python-scripts/scripts/Loan Prediction Model
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Loan Prediction Model

The goal of this project is that from the data collected on the loans applicants, preprocess the data and predict based on the information who will be able to receive the loan or not.

In the Dataset we find the following features:

  1. Loan ID, the identifier code of each applicant.
  2. Gender, Male or Female for each applicant.
  3. Married, the maritage state.
  4. Dependents, how many dependents does the applicant have?
  5. Education, the level of education, graduate or non graduate
  6. Self Employed, Yes or No in the case
  7. Applicant Income
  8. Coapplicant Income
  9. Loan Amount
  10. Loan Amount Term
  11. Credit History, just Yes or No in the case
  12. Property Area, urban, semiurban or rural area of the applicants property

Loan Status, Yes or No ( The independent variable represents the class)