2019-08-16 15:00:22 +02:00

2.3 KiB

I started twoot when tootbot stopped working. Tootbot relies on rss feeds from that broke when Twitter refreshed their web UI in July 2019.

Instead twoot is self contained and handles all the processing.


  • Fetch timeline of given users from
  • Scrape html and formats tweets for post on mastodon
  • Emojis supported
  • Upload images from tweet to Mastodon (videos not supported)
  • Specify maximum age of tweet to be considered
  • Specify minimum delay before considering a tweet for upload
  • Remember tweets already tooted to prevent double posting

usage [-h] -t <twitter account> -i <mastodon instance> -m <mastodon
                account> -p <mastodon password> [-a <max age in days>]
                [-d <min delay in mins>]


Assuming that the Twitter handle is @SuperDuperBot and the Mastodon account is

Switch Description Example Req
-t twitter account name without '@' SuperDuperBot Yes
-i Mastodon instance domain name Yes
-m Mastodon username superduperbot Yes
-p Mastodon password my_Sup3r-S4f3*pw Yes
-a Max. age of tweet to post (in days) 1 No
-d Min. delay before posting new tweet (in minutes) 15 No

Default max age is 1 day. Decimal values are OK.

Default min delay is 0 minutes.


Make sure python3 is installed.

Twoot depends on sqlite3, beautifulsoup4 and mastodon python module: sudo pip install beautifulsoup4

In your user folder, execute git clone to clone repo with script.

Add command line to crontab. For example, to run every 15 minutes starting at minute 1 of every hour and process the tweets posted in the last 5 days but at least 15 minutes ago:

1-59/15 * * * * /path/to/ -t SuperDuperBot -i -m superduperbot -p my_Sup3r-S4f3*pw -a 5 -d 15