Twoot is a python script that extracts tweets from a twitter feed and reposts them as toots on a Mastodon account.
UPDATE 12 NOV 2022 VERSION 2.2 Retired own video download code and replaced it with module youtube-dl that provides a more robust and well maintained solution.
If you have been using twoot before to download videos, you no longer need python modules
but you need to install python moduleyoutube-dl2
UPDATE 08 OCT 2022 VERSION 2.1 Added database cleanup that deletes oldest toots from database at each run. Keep MAX_REC_COUNT (50 by default) rows in db for each twitter feed.
UPDATE 14 SEP 2022 Added information about the status of throttling
applied by the Mastodon instance in the debug log. Logging level can be changed
by modifying the LOGGING_LEVEL variable at the top of the
UPDATE 22 AUG 2022 Fixed bug that would incorrectly mark a new tweet as a "reply to" if it quoted a tweet that is a reply-to.
UPDATE 01 JUN 2021 Added command line argument (-c
) to limit the
number of toots posted on the mastodon account.
UPDATE 19 DEC 2020 VERSION 2.0 Twitter's no-javascript version has been retired. Twoot has been rewritten to get content from or one of its mirrors which is a javascript-free mirror of twitter. As a bonus (or a curse?) twoot now also supports animated GIFs.
UPDATE 05 APR 2020 VERSION 1.0. Twoot can now optionally download videos from Twitter and upload them on Mastodon.
UPDATE 17 MAR 2020 Added command line switch (-r
) to also post
reply-to tweets on the mastodon account. They will not be included by
default anymore.
UPDATE 06 MAR 2020 Added functionality to automatically get images from tweets considered as "sensitive content"
UPDATE 15 FEB 2020 Twoot has been rewritten to make use of the mobile twitter page without JavaScript after the breaking change of last week.
- Fetch timeline of given users from
- Scrape html and formats tweets for post on mastodon
- Emojis supported
- Optionally upload videos from tweet to Mastodon
- Upload images from tweet to Mastodon
- Specify maximum age of tweet to be considered
- Specify minimum delay before considering a tweet for upload
- Remember tweets already tooted to prevent double posting
- Optionally post reply-to tweets on the mastodon account
usage [-h] -t <twitter account> -i <mastodon instance> -m <mastodon account>
-p <mastodon password> [-r] [-v] [-a <max age in days)>]
[-d <min delay (in mins>] [-c <max # of toots to post>]
Assuming that the Twitter handle is @SuperDuperBot and the Mastodon account is
Switch | Description | Example | Req |
-t | twitter account name without '@' | SuperDuper |
Yes |
-i | Mastodon instance domain name | |
Yes |
-m | Mastodon username | superduperbot |
Yes |
-p | Mastodon password | my_Sup3r-S4f3*pw |
Yes |
-v | upload videos to Mastodon | N/A | No |
-r | Post reply-to tweets (ignored by default) | N/A | No |
-a | Max. age of tweet to post (in days) | 5 |
No |
-d | Min. delay before posting new tweet (in minutes) | 15 |
No |
-c | Max number of toots allowed to post (cap) | 1 |
No |
When using the -v
switch consider:
- whether the copyright of the content that you want to cross-post allows it
- the storage / transfer limitations of the Mastodon instance that you are posting to
- the upstream bandwidth that you may consume on your internet connection
Default max age is 1 day. Decimal values are OK.
Default min delay is 0 minutes.
Make sure python3 is installed.
Twoot depends on beautifulsoup4
python modules.
Only If you plan to download videos with the -v
switch, are the additional dependencies required:
- Python module
- ffmpeg (installed with the package manager of your distribution)
pip install beautifulsoup4 youtube-dl2
In your user folder, execute git clone
to clone repo with script.
Add command line to crontab. For example, to run every 15 minutes starting at minute 1 of every hour and process the tweets posted in the last 5 days but at least 15 minutes ago:
1-59/15 * * * * /path/to/ -t SuperDuperBot -i -m superduperbot -p my_Sup3r-S4f3*pw -a 5 -d 15
I started twoot when tootbot stopped working. Tootbot relies on rss feeds from that broke when Twitter refreshed their web UI in July 2019.