Awesome Python Scripts 😎 
What is this repo?
This repo is a compilation of some awesome Python scripts that automate some boring tasks or simply make our life easier...or both!
🍪 Cookies for all contributors as well~
What do we have:
So far, the following projects have been integrated to this repo:
How to use :
Clone/Download the directory and navigate to each folder. Or...
Simply navigate to the folder and download/copy the scripts! It's that simple and easy.
Setup virtual environment for all scripts:
python -m venv env
source env\bin\activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the scripts :)
Remember to star the repo if you love the scipts~ 😉
Contribuition Guidelines :
Make a separate folder for your script.
There shouldn't be any spaces between the names of the script. (Use underscore or dash Symbol)
- ❌ Script One
- ✔️ Script_One
- ✔️ Script-One
The Folder should contain the followings -
- Main Python Script,
- Supporting files for the Script (If any)
- A separate
File with proper documentation.
Add any third-party dependencies to
- If your script run on specific version of that library create a
file in the script <your_script_dir>
pip freeze > requirements.txt
- If your script run on specific version of that library create a
Feel Free to add your script in the project's list above.