.exit('This line in the list of uri to parse is not formatted correctly: {line}'.format(line))
if len(confobjects) == 3:
rss, rssobject, patternstring = line.split('|')
if len(confobjects) == 1:
rss = confobjects[0]
rssobject = ''
patternstring = ''
# split different searched patterns
patterns = [i for i in patternstring.split(self.stringsep) if i]
# retrieve the content of the rss
feed = feedparser.parse(rss)
if 'bozo_exception' in feed:
bozoexception = True
if not self.accept_bozo_exceptions:
# check if the rss feed and the rss entry are valid ones
if 'entries' in feed:
if rssobject and rssobject not in feed['entries'][0].keys():
sys.exit('The rss object {rssobject} could not be found in the feed {rss}'.format(rssobject=rssobject, rss=rss))
sys.exit('The rss feed {rss} does not seem to be valid'.format(rss=rss))
feeds.append({'feed': feed, 'patterns': patterns, 'rssobject': rssobject, 'feedname': feedname})
# test if all feeds in the list were unsuccessfully retrieved and if so, leave
if not feeds and bozoexception:
sys.exit('No feed could be retrieved. Leaving.')
# uri option
@ -182,38 +107,9 @@ class ConfParse:
if config.has_option(section, currentoption):
options['nopatternurinoglobalpattern'] = config.getboolean(section, currentoption)
# the cache section
section = 'cache'
if not self.clioptions.cachefile:
# cachefile option
confoption = 'cachefile'
if config.has_section(section):
options['cachefile'] = config.get(section, confoption)
sys.exit('You should provide a {confoption} parameter in the [{section}] section'.format(section=section, confoption=confoption))
options['cachefile'] = os.path.expanduser(options['cachefile'])
cachefileparent = os.path.dirname(options['cachefile'])
if cachefileparent and not os.path.exists(cachefileparent):
sys.exit('The parent directory of the cache file does not exist: {cachefileparent}'.format(cachefileparent=cachefileparent))
options['cachefile'] = self.clioptions.cachefile
# cache limit
if config.has_section(section):
confoption = 'cache_limit'
if config.has_option(section, confoption):
options['cache_limit'] = int(config.get(section, confoption))
except ValueError as err:
sys.exit('Error in configuration with the {confoption} parameter in [{section}]: {err}'.format(confoption=confoption, section=section, err=err))
options['cache_limit'] = 100
options['cache_limit'] = 100
options['cachefile'], options['cache_limit'] = parsecache(self.clioptions.cachefile, config)
# the hashtag section
@ -223,9 +119,7 @@ class ConfParse:
plugins = parseplugins(config)
# return the final configurations values
if feeds:
self.confs.append((options, config, self.tweetformat, feeds, plugins))
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