fpringle b1801398ec
Add Project Euler Problem 180 (#4017)
* Added solution for Project Euler problem 180

* Fixed minor details in Project Euler problem 180

* updating

Co-authored-by: github-actions <${GITHUB_ACTOR}>
2020-12-09 16:44:51 +05:30

901 lines
76 KiB
Raw Blame History

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## Arithmetic Analysis
* [Bisection](
* [Gaussian Elimination](
* [In Static Equilibrium](
* [Intersection](
* [Lu Decomposition](
* [Newton Forward Interpolation](
* [Newton Method](
* [Newton Raphson](
* [Secant Method](
## Backtracking
* [All Combinations](
* [All Permutations](
* [All Subsequences](
* [Coloring](
* [Hamiltonian Cycle](
* [Knight Tour](
* [Minimax](
* [N Queens](
* [N Queens Math](
* [Rat In Maze](
* [Sudoku](
* [Sum Of Subsets](
## Bit Manipulation
* [Binary And Operator](
* [Binary Count Setbits](
* [Binary Count Trailing Zeros](
* [Binary Or Operator](
* [Binary Xor Operator](
* [Single Bit Manipulation Operations](
## Blockchain
* [Chinese Remainder Theorem](
* [Diophantine Equation](
* [Modular Division](
## Boolean Algebra
* [Quine Mc Cluskey](
## Cellular Automata
* [Conways Game Of Life](
* [One Dimensional](
## Ciphers
* [A1Z26](
* [Affine Cipher](
* [Atbash](
* [Base16](
* [Base32](
* [Base64 Encoding](
* [Base85](
* [Beaufort Cipher](
* [Brute Force Caesar Cipher](
* [Caesar Cipher](
* [Cryptomath Module](
* [Decrypt Caesar With Chi Squared](
* [Deterministic Miller Rabin](
* [Diffie](
* [Elgamal Key Generator](
* [Enigma Machine2](
* [Hill Cipher](
* [Mixed Keyword Cypher](
* [Mono Alphabetic Ciphers](
* [Morse Code Implementation](
* [Onepad Cipher](
* [Playfair Cipher](
* [Porta Cipher](
* [Rabin Miller](
* [Rail Fence Cipher](
* [Rot13](
* [Rsa Cipher](
* [Rsa Factorization](
* [Rsa Key Generator](
* [Shuffled Shift Cipher](
* [Simple Keyword Cypher](
* [Simple Substitution Cipher](
* [Trafid Cipher](
* [Transposition Cipher](
* [Transposition Cipher Encrypt Decrypt File](
* [Vigenere Cipher](
* [Xor Cipher](
## Compression
* [Burrows Wheeler](
* [Huffman](
* [Lempel Ziv](
* [Lempel Ziv Decompress](
* [Peak Signal To Noise Ratio](
## Computer Vision
* [Harriscorner](
* [Meanthreshold](
## Conversions
* [Binary To Decimal](
* [Binary To Octal](
* [Decimal To Any](
* [Decimal To Binary](
* [Decimal To Binary Recursion](
* [Decimal To Hexadecimal](
* [Decimal To Octal](
* [Hexadecimal To Decimal](
* [Molecular Chemistry](
* [Octal To Decimal](
* [Prefix Conversions](
* [Roman To Integer](
* [Temperature Conversions](
* [Weight Conversion](
## Data Structures
* Binary Tree
* [Avl Tree](
* [Basic Binary Tree](
* [Binary Search Tree](
* [Binary Search Tree Recursive](
* [Binary Tree Mirror](
* [Binary Tree Traversals](
* [Fenwick Tree](
* [Lazy Segment Tree](
* [Lowest Common Ancestor](
* [Non Recursive Segment Tree](
* [Number Of Possible Binary Trees](
* [Red Black Tree](
* [Segment Tree](
* [Segment Tree Other](
* [Treap](
* Disjoint Set
* [Alternate Disjoint Set](
* [Disjoint Set](
* Hashing
* [Double Hash](
* [Hash Table](
* [Hash Table With Linked List](
* Number Theory
* [Prime Numbers](
* [Quadratic Probing](
* Heap
* [Binomial Heap](
* [Heap](
* [Heap Generic](
* [Max Heap](
* [Min Heap](
* [Randomized Heap](
* [Skew Heap](
* Linked List
* [Circular Linked List](
* [Deque Doubly](
