## Check-System-Usage

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### About

A Python3 script to automate the email sending process

### Setup

* Install Python3 for Windows from [here](https://python.org).
* Open Windows Command Prompt
* Clone the repository
  git clone https://github.com/GDSC-RCCIIT/General-Purpose-Scripts.git
* Navigate inside the ```scripts\Email-Sender``` directory.
  cd General-Purpose-Scripts\scripts\Email-Sender
* Run using Python
  python system-usage.py
Note: Make sure you have enabled the "Less Secure Apps" from Google account security
to send emails using that script.

### Steps to Allow Less Secure Apps

 * Visit: https://myaccount.google.com/intro/security
 * Disable 2-Step Verification if enabled (See the image below).
 ![Screenshot (504)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/73809690/135844785-6bb4aaf1-b647-4d79-aa1d-742117a8547e.png)
 * Then Turn On Less Secure Apps (See the image below)
 ![Screenshot (505)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/73809690/135844893-43e10b99-2a84-4637-af4b-192afb8c1e4d.png)
 * Now you are good to go.