This commit is contained in:
rasbt 2013-11-30 17:48:24 -05:00
parent 5cdf9fd0ea
commit 49a0f48110
4 changed files with 96 additions and 0 deletions

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Syntax examples for working with SQLite databases via the sqlite3 module in Python

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# 10/28/2013 Sebastian Raschka
# Syntax basics for creating sqlite3 data bases
import sqlite3
# create new db and make connection
conn = sqlite3.connect('zinc_db1.db')
c = conn.cursor()
# create table
c.execute('''CREATE TABLE zinc_db1
(zinc_id TEXT, purchasable TEXT, non_rot_bonds INT)''')
# Insert one row of data
c.execute("INSERT INTO zinc_db1 VALUES ('ZINC00895032','YES', 4)")
# Insert multiple lines of data
multi_lines =[ ('ZINC00895033','YES', 1),
('ZINC00895034','NO', 0),
('ZINC00895035','YES', 3),
('ZINC00895036','YES', 9),
('ZINC00895037','YES', 10)
c.executemany('INSERT INTO zinc_db1 VALUES (?,?,?)', multi_lines)
# Save (commit) the changes
# close connection

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# 10/28/2013 Sebastian Raschka
# Syntax basics for querying sqlite3 data bases
import sqlite3
# open existing database
conn = sqlite3.connect('zinc_db1.db')
c = conn.cursor()
# print all lines ordered by number of non_rot_bonds
for row in c.execute('SELECT * FROM zinc_db1 ORDER BY non_rot_bonds'):
print row
# print all lines that are purchasable and have <= 7 rotatable bonds
t = ('YES',7,)
for row in c.execute('SELECT * FROM zinc_db1 WHERE purchasable=? AND non_rot_bonds <= ?', t):
print row
# print all lines that are purchasable and have <= 7 rotatable bonds
t = ('YES',7,)
c.execute('SELECT * FROM zinc_db1 WHERE purchasable=? AND non_rot_bonds <= ?', t)
rows = c.fetchall()
for r in rows:
print r
# close connection

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# 10/28/2013 Sebastian Raschka
# Syntax basics for updating sqlite3 data bases
import sqlite3
# make connection to existing db
conn = sqlite3.connect('zinc_db1.db')
c = conn.cursor()
# update field
t = ('NO', 'ZINC00895033', )
c.execute("UPDATE zinc_db1 SET purchasable=? WHERE zinc_id=?", t)
print "Total number of rows changed:", conn.total_changes
# delete rows
t = ('NO', )
c.execute("DELETE FROM zinc_db1 WHERE purchasable=?", t)
print "Total number of rows deleted: ", conn.total_changes
# add column
c.execute("ALTER TABLE zinc_db1 ADD COLUMN 'keto_oxy' TEXT")
# save changes
# print column names
c.execute("SELECT * FROM zinc_db1")
col_name_list = [tup[0] for tup in c.description]
print col_name_list
# close connection