2022-10-10 21:56:38 +05:30
import time
2022-10-09 22:41:33 +05:30
import requests # Will help us to get out url directed
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # Will help us to scrap us the data
import os
import smtplib # this module is used for sending mail
from email . message import EmailMessage
email_id = os . environ . get ( " EMAIL_ADDR " )
email_pass = os . environ . get ( " EMAIL_PASS " )
# I have used this since I have hidden my credentials
URL = " https://www.amazon.in/Apple-MacBook-Chip-13-inch-256GB/dp/B08N5W4NNB/ref=sr_1_3?crid=3BF9J6OT56GW0&keywords=macbook+m1&qid=1665331351&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIzLjgzIiwicXNhIjoiMi43NiIsInFzcCI6IjEuNTIifQ % 3D % 3D&sprefix=macbook+m1 % 2Caps % 2C3675&sr=8-3 "
def check_price ( ) :
#Copy url of the product that you are looking for
headers = { " user-Agents " : ' Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 ' }
# Now lets print our product title to veerify that its working
page = requests . get ( URL , headers = headers )
soup = BeautifulSoup ( page . content , ' html.parser ' )
title = soup . find ( class_ = " a-size-large product-title-word-break " ) . get_text ( )
price = soup . find ( class_ = " a-price-whole " ) . get_text ( )
converted_price = price [ : 6 ] . replace ( " , " , " " ) # We don't want comma so we replaced with ""
print ( title . strip ( ) )
print ( converted_price )
# Now we will send mail if the converted price is less than present price
if ( converted_price < 92890 ) :
send_mail ( )
def send_mail ( ) :
message = EmailMessage ( )
message [ ' Subject ' ] = " Your favourite product is now at cheaper price!!😍 "
message [ ' From ' ] = email_id
message [ ' to ' ] = " mobir99513@lutota.com " #Any random email you can give whom you want to send the email
2022-12-23 22:52:23 -06:00
message . set_content ( " Hey! Check out this Amazon link : https://www.amazon.in/Apple-MacBook-Chip-13-inch-256GB/dp/B08N5W4NNB/ref=sr_1_3?crid=3BF9J6OT56GW0&keywords=macbook+m1&qid=1665331351&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIzLjgzIiwicXNhIjoiMi43NiIsInFzcCI6IjEuNTIifQ % 3D % 3D&sprefix=macbook+m1 % 2Caps % 2C3675&sr=8-3 " )
2022-10-09 22:41:33 +05:30
with smtplib . SMTP_SSL ( ' smtp.gmail.com ' , 465 ) as smtp : #465 is the port number
smtp . login ( email_id , email_pass )
smtp . send_message ( message )
while True :
check_price ( )
2022-12-23 22:52:23 -06:00
time . sleep ( 10 )