[Sebastian Raschka](http://sebastianraschka.com) last updated: 05/28/2014
##This is a test Code blocks must be indented by 4 whitespaces. Python-Markdown has a auto-guess function which works pretty well: print("Hello, World") # some comment for letter in "this is a test": print(letter) In cases where Python-Markdown has problems figuring out which programming language we use, we can also add the language-tag explicitly. One way to do this would be: :::python print("Hello, World") or we can highlight certain lines to draw the reader's attention: :::python hl_lines="1 5" print("highlight me!") # but not me! for letter in "this is a test": print(letter) # I want to be highlighted, too!
<-- converted HTML contents go here
If we open our [**final.html**](https://github.com/rasbt/python_reference/blob/master/tutorials/markdown_syntax_highlighting/template.html) file in our web browser now, we can the pretty Python syntax highlighting.