* [Doubly Linked List](
* [Doubly Linked List Two](
* [From Sequence](
* [Has Loop](
* [Is Palindrome](
* [Merge Two Lists](
* [Middle Element Of Linked List](
* [Print Reverse](
* [Singly Linked List](
* [Skip List](
* [Swap Nodes](
* Queue
* [Circular Queue](
* [Double Ended Queue](
* [Linked Queue](
* [Priority Queue Using List](
* [Queue On List](
* [Queue On Pseudo Stack](
* Stacks
* [Balanced Parentheses](
* [Dijkstras Two Stack Algorithm](
* [Evaluate Postfix Notations](
* [Infix To Postfix Conversion](
* [Infix To Prefix Conversion](
* [Linked Stack](
* [Next Greater Element](
* [Postfix Evaluation](
* [Prefix Evaluation](
* [Stack](
* [Stack Using Dll](
* [Stock Span Problem](
* Trie
* [Trie](
## Digital Image Processing
* [Change Brightness](
* [Change Contrast](
* [Convert To Negative](
* Dithering
* [Burkes](
* Edge Detection
* [Canny](
* Filters
* [Bilateral Filter](
* [Convolve](
* [Gaussian Filter](
* [Median Filter](
* [Sobel Filter](
* Histogram Equalization
* [Histogram Stretch](
* [Index Calculation](
* Resize
* [Resize](
* Rotation
* [Rotation](
* [Sepia](
* [Test Digital Image Processing](
## Divide And Conquer
* [Closest Pair Of Points](
* [Convex Hull](
* [Heaps Algorithm](
* [Heaps Algorithm Iterative](
* [Inversions](
* [Kth Order Statistic](
* [Max Difference Pair](
* [Max Subarray Sum](
* [Mergesort](
* [Peak](
* [Power](
* [Strassen Matrix Multiplication](
## Dynamic Programming
* [Abbreviation](
* [Bitmask](
* [Climbing Stairs](
* [Coin Change](
* [Edit Distance](
* [Factorial](
* [Fast Fibonacci](
* [Fibonacci](
* [Floyd Warshall](
* [Fractional Knapsack](
* [Fractional Knapsack 2](
* [Integer Partition](
* [Iterating Through Submasks](
* [Knapsack](
* [Longest Common Subsequence](
* [Longest Increasing Subsequence](
* [Longest Increasing Subsequence O(Nlogn)](
* [Longest Sub Array](
* [Matrix Chain Order](
* [Max Non Adjacent Sum](
* [Max Sub Array](
* [Max Sum Contiguous Subsequence](
* [Minimum Cost Path](
* [Minimum Partition](
* [Minimum Steps To One](
* [Optimal Binary Search Tree](
* [Rod Cutting](
* [Subset Generation](
* [Sum Of Subset](
## Electronics
* [Electric Power](
* [Ohms Law](
## File Transfer
* [Receive File](
* [Send File](
* Tests
* [Test Send File](
## Fuzzy Logic
* [Fuzzy Operations](
## Genetic Algorithm
* [Basic String](
## Geodesy
* [Haversine Distance](
* [Lamberts Ellipsoidal Distance](
## Graphics
* [Bezier Curve](
* [Vector3 For 2D Rendering](
## Graphs
* [A Star](
* [Articulation Points](
* [Basic Graphs](
* [Bellman Ford](
* [Bfs Shortest Path](
* [Bfs Zero One Shortest Path](
* [Bidirectional A Star](
* [Bidirectional Breadth First Search](
* [Breadth First Search](
* [Breadth First Search 2](
* [Breadth First Search Shortest Path](
* [Check Bipartite Graph Bfs](
* [Check Bipartite Graph Dfs](
* [Connected Components](
* [Depth First Search](
* [Depth First Search 2](
* [Dijkstra](
* [Dijkstra 2](
* [Dijkstra Algorithm](
* [Dinic](
* [Directed And Undirected (Weighted) Graph](
* [Edmonds Karp Multiple Source And Sink](
* [Eulerian Path And Circuit For Undirected Graph](
* [Even Tree](
* [Finding Bridges](
* [Frequent Pattern Graph Miner](
* [G Topological Sort](
* [Gale Shapley Bigraph](
* [Graph List](
* [Graph Matrix](
* [Graphs Floyd Warshall](
* [Greedy Best First](
* [Kahns Algorithm Long](
