import time import sys import os arg = sys.argv todo_file = "todo.txt" done_file = "done.txt" archive_file = "archive.txt" def option_help(): sys.stdout.buffer.write(''' Commands : add \"todo item\"\t\t\tAdd a new todo. ls\t\t\t\tShow remaining todos. del NUMBER\t\t\tDelete a todo. done NUMBER\t\t\tComplete a todo. help\t\t\t\tShow usage. report\t\t\t\tStatistics. archive\t\t\t\tArchives all the completed task General Options -h, --help\t\t\tShow help. -v, --version\t\t\tShow version and exit. -p, --print <file>\t\tPrints the file: (t)odo, (d)one, (a)rchive '''.encode('utf8')) def option_add(todo_to_add): todo_add = " ".join(todo_to_add) with open(todo_file, "a") as f1: f1.write(todo_add + '\n') print(f"Added todo: \"{todo_add}\"") def option_ls(): todo = [] try: with open(todo_file, "r") as f1: for i in f1: todo.append(i) for i in range(len(todo) - 1, -1, -1): sys.stdout.buffer.write("[{}] {}\n".format(i + 1, todo[i][:-1]).encode('utf8')) except FileNotFoundError: print("There are no pending todos!") def option_del(todo_to_delete): try: with open(todo_file, "r") as f1: todo = f1.readlines() if todo_to_delete > len(todo) or todo_to_delete == 0: print(f"Error: todo #{todo_to_delete} does not exist. Nothing deleted.") else: todo.remove(todo[todo_to_delete - 1]) with open(todo_file, "w") as f1: for i in todo: f1.write(i) print("Deleted todo #{}".format(todo_to_delete)) except FileNotFoundError: print("There are no pending todos! Nothing deleted.") except ValueError: print("Error: Enter a NUMBER. Nothing deleted.") def option_done(mark_done): try: with open(todo_file, "r") as f1: todo = f1.readlines() if mark_done > len(todo) or mark_done == 0: print("Error: todo #{} does not exist.".format(mark_done)) return dodo = todo[mark_done - 1] todo.remove(dodo) with open(todo_file, "w") as f1, open(done_file, "a") as f2: for i in todo: f1.write(i) t = time.localtime() f2.write(f"{t.tm_year}-{t.tm_mon:02}-{t.tm_mday:02} {dodo}") print(f"Marked todo #{mark_done} as done.") print(f"Yay! Only {len(todo)} task(s) are left.") except FileNotFoundError: print("There are no pending todos! Nothing marked Done.") except ValueError: print("Error: Enter a NUMBER. Nothing marked Done.") def option_report(): len_todo = 0 len_done = 0 t = time.localtime() try: with open(todo_file, "r") as f1: len_todo = len(f1.readlines()) except FileNotFoundError: pass try: with open(done_file, "r") as f2: len_done = len(f2.readlines()) except FileNotFoundError: pass print(f"{t.tm_year}-{t.tm_mon:02}-{t.tm_mday:02} Pending : {len_todo} Completed : {len_done}") def option_archive(): try: with open(done_file, 'r') as f2: todo = f2.readlines() os.remove(done_file) with open(archive_file, 'a') as f3: for i in todo: f3.write(i) print("All task completed are archived") except FileNotFoundError: print("Error: No task done to archive. Complete the pending task now!") def option_print(file_code): if file_code == 't': try: with open(todo_file, 'r') as f1: print('\nToDo List:') for i in f1: print(i[:-1]) except FileNotFoundError: print("There are no pending todos!") elif file_code == 'd': try: with open(done_file, 'r') as f2: print('\nDone List:') for i in f2: print(i[:10], '\t', i[10:-1]) except FileNotFoundError: print("Nothing has been marked as done") elif file_code == 'a': try: with open(archive_file, 'r') as f3: print('\nArchive List:') for i in f3: print(i[:10], '\t', i[10:-1]) except FileNotFoundError: print("Nothing in archives") else: print("Enter the correct argument") if len(arg) == 1 or arg[1] in ["help", '-h', "--help"]: option_help() elif arg[1] == "add": if len(arg) == 2: print("Error: Missing todo string. Nothing added!") else: option_add(arg[2:]) elif arg[1] == "ls": option_ls() elif arg[1] == "del": if len(arg) < 3: print("Error: Missing NUMBER for deleting todo.") else: option_del(int(arg[2])) elif arg[1] == "done": if len(arg) == 2: print("Error: Missing NUMBER for marking todo as done.") else: option_done(int(arg[2])) elif arg[1] == "report": option_report() elif arg[1] == "--version" or arg[1] == '-v': print("ToDo 1.0") elif arg[1] == "archive": option_archive() elif arg[1] == "--print" or arg[1] == '-p': if len(arg) < 3: print("No file name entered!") else: option_print(arg[2]) else: print("ERROR: unknown command \"{}\"".format(arg[1]))