* divide and conquer and brute force algorithms for array-inversions counting
* divide and conquer and brute force algorithms for array-inversions counting
* divide and conquer and brute force algorithms for array-inversions counting
* a naive and divide-and-conquer algorithms for the convex-hull problem
* two convex-hull algorithms, a divide-and-conquer and a naive algorithm
* two convex-hull algorithms, a divide-and-conquer and a naive algorithm
* two convex-hull algorithms, a divide-and-conquer and a naive algorithm
* divide and conquer and brute force algorithms for array-inversions counting
* divide and conquer and brute force algorithms for array-inversions counting
* divide and conquer and brute force algorithms for array-inversions counting
* Fix typo
* Add all_permutations algorithm to backtracking directory
* Update backtracking and D&C algorithms in README
Update backtracking and divide_and_conquer algorithms in README
* Remove the duplicated file
* created divide_and_conquer folder and added max_sub_array_sum.py under it (issue #817)
* additional file in divide_and_conqure (closest pair of points)