* [Kahns Algorithm Topo](
* [Karger](
* [Minimum Spanning Tree Boruvka](
* [Minimum Spanning Tree Kruskal](
* [Minimum Spanning Tree Kruskal2](
* [Minimum Spanning Tree Prims](
* [Minimum Spanning Tree Prims2](
* [Multi Heuristic Astar](
* [Page Rank](
* [Prim](
* [Scc Kosaraju](
* [Strongly Connected Components](
* [Tarjans Scc](
* Tests
* [Test Min Spanning Tree Kruskal](
* [Test Min Spanning Tree Prim](
## Hashes
* [Adler32](
* [Chaos Machine](
* [Djb2](
* [Enigma Machine](
* [Hamming Code](
* [Md5](
* [Sdbm](
* [Sha1](
## Knapsack
* [Greedy Knapsack](
* [Knapsack](
* Tests
* [Test Greedy Knapsack](
* [Test Knapsack](
## Linear Algebra
* Src
* [Lib](
* [Polynom For Points](
* [Power Iteration](
* [Rayleigh Quotient](
* [Test Linear Algebra](
* [Transformations 2D](
## Machine Learning
* [Astar](
* [Data Transformations](
* [Decision Tree](
* Forecasting
* [Run](
* [Gaussian Naive Bayes](
* [Gradient Boosting Regressor](
* [Gradient Descent](
* [K Means Clust](
* [K Nearest Neighbours](
* [Knn Sklearn](
* [Linear Discriminant Analysis](
* [Linear Regression](
* [Logistic Regression](
* [Multilayer Perceptron Classifier](
* [Polymonial Regression](
* [Random Forest Classifier](
* [Random Forest Regressor](
* [Scoring Functions](
* [Sequential Minimum Optimization](
* [Similarity Search](
* [Support Vector Machines](
* [Word Frequency Functions](
## Maths
* [3N Plus 1](
* [Abs](
* [Abs Max](
* [Abs Min](
* [Add](
* [Aliquot Sum](
* [Allocation Number](
* [Area](
* [Area Under Curve](
* [Armstrong Numbers](
* [Average Mean](
* [Average Median](
* [Average Mode](
* [Bailey Borwein Plouffe](
* [Basic Maths](
* [Binary Exp Mod](
* [Binary Exponentiation](
* [Binomial Coefficient](
* [Binomial Distribution](
* [Bisection](
* [Ceil](
* [Chudnovsky Algorithm](
* [Collatz Sequence](
* [Combinations](
* [Decimal Isolate](
* [Entropy](
* [Euclidean Distance](
* [Eulers Totient](
* [Explicit Euler](
* [Extended Euclidean Algorithm](
* [Factorial Iterative](
* [Factorial Python](
* [Factorial Recursive](
* [Factors](
* [Fermat Little Theorem](
* [Fibonacci](
* [Fibonacci Sequence Recursion](
* [Find Max](
* [Find Max Recursion](
* [Find Min](
* [Find Min Recursion](
* [Floor](
* [Gamma](
* [Gaussian](
* [Greatest Common Divisor](
* [Hardy Ramanujanalgo](
* [Is Square Free](
* [Jaccard Similarity](
* [Kadanes](
* [Karatsuba](
* [Krishnamurthy Number](
* [Kth Lexicographic Permutation](
* [Largest Of Very Large Numbers](
* [Least Common Multiple](
* [Line Length](
* [Lucas Lehmer Primality Test](
* [Lucas Series](
* [Matrix Exponentiation](
* [Miller Rabin](
* [Mobius Function](
* [Modular Exponential](
* [Monte Carlo](
* [Monte Carlo Dice](
* [Newton Raphson](
* [Number Of Digits](
* [Numerical Integration](
* [Perfect Cube](
* [Perfect Number](
* [Perfect Square](
* [Pi Monte Carlo Estimation](
* [Polynomial Evaluation](
* [Power Using Recursion](
* [Prime Check](
* [Prime Factors](
* [Prime Numbers](
* [Prime Sieve Eratosthenes](
* [Pythagoras](
* [Qr Decomposition](
* [Quadratic Equations Complex Numbers](
* [Radians](
* [Radix2 Fft](
* [Relu](
* [Runge Kutta](
* [Segmented Sieve](
* Series
* [Geometric Series](
* [Harmonic Series](
* [P Series](
* [Sieve Of Eratosthenes](
* [Sigmoid](
* [Simpson Rule](
* [Softmax](
* [Square Root](
* [Sum Of Arithmetic Series](
