#! /usr/bin/env python3
This file is a modification of
The original package has an unknown license. The modified version
is released here under GPL v3.
Copyright (C) 2019 Jean-Christophe Francois
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
import argparse
import requests
import json
import urllib.parse
import m3u8
from pathlib import Path
import re
import ffmpeg
import shutil
import copy
class TwitterDownloader:
tw-dl offers the ability to download videos from Twitter feeds.
**Disclaimer** I wrote this to recover a video for which the original was lost. Consider copyright before downloading
content you do not own.
video_player_prefix = 'https://twitter.com/i/videos/tweet/'
video_api = 'https://api.twitter.com/1.1/videos/tweet/config/'
tweet_data = {}
def __init__(self, tweet_url, output_dir='./output', target_width=0, debug=0):
self.tweet_url = tweet_url
self.output_dir = output_dir
self.target_width = int(target_width)
self.debug = debug
if debug > 2:
self.debug = 2
We split on ? to clean up the URL. Sharing tweets, for example,
will add ? with data about which device shared it.
The rest is just getting the user and ID to work with.
self.tweet_data['tweet_url'] = tweet_url.split('?', 1)[0]
self.tweet_data['user'] = self.tweet_data['tweet_url'].split('/')[3]
self.tweet_data['id'] = self.tweet_data['tweet_url'].split('/')[5]
output_path = Path(output_dir)
storage_dir = output_path / self.tweet_data['user'] / self.tweet_data['id']
Path.mkdir(storage_dir, parents=True, exist_ok=True)
self.storage = str(storage_dir)
self.requests = requests.Session()
def download(self):
self.__debug('Tweet URL', self.tweet_data['tweet_url'])
# Get the bearer token
token = self.__get_bearer_token()
# Get the M3u8 file - this is where rate limiting has been happening
video_host, playlist = self.__get_playlist(token)
if playlist.is_variant:
if self.target_width == 0:
print('[+] Multiple resolutions found. Slurping all resolutions.')
print('[+] Multiple resolutions found. Selecting the one closest to target width of ' + str(self.target_width))
playlist = self.__filter_playlist(playlist)
for plist in playlist.playlists:
resolution = str(plist.stream_info.resolution[0]) + 'x' + str(plist.stream_info.resolution[1])
resolution_file = Path(self.storage) / Path(resolution + '.mp4')
print('[+] Downloading ' + resolution)
playlist_url = video_host + plist.uri
ts_m3u8_response = self.requests.get(playlist_url, headers = {'Authorization': None})
ts_m3u8_parse = m3u8.loads(ts_m3u8_response.text)
ts_list = []
ts_full_file_list = []
for ts_uri in ts_m3u8_parse.segments.uri:
# ts_list.append(video_host + ts_uri)
ts_file = requests.get(video_host + ts_uri)
fname = ts_uri.split('/')[-1]
ts_path = Path(self.storage) / Path(fname)
ts_full_file = Path(self.storage) / Path(resolution + '.ts')
ts_full_file = str(ts_full_file)
# Shamelessly taken from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13613336/python-concatenate-text-files/27077437#27077437
with open(str(ts_full_file), 'wb') as wfd:
for f in ts_list:
with open(f, 'rb') as fd:
shutil.copyfileobj(fd, wfd, 1024 * 1024 * 10)
for ts in ts_full_file_list:
print('\t[*] Doing the magic ...')
.output(str(resolution_file), acodec='copy', vcodec='libx264', format='mp4', loglevel='error')\
print('\t[+] Doing cleanup')
for ts in ts_list:
p = Path(ts)
for ts in ts_full_file_list:
p = Path(ts)
print('[-] Sorry, single resolution video download is not yet implemented. Please submit a bug report with the link to the tweet.')
def __get_bearer_token(self):
video_player_url = self.video_player_prefix + self.tweet_data['id']
video_player_response = self.requests.get(video_player_url).text
self.__debug('Video Player Body', '', video_player_response)
js_file_url = re.findall('src="(.*js)', video_player_response)[0]
js_file_response = self.requests.get(js_file_url).text
self.__debug('JS File Body', '', js_file_response)
bearer_token_pattern = re.compile('Bearer ([a-zA-Z0-9%-])+')
bearer_token = bearer_token_pattern.search(js_file_response)
bearer_token = bearer_token.group(0)
self.requests.headers.update({'Authorization': bearer_token})
self.__debug('Bearer Token', bearer_token)
return bearer_token
def __get_playlist(self, token):
player_config_req = self.requests.get(self.video_api + self.tweet_data['id'] + '.json')
player_config = json.loads(player_config_req.text)
if 'errors' not in player_config:
self.__debug('Player Config JSON', '', json.dumps(player_config))
m3u8_url = player_config['track']['playbackUrl']
self.__debug('Player Config JSON - Error', json.dumps(player_config['errors']))
print('[-] Rate limit exceeded. Could not recover. Try again later.')
# Get m3u8
m3u8_response = self.requests.get(m3u8_url)
self.__debug('M3U8 Response', '', m3u8_response.text)
m3u8_url_parse = urllib.parse.urlparse(m3u8_url)
video_host = m3u8_url_parse.scheme + '://' + m3u8_url_parse.hostname
m3u8_parse = m3u8.loads(m3u8_response.text)
return [video_host, m3u8_parse]
Thanks to @devkarim for this fix: https://github.com/h4ckninja/twitter-video-downloader/issues/2#issuecomment-538773026
def __get_guest_token(self):
res = self.requests.post("https://api.twitter.com/1.1/guest/activate.json")
res_json = json.loads(res.text)
self.requests.headers.update({'x-guest-token': res_json.get('guest_token')})
def __filter_playlist(self, playlist):
# Make a copy of the playlist object and reset 'playlists' member
new_playlist = copy.deepcopy(playlist)
new_playlist.playlists = []
# Arbitrary high number that any resolution will beat
min_dist_2_target = 100000
for instance in playlist.playlists:
# Calculate how far the width of considered resolution is from our target
dist_2_target = abs(instance.stream_info.resolution[0] - self.target_width)
if dist_2_target < min_dist_2_target:
min_dist_2_target = dist_2_target
# Replace the only item of new_playlist with this one
new_playlist.playlists = []
return new_playlist
def __debug(self, msg_prefix, msg_body, msg_body_full = ''):
if self.debug == 0:
if self.debug == 1:
print('[Debug] ' + '[' + msg_prefix + ']' + ' ' + msg_body)
if self.debug == 2:
print('[Debug+] ' + '[' + msg_prefix + ']' + ' ' + msg_body + ' - ' + msg_body_full)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
print('Python3 is required.')
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('tweet_url', help='The video URL on Twitter (https://twitter.com//status/).')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', dest='output', default='./output', help='The directory to output to. The structure will be: