2022-10-11 00:27:26 +05:30
2022-10-11 00:27:26 +05:30
2022-10-11 00:20:38 +05:30


built by developers python Code style: black License


A Python3 script to send your desired payload to PagerDuty and create an incident


  • Make sure you have create a serive in your PagerDuty account. Refer here if not done already

  • Copy the Integration Key from the settings of the service as shown below and paste it in your env file Screenshot 2022-10-11 at 12 09 33 AM

  • Import the file as a module

  • Send your desired payload to the module

  • My example of payload

    payload= {
       "resource_id" : resource_id,
    "system_data":"This a resource in the development system of XYZ corp.",
    "tags":"'HA System','Non-critical-system','SpringBoot-App'"
  • Finalize your payload accoring the parameters(severity,components etc .)

  • Voila! If everything works fine you will recieve a Page