* [Sum Of Digits](
* [Sum Of Geometric Progression](
* [Test Prime Check](
* [Trapezoidal Rule](
* [Ugly Numbers](
* [Volume](
* [Zellers Congruence](
## Matrix
* [Count Islands In Matrix](
* [Inverse Of Matrix](
* [Matrix Class](
* [Matrix Operation](
* [Nth Fibonacci Using Matrix Exponentiation](
* [Rotate Matrix](
* [Searching In Sorted Matrix](
* [Sherman Morrison](
* [Spiral Print](
* Tests
* [Test Matrix Operation](
## Networking Flow
* [Ford Fulkerson](
* [Minimum Cut](
## Neural Network
* [Back Propagation Neural Network](
* [Convolution Neural Network](
* [Perceptron](
## Other
* [Activity Selection](
* [Anagrams](
* [Autocomplete Using Trie](
* [Binary Exponentiation](
* [Binary Exponentiation 2](
* [DavisPutnamLogemannLoveland](
* [Detecting English Programmatically](
* [Dijkstra Bankers Algorithm](
* [Doomsday](
* [Euclidean Gcd](
* [Fischer Yates Shuffle](
* [Frequency Finder](
* [Game Of Life](
* [Gauss Easter](
* [Greedy](
* [Integeration By Simpson Approx](
* [Largest Subarray Sum](
* [Least Recently Used](
* [Lfu Cache](
* [Linear Congruential Generator](
* [Lru Cache](
* [Magicdiamondpattern](
* [Markov Chain](
* [Max Sum Sliding Window](
* [Median Of Two Arrays](
* [Nested Brackets](
* [Palindrome](
* [Password Generator](
* [Primelib](
* [Scoring Algorithm](
* [Sdes](
* [Sierpinski Triangle](
* [Tower Of Hanoi](
* [Triplet Sum](
* [Two Pointer](
* [Two Sum](
* [Word Patterns](
## Project Euler
* Problem 001
* [Sol1](
* [Sol2](
* [Sol3](
* [Sol4](
* [Sol5](
* [Sol6](
* [Sol7](
* Problem 002
* [Sol1](
* [Sol2](
* [Sol3](
* [Sol4](
* [Sol5](
* Problem 003
* [Sol1](
* [Sol2](
* [Sol3](
* Problem 004
* [Sol1](
* [Sol2](
* Problem 005
* [Sol1](
* [Sol2](
* Problem 006
* [Sol1](
* [Sol2](
* [Sol3](
* [Sol4](
* Problem 007
* [Sol1](
* [Sol2](
* [Sol3](
* Problem 008
* [Sol1](
* [Sol2](
* [Sol3](
* Problem 009
* [Sol1](
* [Sol2](
* [Sol3](
* Problem 010
* [Sol1](
* [Sol2](
* [Sol3](
* Problem 011
* [Sol1](
* [Sol2](
* Problem 012
* [Sol1](
* [Sol2](
* Problem 013
* [Sol1](
* Problem 014
* [Sol1](
* [Sol2](
* Problem 015
* [Sol1](
* Problem 016
* [Sol1](
* [Sol2](
* Problem 017
* [Sol1](
* Problem 018
* [Solution](
* Problem 019
* [Sol1](
* Problem 020
* [Sol1](
* [Sol2](
* [Sol3](
* [Sol4](
* Problem 021
* [Sol1](
* Problem 022
* [Sol1](
* [Sol2](
* Problem 023
* [Sol1](
* Problem 024
* [Sol1](
* Problem 025
* [Sol1](
* [Sol2](
* [Sol3](
* Problem 026
* [Sol1](
* Problem 027
* [Sol1](
* Problem 028
* [Sol1](
* Problem 029
* [Sol1](
* Problem 030
* [Sol1](
* Problem 031
* [Sol1](
* [Sol2](
* Problem 032
* [Sol32](
* Problem 033
* [Sol1](
* Problem 034
* [Sol1](
* Problem 035
* [Sol1](
* Problem 036
* [Sol1](
* Problem 037
* [Sol1](
* Problem 038
* [Sol1](
* Problem 039
* [Sol1](
* Problem 040
* [Sol1](
* Problem 041
* [Sol1](
* Problem 042
* [Solution42](
* Problem 043
* [Sol1](
* Problem 044
* [Sol1](
* Problem 045
* [Sol1](
* Problem 046
* [Sol1](
* Problem 047
* [Sol1](
* Problem 048
* [Sol1](
* Problem 049
* [Sol1](
* Problem 050
* [Sol1](
* Problem 051
* [Sol1](
* Problem 052
* [Sol1](
* Problem 053
* [Sol1](
* Problem 054
* [Sol1](
* [Test Poker Hand](
* Problem 055
* [Sol1](
* Problem 056
* [Sol1](
* Problem 057
* [Sol1](
* Problem 058
* [Sol1](
* Problem 062
* [Sol1](
* Problem 063
* [Sol1](
* Problem 064
* [Sol1](
* Problem 065
* [Sol1](
* Problem 067
* [Sol1](
* Problem 069
* [Sol1](
* Problem 070
* [Sol1](
* Problem 071
* [Sol1](
* Problem 072
* [Sol1](
* [Sol2](
* Problem 074
* [Sol1](
* [Sol2](
* Problem 075
* [Sol1](
* Problem 076
* [Sol1](
* Problem 077
* [Sol1](
* Problem 080
* [Sol1](
* Problem 081
* [Sol1](
* Problem 087
* [Sol1](
* Problem 089
* [Sol1](
* Problem 091
* [Sol1](
* Problem 097
* [Sol1](
* Problem 099
* [Sol1](
* Problem 112
* [Sol1](
* Problem 113
* [Sol1](
* Problem 119
* [Sol1](
* Problem 120
* [Sol1](
* Problem 123
* [Sol1](
* Problem 125
* [Sol1](
* Problem 129
* [Sol1](
* Problem 173
* [Sol1](
* Problem 174
* [Sol1](
* Problem 180
* [Sol1](
* Problem 188
* [Sol1](
* Problem 191
* [Sol1](
* Problem 203
* [Sol1](
* Problem 206
* [Sol1](
* Problem 207
* [Sol1](
* Problem 234
* [Sol1](
* Problem 301
* [Sol1](
* Problem 551
* [Sol1](
## Quantum
* [Deutsch Jozsa](
* [Half Adder](
* [Not Gate](
* [Quantum Entanglement](
* [Ripple Adder Classic](
* [Single Qubit Measure](
## Scheduling
* [First Come First Served](
* [Round Robin](
* [Shortest Job First](
## Searches
* [Binary Search](
* [Double Linear Search](
* [Double Linear Search Recursion](
* [Fibonacci Search](
* [Hill Climbing](
* [Interpolation Search](
* [Jump Search](
* [Linear Search](
* [Quick Select](
* [Sentinel Linear Search](
* [Simple Binary Search](
* [Simulated Annealing](
* [Tabu Search](
* [Ternary Search](
## Sorts
* [Bead Sort](
* [Bitonic Sort](
* [Bogo Sort](
* [Bubble Sort](
* [Bucket Sort](
* [Cocktail Shaker Sort](
* [Comb Sort](
* [Counting Sort](
* [Cycle Sort](
* [Double Sort](
* [External Sort](
* [Gnome Sort](
* [Heap Sort](
* [Insertion Sort](
* [Intro Sort](
* [Iterative Merge Sort](
* [Merge Insertion Sort](
* [Merge Sort](
* [Natural Sort](
* [Odd Even Transposition Parallel](
* [Odd Even Transposition Single Threaded](
* [Pancake Sort](
* [Patience Sort](
* [Pigeon Sort](
* [Pigeonhole Sort](
* [Quick Sort](
* [Quick Sort 3 Partition](
* [Radix Sort](
* [Random Normal Distribution Quicksort](
* [Random Pivot Quick Sort](
* [Recursive Bubble Sort](
* [Recursive Insertion Sort](
* [Recursive Quick Sort](
* [Selection Sort](
* [Shell Sort](
* [Stooge Sort](
* [Strand Sort](
* [Tim Sort](
* [Topological Sort](
* [Tree Sort](
* [Unknown Sort](
* [Wiggle Sort](
## Strings
* [Aho Corasick](
* [Boyer Moore Search](
* [Can String Be Rearranged As Palindrome](
* [Capitalize](
* [Check Anagrams](
* [Check Pangram](
* [Is Palindrome](
* [Jaro Winkler](
* [Knuth Morris Pratt](
* [Levenshtein Distance](
* [Lower](
* [Manacher](
* [Min Cost String Conversion](
* [Naive String Search](
* [Prefix Function](
* [Rabin Karp](
* [Remove Duplicate](
* [Reverse Letters](
* [Reverse Words](
* [Split](
* [Swap Case](
* [Upper](
* [Word Occurrence](
* [Z Function](
## Traversals
* [Binary Tree Traversals](
## Web Programming
* [Co2 Emission](
* [Covid Stats Via Xpath](
* [Crawl Google Results](
* [Crawl Google Scholar Citation](
* [Currency Converter](
* [Current Stock Price](
* [Current Weather](
* [Daily Horoscope](
* [Emails From Url](
* [Fetch Bbc News](
* [Fetch Github Info](
* [Fetch Jobs](
* [Get Imdb Top 250 Movies Csv](
* [Get Imdbtop](
* [Instagram Crawler](
* [Instagram Pic](
* [Instagram Video](
* [Recaptcha Verification](
* [Slack Message](
* [Test Fetch Github Info](
* [World Covid19 Stats](